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Show lonnl. according to a Vienna dispatch to the Daily Mall, dated November 14. The political conditions at preaent, II la added, depend largely on food con-dltlona con-dltlona and any government able to aupply food probably would be able to paaa any meaaurea It wlahed. WOULD JOIN GERMANY. Otto Bauer, the new foreign eeero-tary eeero-tary of the ;erman-Austrlen republic and the governments moving aplrlt. wlahea to Join the (ierman federation and probably will carry out hie plan. The rulere of the old Auatrtan etate. the correspondent contlnuca. have die-appeared, die-appeared, aa have the generate who led the armlea. Former Kmperor Charlea la virtually a prisoner at Kekerteau with hla aulte. The Auatrtan archdukes arch-dukes are acattered about the country and "nobody knowa anything about them and nobody geeme to care." HUNGARIAN REPUBLIC. By Associated Press. COPEN HACKS. Nov. If. Formal proclamation of the Hungarian republic repub-lic waa mule Sunday, according to a UiKlhpeat dispatch received J"' IfKiaiice to the new governmi-rl "after Count Mlchaet" Karnlvt. president 4t the rlungiiriun national council, had made a speech. He declared that he personally had grant sympathy with the people's government. SMALL HUN REPUBLICS. By Asseclatsd Press. ' LONDON. Nov. If. The prlnclpall-tlea prlnclpall-tlea of Hchwanburg-Uudostadt and Schaumburg-Llppe have tieen declared republics, according to a (Ierman wlre-lesa wlre-lesa message. The diet of Haxe-Coburg Haxe-Coburg ami Ontha advooatee the Jo.n-Ing Jo.n-Ing of the duchy to Havana. The soldiers' and workers' council at Cnel, where ficrn-vm main hadquar-ti-ra K.I H'l'll ifmisfwin, w tlial Field Marshal von lllndrnbiire la un- j der the protection of the council. AUSTRIA APPEAL" i- Prewdlht Wilson Asked to' Awl Teutons in Forming One Nation; Republics Spring Up By Associated Press. BASEL, Switzerland, Nov. 19. Foreign Minister Bauer of the German-Austrian government haa sent an adilresg to President Wilson confirming the proclamation proclama-tion of the Oerman-Austrlan republic and expressing the hope that President Wilson. In accordance with hia principle, princi-ple, will support the efforts of tier-mans tier-mans In Austria to effect a union with Germany. The foreign minister also begs Mr. Wilson to bring alMiut an early dlscas-elon dlscas-elon of peace prellmlnariea. ORGANIZATION PROVISIONS. LONPOIC NovolThaentlrajxi!-. j Hfirnl sltnntlon In Austria Is provls- |