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Show Reds Recall Beall; Slugger May Be Lost to Us ! j JOHN W. BEALL. I r U t" - X DALT LAKE: baseball fans will no doubt , be somewhat surprised when they eee in the box score of the Cineinniul-Ohlcugo . name the name of Peall in the Reds' line- ; up. Folk's had heon led to believe that Peal! was evn now on bis way we.awi I lo Join the Saltils. A hurry-up call for in form n 1 1on brought tlie follow im: ii'..y ; from Manager LUankenshlp at pun land:; ""Peall deal closed. Delivery of player , licltl up pending waivers asked by T I orr- I mann from oilier major leanue clubs.; Cincinnati Is using him meanwhile." j Incidentally, it will be noted that Mr. Dealt clicked the ball thrice yesterday. Lute last ninht The Tribune, received the followlnn dispatch from Cincinnati: ! "Cincinnati has recnlled Reall on ac- : count of r-nod work today." Which leads lo the conclusion that P.eall D el .-onie ways from a Salt Lake uniform |