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Show CROSBY FAMILY GROUP MEETS Descendants of Jesse Went-worth Went-worth and Hannah Baldwin Crosby Cros-by met at the family home in St. George at the corner of First South and First West streets on Sunday for the annual family reunion. The direct descendants of these two pioneers now exceeds ex-ceeds 300 members. The program began in the afternoon af-ternoon and extended into the evening, consisting of talks on the lives and labors of the heads of the family who came to Utah in September, 18 47. Principal musical numbers were violin selections se-lections by Prof. Beales accompanied accom-panied by Mrs. Olive Reeves. In addition to those residing in and about St. George, the following representatives were present:' Ben B. Crosby, candidate candi-date for the Arizona state sen ate, of Springerville, Ariz.; Albert Al-bert and George Crosby and Mrs. Minnie Crosby Wiltbank, Eagar, Arizona; Virginia Jensen, Emery, Em-ery, Utah; Mrs. Artie Snow Jensen Jen-sen and children, Grant, Elida, Florence and Margie Jensen of Salt Lake City; Prof. Regenald Beales, Violinist of the McCune School of Music and Miss Phyllis Phyl-lis Snow of Salt Lake City. |