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Show If Don't Torture Your Chad! i , . ' TO MOTHERS I Sec vour littl one's terror - ' at the Terr thought of a dote of castor oil, mineral oil, calomel or pills. Ugh I .' Cascarets '.'work" better, safer, safer oa the tender little liver, stomach and bowels, besides Cascareti Cas-careti taste like candy. Even bilious, constipated, sick kiddies coax for this harmless candy cathartic tU H.i.4d.,..,.t.. . t.,., "-"- f 'li , r, .t L . I Annual Thanksgiving Linen Sale! J F-T fj amm'''m n first days of this great Linen Sale outdistanced all preceding j j I Cki records and ia ready to continue at the same pace for the balance j ff rylWt of week- J j V-e J if trw I aJuoa, in comparison with present nigh prices, tell a story j ft. Sf ft I C rivJ eloquent, that ererybody will readily realize the true I K DRYCOODS 5T0RE 222-224 MAIfiST MTin' importance of this wm.oo.al aelling .Trtt ThU ad is a mmTTmm!4 mere example of what await your selection. Coma tomorrow. HEMSTITCHED LINEN. SETS AND CLOTHS $12.50 ET Includ- H-SO CLOTHS Alls le.50 CLOTHS All W.50 CLOTHS All ' Ing on cloth and 12 linen and hemstitch- linen and hematitch- linen and hemstitch- aae- napkins, ed, size 48x ed, sis Mx ed, else I 1 J . il $8.75 ;. $3.35 $4.98 Hta ... $6.75 j Nx ;S DOILIES AND FANCY SCARFS v7V? H 11.00 Madeira Km-1 $2.23 filet Lece!i1.25 Tray Cloths H SO and $1.7$ Scarf S T Ofi- broidrred Dolliee t- Scarf With linen Of linen damusk, and Cntrpls In n Jt f W k'&SAyJ" A , w . centers, hemstitched, site IS Japanese drawn j 1fi f I 2t 1 z- .rs i r..:. .43 -4 , .$1.39!-. , 75 -,,..89 J If W fl J i y Bi lot of high grade fancy tablecloths, 45, 50 and 54 ineha. round. Mad with fUrl . . ' fce i -v fancy drawn work and embroidered d.siina, with lao inartins and SE IE? ' eTeaanemaasT " f W-d I ' edBmg.i $4.00 and 4.50 vatuas. in .ale J 'Iff I a U j J I If : Entir atook of hand mbroioerd linan madeira alotha, M to 54-lrxh scarfs, nap- JL S W V- f I t "T m ' kins, daili seta, cantrpica n th very finest of fHs I W S I Elr"'J " h hand work! full a. .. and baby sis kQA0FF JM-t I sjt- it I .tT TOWELS, SPREADS AT EIC SAVINGS C " "aj J?r 'Vf 5 yOSc HUCK TOWM 113 PURK LIN-I$3 00 CWOCHfT. $5 SO CROCHET rTZJ Sf 3 TL5Fnc'yTK)fT"iN T4UCK T0WT SPRtUDS runt' t0-i -rn?. t ' r ' jf R-j dr "" hem- ELS Mis, 1xS. double I He. I loped. cut KSSrS3r0'iSaCCC!E"' I :',u?.,.455 :?.r.T..85 ..$i.89ssrsM$4.35 - I ALL LINFN. HALF LINEN AND MERCERIZED TABLE DAMASKS REDUCED Fif h 10 rrnt hfiT fit Cascareti. the pleasant candy cathartic, contains , directions and dosage for children aged one year old and upwards. When the little one's tongue turns white, breath feverish, stomach sour, there is nothing better to "work" the nasty bile, souring food and constipation poison from the child's system. Give Caacarcta, then never worry. aaBssKas:ss:saBBBBa9aB.Ksaaaa,KsMMuaaBBaoBBsnBBaaaBBBaaBBAaaBBBSSS' --OAMASK f0-OAMASK 1-$15 DAMASK J.$2J0JAMAtK I $2.75PAMA6K $1.50 DAMASK I $5.00 DAMASK I $500 DAMarSK i - 8S Inches wide. (4 Inches wide -7 Inches wide, Finest Import- imported hand -7J Inches wld. A" Pur "n- Pur ' ,rl,h ; : . j .Plendid quality. 'h,.y mere,- S1.."'. M.ln w'id. ",n T"'. Ir'r:.43 59 .... 77 $1.63 $1.781 $2.78 $3.45 $4.25 : MERCERIZED TABLE CLOTHS Co, tur. liB s,. . ALL LINEN PATTERN CLOTHS (NAPKINS TO MATCH.) rh Uwalint. 25 ' (NAPKINS TO MATCH.) " JPd ( $2 .faotna, size 54x54 inches, hem!. ( nn 9 S0 Cloths, siae 8S yard.! fat sak.'.' . .$7.13 iZ75 Clo 6363 Li wS.84.:... 36r $,,.50 Clotha, 32V4 yards, h. aal. . round $1.59 $2.50 quilted t.bi .adding. $13.50 Cloths, six 2x3 yards) in tale. . .59.98 $5.50 aothssixe 72x72 inches; in sale. $2. 68 'y.rjeh!!.r.'.d.!.$l'r5 $,,.50 Napkins, siza 22x22 to match all I $2.50 Napkins, sixe 22x22; excenenfqual- " initisl.d hurt t.wjis. Cloths doaott , . . . r $8.55 hy; at, doaca 51.88 15 w 5 ODD PATTERN CLOTHS re. initi.w Turkish bath ODD PATTERN NAPKINS i MOO "ATTERN CLOTHS- Half linen, sis OK .'JaTity. a"'? 