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Show Only Gn J More Week 1 Vacation itime is ;8 about ovT for all ; and there lis only r one more week ;af- 1 ter this until school 1 starts. Food buying will then he more 1 difficult for the mothers of school children. If ;you ,are not already a .patron of one of our stores make it .a point to get acquainted with one of .them this week or jiext. You can simplify your food buying greatly great-ly at our stores ;and at the :samjs tim save a Mg Jot in the purchase .price. Rolled Oats Oatmeal Cookies and Oatmeal Bread are delicacies enjoyed enjoy-ed by both children and adults. For Saturday's Sat-urday's selling we have secured a big supply f 9 pound bags of Rolled Oats which we will sell ' for the low price of ! 30c per bag. Be sure to get one or two ,of these Saturday. 0. P. S. Butter Our butter is churned churn-ed daily from fresh, sweet cream, by one of the largest creameries in the Intermounlain country. coun-try. It is A-grade, the best on the market at any priee. Saturday it will sell for 23c per lb. ORSKACCS "A Surety of Purity" TAX FREE OUT-OF-TOWN Th'LK-J'KONE Th'LK-J'KONE CALLS A P.H TAX hike wj !!;:: tijk total to-tal CHAit'jK i.s lks:; THAN 5U: U. S. GOVT- TAX Call SOf! to 'Mir. Tux 1 Of; ' CallH $1.00 to Tit;: !': Call $2.00 ami up .Tax 2n; 20c in the maximum tax. The Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph ('o. WWWWWWWVWWWWWVWWWWWTOWWWM I Wadsworth Theater j ;! The Coolest Spot in Dixie ;! 1 TONIGHT AND FRIDAY i ;! Barbara St an wick, star of "Forbidden", in j; j "Shopworn" A superb emotional artiste in her n1ost glamorous !! i ;! role. ! . SATURDAY AND SUNDAY "i "The Passion Play" ! !;! ? MONDAY ONLY j; A Western with a punch. ;! Tern Keane and Barbara Kent in ;! "Beyond The Rockies" j ii TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY ii "Love Alfair" j; All in technicolor. Did you like "Bright Lights" and ;! j; "Kiss Me Again"? Then you're sure not to miss this ;i ;l one. ;I s O. IL O. K. O. II O. K. O. K. O. K. O. K.0. K. ? SPECIALS r 1 Friday and Saturday, Sept. 9 and 10 I Soda Crackers, 3-lb. box 29c . ' Peaches, 2 can yellow sliced clings, can 16c !j ' Coffee, Maxwell House, 1-lb. can 33c Lye, Rex, 3 cans 24c ? Bran Flakes, Post's, 2 for 19c ? Jar Rubbers, old or new style, 6 doz 23c I Rice, 5-lb. bags 23c F Cocoa, McDonald's pure, j4-lb. can 14c ? I Cocoa, McDonalds' pure, 1-lb. can 28c I 3 in 1 pkg. l-8oz. Post Toasties, 1 Grape r Nut Flakes, 1 Post Bran Flakes, 3 for 30c W TRADE AT THE f O. K. MARKET f Where you get Quality and Right Prices p P Two Deliveries Daily. Phene 72 O. K. O. K. O. K. O. K. O. K. O. ILO. K. O. k7" I Another Rexall Special t The strongest all rubber playball ever made value 50c, given free with the purchase of a J large size lube of Rexall Milk of Magnesia ) Tooth Paste at 39c per tube. ! ST. GEORGE DRUG COMPANY i PHONE 99 v t:::;:;:-::;.:::::"-1 ; 1 ; : i M 1 Acme Quality Paint I and Varnish : New Era House Paint, per gal $3.15 ii Interior Glass Finish, per gal 3.00 i I I Enamel Kote, (4 hours), per gal . 4.00 ; SNOW & NELSON LUMBER CO. Everything fur the Builder WOOD Phone 123 COAL r , 1 1 j a m I Jr ail Showing 1 f 81 Hundreds of new models in j 1 ' I 1 Coats and Dresses f 1 I will be on display all day j l8l HI II I Monday, September 12 m I I at the 1 HOTEL SNOW One day cnly. An unusual opportunity to B iJ Ki il select your fall wardrobe. gj j ' . I I Mrs. E. B. Snow i I - ft, THE ELITE i: i j; is showing a fall line of Boys' Suits, Trousers, J j; Jackets and Sweaters, Cords and Overalls, Shirts 5 ', of various kinds, including the red one for the deer hunt. ii UNDERWEAR AND SHOES FOR SCHOOL BOYS f j ' The Men's Shop s i I t I It is Time to Prepare J i for the school season, Look your cleanest, and make a hit with the teachers and your classmates. J Modern Cleaners t 1 T i- i- .H SCHOOL DAYS : Are just around the corner j ; Let us help you find the right pen and pencil 1 set, and other supplies to carry you through a sue- t cessful winter's work. j DIXIE DRUG CO. J ; Prescription Pharmacists The Quality Store. Thone 52 4 4.4, 4.4,4. RADIOS I 1 i I Philco, the world's finest musical in- $ I strument, is leading the nation's radio business. Today, we have them in If p stock priced from $37.50 to $295.00. J Ask for demonstrations. I To those who sent in words in the I'hilco p! Radio word building contest, bring in your credit voucher, it is good with the Si j purchase of a Model 15-X. I Pickett Lumber Co. r" a r (If it goes in n building, we Hell it) Ji I PHONE 101 ST. CKOItCK g Ele c trie Theater THURSDAY "Strangers in Love" with Frederic March, Kay Francis FRIDAY, and SATURDAY Matinee Sattrrday 3:00 p. m. It X ' 1: j lA Muivyn Ouuius, Lufc Vdu veen in Paramounr'b "The BrokcnWing" also "The Air -Mail Mystery" SUNDAY and MONDAY Matinee Sunday 3:30 p. m. OUR GANG WEEK "Unashamed" with Helen Twelvetrees Lewis Stone Robert Young also Our Gang Comedy Scenic and Fox News TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY THURSDAY I ir) I QW211 A story of Tombstone the wildest city the world has ever known. Six Big Stars Walter Huston Raymond lEatton Harry Carey Russell Horton Andy DeVine Ralph Ince also Our Gang Comedy COMING Sooky Roar of the Dragon Wayward Skyscraper Souls ! I Mce's Clothing II ; Roys' Shirts 30c, 45c, C9c ;: ;! Men's $2.75 value shirts 75c j; i Men's shirts $1.39, $1.40 ; ; Men's shorts, broadcloth and rayon '25c, oOc Men's cotton and rayon shirts 21c, 35c ;; ;l Fireman and policeman socks 10c, 15c ; ; Roys' socks 15c, 'J5c ! ; A new shipment arriving soon of percales, ankle soc' s, j j; bloomers, children's school dresses, sires 4 to U, also necessities for the sewing classes. j; ' ' ', I A. R. Whitehead & Son 5 . x' j: The Most For Your Money Merchant |