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Show BIGSALARIES RESPONSIBLE Fondness for Money Put Brarea on Blink Dur- . ing 1918 Season. NEW YORK, No. J Th. fat. of th. Boato National league stub win k. settle set-tle sherUjr. Th. man s tb. frao. eh la aar. soma hear? bllsaUona fa Mt as a rosult of exorbitant aalartee a HI to th. efftolala of the eluh and to one of th. plaroro. Aoeordlnr to report, fanner President Percy U-"Haa(titoa draw 1 1.00. a roar for his aerskea. Mna er Ooora. Stall. tnM iIm tmit UK ana mwimk. Hualneaa Manager Hapgood'e annual stipend was 70, while Captain Charley Hersog collected col-lected mors than 1 12. 00. Theee men, therefor, sewed up the owners of the Hravee for a total of i.to In alartea. In ordar to meet thl expense It was ne-ary ne-ary to record 100. WW fro-cent admission admis-sion at Bra res field. Th players' salaries probably amounted amount-ed to at least 90,tte, while the rent of the park and. overhead charge reached 976.000 snore. Th total expenses for ths club for lit, therefore, were In the neighborhood of IK6.000, the equivalent of $70,009 fte-cent admissions. The predicament predica-ment of the Boston club proves that base-bail base-bail axpenses must be greatly reduced If th magnates want to avoid bankruptcy when ths gams la resumed. |