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Show DEATHS Mr. Altca Rarah Anderson, 'aged 4. died at her home, 1942 South He vent h Kjat atreet. yesterday of Influenaa. Mrs. Anderson An-derson came to Utah forty-four years sgo and la an reived by her husband, two sons and four daughters. John Francis Humphrey. R yar of age. 32 North Ninth West stroet, died at the family reasdence yesterday. I,ucy Verone - Johnson, aged 7 years, died yesterday at the hem of her pur- , ents 95 South Klevnth Kaat street. 1 Hh waa the daughter of Pr. R R, Johnson John-son and her mother died only a Jew day ago. 1 John W. Furdette. aged 71. died at a local hospital yesterday of Influetisa. Ttufcy Jaroha. aged 1 months, daughter of Mr. and M rs. Thomas Jacob. 1 22 Mouth Weat Tempi air est, died eater-day. eater-day. Moses Pavld A lap, aged 1. died at a local hospital yesterday, a victim of Influenaa. In-fluenaa. Henry dirt, sged S3, died at a local hospital yesterday of Influenaa. Guy J. Miller, son of Mr. I,. L. Pale. 1042 West Second North street, died yesterday. J. L Parrv. aged 2. died at a lo- al hospital yesterday, a victim of influent. I J. H. Hartvtgsen, sred 7. of Downey, Ida., died al a local hospital yesterday. Jamee O. Ellta, aged IS, died yesterday of Influents. Kber C. Walker. 15 years of age. died ve.terdav of pneumonia following an at - ... i. .. i.,i ... II. I. sa.viv.a hy his widow and four children. Mrs. Walker and three of ths children sre at the Holy CroM hospital suffering from the sams disease. Robert McKinnen died near tireen River. Riv-er. Wyo.. of influenaa Sunday night. Mr-Klnnon Mr-Klnnon waa foreman for the Christensen tonstructton company,, snd his wifs snd little son are seriously ill with the asms disease at th. construction camp. Hs has s tio.! of friends here. - Ths body will be senfNto Price. I'tsh. for burial. Mrs H amble too of 1 A. ott avenue, dahghter of Mr. and Mr. Kred Hlllas of Proves died at St. Mark's hospital hos-pital of Influenaa. yesterday. 8 he Is eur-vlved eur-vlved bv her huaheipd and two children, her mother and her 'father and two -trs. Hurtal will take flac at I'rovo. |