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Show U. S. CUTS WIRE SATES III HALT Night Messages May Be Sent for as Little as 20 Cents. ' By Asseclatsd Prsss- tlon In telegraph ratea on night messages, mes-sages, which would cut the minimum toll from II to t cents between Atlantic And Pacific coast atatee. was ordered today by Postmaster General Burleson, effective January 1 next. Such meeaagee are aubject to delivery de-livery by poatofflce carriers. The minimum coet on night message mes-sage telegrame will be 20 centa for tea worda and 1 cent for each additional ad-ditional word for the ehortest distances, dis-tances, and 60 centa with J cents for each, additional word for the longest distance" Whore lllo H.I" nit If II. the new night rate will be half that sum. The rates on ordinary telegrams, though aent at night, and on night li-HrH are nnt Hffei'teil.br the prefer |