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Show SAFETY FIRST IS ( NEW MINE SLOGAN! Ka.fa.iv t-trkt" will ha the slnsTsn In j mires undr a new svs'em to he lntalled In I'tah with the rhte-t of reducing the nun hr )nd the aerlouaneaa ef mine scct-denta scct-denta snd reducing the Insurance rsteel for rotPMrMtinn, as weH as Improving worklnir C"ndittona. t. A. Allen, state I )natpcioT of minea. his returned from Kan Frsnclwco, w here he Inspected ths 1 mine avsiems in firce there. j Vt'illism K Harrtaon. for yeara a mine, superintendent In California. Nevada snd 4 V fra1o, has lej-n sppolnied lntpectnr of i reial miner, to work under Mr. Allen's direction. John Crawford, atste Inspector Inspec-tor of coal mines, retains his position. |