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Show WARTIME RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR Actrasa Civ 8 imp la lnxpniv Racipa fp Streak ad Faded Gray Hair. Mr. Mat Jtie. the known New J Turk actre, now a grnndmothrr. and whose hair la still dxrfc. recently mada th fullowlng sta tarn ant : -'Xiray i atreaketi or faded hair carr b Imme- I tliately turned black, brown or llartit i brown, whichever shade you dealra. j by th use of the following simple I remedy that you can make at home: Merely pet n small hox of Or lex powder uV .T: ill store. 7" It costs very tittle aoJ r. rxtra to buy. turn- : solve It In watci and comb It through the hair. nil uiieciiona fur mtxlnc ' and u me fi, each box. " j "To i i fd tvl hesitate t uve Oriix.j aa a tlou 00 fold bond cornea in ench j hx guaranteeing the user that lrla i powder does not contain silver, 4eaa. sine, sulphur, mercury, aniline, cwal- ( tup product or their derivatives. j "It doe not ruh off, ts not atirky or! j greasy, and leaves the hair fluffy. It ! I mill make a irray h wired person look nuny ynrn vuncr" iAdy i |