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Show OLD PEOPLES' FETtPLANNED Estimated That Three Hundred Will Enjoy Hospitality of Recreation Committee. Approximately three hundred oid people, widows and missionaries' mission-aries' wives will enjoy the hospitality hos-pitality of the St. George committee com-mittee on recreation FTiday when a celebration will be staged stag-ed in their honor. Entertainment planned for the day consists of a picture show, "Broken Wing", at the Electric theater at 4 o'clock. This will be free to invited guests. Luncheon at the gymnasium will follow at 6 p. m., and 7 o'clock the following fol-lowing program will be given in the open air pavilion: Ladies' - chorus, directed by Mrs. Mae A. Pace; harmonica duet, Kenworthy boys; vocal solo, Mrs. Lillian Morrison; reading, read-ing, Mrs. Mary L. Rencher; brass quartet, directed by E. J. Bleak; guitar solo, Ray Whipple; song, Caroline Cottam, and Clair Brooks; reading, Mrs. Laura A. Gates; saw solo, June Mloody; quartet, Mrs. Mamie Paxman, Mrs. Viola Gentry, Mrs. Ruth Meilstrup and Mrs. Lillian Morrison; Mor-rison; reading, John T. Woodbury; Wood-bury; step dance, Isaiah Cox Clair and Waldo Brooks; tumbling tum-bling with Old Glory, Caryle Stauffer, and a number by Dixie Wranglers. Dancing from 8:30 to 10 will follow. Committees in charge of the affair are: Luncheon George Brooks,, Relief Societies and bishoprics of each ward. Program A. A. Paxman, Miss Mabel Jarvis, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Foremaster, Miss Tillie Winsor and June E. Moody. Transportation Wlm. Brooks, John H. Cottam, Calvin Dalton and Leland Hafen. Advertising and invitations Jos. Empey, Mrs. Rose A. Graham, Gra-ham, Ellis McAllister, Mrs. Wm. Prince, Mrs. Zora Jarvis and June Moody. |