39f 13.50 PUR I LINEN HEMMED LUNCH 2.25 M 6 12x72. at 5-iOa , "7. NAPKINS Hraiirud. ouasa 2S fancy Jae.uard & $5X10 PATTERN CLOTHS Half linen, also "IT weav Turkish tow!, M.50 UNION TABLE NAPKINS CO Qf g lixliO, at ,. l,3 colored 65 Sis 11x21 Inchoa, do, M ,1.00 PATTERN CLOTHS Doubl. iOJC 7C brd"' $5X UNION NAPKINS Dinner sis.; i - : JamaaK. pure linen, at JO. J B u dolfl 9J H1.50 PATTERN CLOTHS Dnubl . tO JC- iloi'.nd'N.ohln. aX' 7M "JR LININ NAPKINS Hm-" 495 K Jamaak. pur linen, at OafO Cloth and Napkins saerl- ,tltcnea ,t dua.n 9mif9 fioed far belew today's 1t.N MORAVIAN PATTERN CLOTHS CIA a- whola.al. sost. $.50 PURE LINEN NAPKINS e "TES N rur. linen, sis S0x0, at iU.OU . Awrt.d pattorns, dosen ..; . a i ! in ae !gMi I i ' SENSATIONAL SALE -fQ I A Women's and Misses' I fl' One-Half Price- m. l , Frankly, this extraordinary mI U th result of unfaToralvIa local conoationa. fiji , ;. Zz,.f Last sununer we enjoyed the most wonderful bwuiesa in our history, and in ' f ' : - fft J anticipation of continued good tratte we bought very hearily. But the on- . A vf ( :: K -':7 certainty or what me ruture may Dnng ana roe Dacjcwsraness or we season -u vy i t V - 7; - V compels us to be on the safe side and sacrifice this enormous stock at lower K' - i I ! : L if prices than you would expect to pay at the very end of the season. ll'v X j EVERY SUIT, EVERY DRESS, AND A WONDERFUL wf' - Af . COLLECTION OF COATS ALL GO AT HALF PRICE ' W .. 7 J Not to see this collection meant a (Teat opportunity mused en opportunity fl . I W ' to judge and select between core of models which present all tba season's U tv . . ' t most fashionable creations. L IIMIIIMtlllllllllllMIHHINIIUIIIHIIINO f !uiiiiii1iiiiii!iiiiini j iHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniim " i - 'iMSiZth'l V I IftMafil I 5 atllllMIHIIIIIIIMItiIHHIMIIMItlia 1 The Strngth of a Financial Institution . f: dipcnds not upon the totals shown ' in its financjal statement, but upon . the security protecting its loans. j Every dollar leaned by us is pro- tected by first real estate mortfagc, or choice collateral security. - j None of our Officers, Directors j cr Employes are indebted to this H . . Company for one dollar loaned E them or upon any paper indorsed . H by them. 4 Paid on Savings I Tracy Loan & Trust Co. I fi . E j "Organised to Rerve th Public H 1 ' . - c ' I- I 1 I Ma wmt dlrtni wfll rnn Tamm. OfatF hrthm apslietskabf CRANoLENaV. (hs) crasxt SB taarrtaJ trrrm .It. -i W tha rata kvroto bs) Ssvtrr4 rVm Mit lllisjint tor rsjajrasnsf KiWM'M. Vnta for lr tswt treaai, vnt; Mora ICiUs la ! Caw L4 teariXsi. -II in Uha PUm "f asrrTeeeJ yaaara ita Etaisa In Ma sMvt (araa. AatsJ avU ajr U body. (.'HANOI JlN"E lr aa aa fls mm wtirts nlk. and I aiap Lk a mimm ho? J. Mr rakM, JnBa n I K? Tsmmi flnllll twyi"! aflsW 0 BMets: CltANOLf.Nk asaassaaaj $M sod tssi ssliss sysssssssaaj Schramm -Johnson Drugs. Atl fttoros. . , v ( Check and Abort a Bad Cold - In rivs Hour With MCNTHO-LAXENS. MCNTHO-LAXENS. Vu 3uy It Concentrated and Mia With Pint f Syrtep. Doubt), every reader recall having hav-ing neglected a slight cold until la 14 hours It settled Into a "Bad Cold" and then about 72 hours of distress, dla-' comfort. If not weeks of bronchitis or pneumonia or catarrh. - Now. con-faea. con-faea. If you'v had such an experience, and take tlm by th forelock by pre- -paring to check and abort colda, cough, catarrh, difficult breathing, watering eye and painful headachea ' It can be done, by taking Mentho-iLaxen Mentho-iLaxen either In it raw stat ten I drop to .theedoae or by snaking a I granulated sugar ayrufj and mixing In a pint bottle or Jar. A pint will last la whole family for a long tlm and keep every member free from the . 'dlatreaalng after-effects of a bad cold. MentAO-Laxene la guarantee." to ! please or money back by The Black-i Black-i burn Products C04 Dayton, Ohio, and 1 any well stocked druggist can .upply ! you- Don't take a substitute. There ! i. really nothing to compare witA Mentho-Laxeo. tAdv.) ;r Dansant De Jardine Watch the papers foe opening ; . night. KENNEDY'S , Dancing th Elixir f Lrf. Jt you can walk yon eaa be taught. Walts guaranteed In en. leaeon. ' Iaaon given now. every day and evenltig. in Dancing Kxpreaaloa and Uymnaatlca, FRANK KENNEDY. T.I. W. S23S. P, 0. Place. Phosphorated MALTS" Kearlehea and liula ea every aeree aart j enran of the kvawa hodv. ear UecUw. Sd 1 a(aUaUlaaaaataoeatopp4iataaaan. 1 |