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Show Writiii.; for the April ''International." Dr. .Max M otein says: "Every clay the hi Association for the Distri-I f bi.itiun of Beer in Germany, "Rj of which I am the director, t sends one and a half mil-I'l mil-I'l lion li:ers of beer to our & 1 soldiers at the front." 1 It is the settled eonvie-H eonvie-H tion in Gei-many that good, mild beer, such as Fisher is .necessar;- to the armies. :' Dr. Stein says further: "We do not consider beer j- a luxury-, we consider it a : necessity, and Tve believe I'! that the health of our '. troops would suffer greatly ; if for any reason the beer supply were cut off." t . Fisher Brewing Co. y Tiie prize is IX THE BEER. - I WOfiKMOtfAHS DCfTfSTS B PAINLESS DENTISTRY I Vv Cmiu8'udqcUJalc; 1 S3.50 FRONTS 3.00 BACKTEETH . ' I ACOOD SET OF TEETH $5.00 ; I) $tvf(i mWmn -f t Fred J. EieRer & Co.. j , Oeneral Distributors. H E Salt Lake City, Utah. Get Rid of My Corns ! With Magic "Gets-It" Simplest Corn Cure In the World No Pain, No Fub. New. Sure Way. When corns make you almost "die with your boots on." when you've srn.k'i them and piekd them and e'Ut them. whin rorn -swell ins valves, und ta: Why Have Corns At AH "When "Gets-It" Rcuqotoi The iii the New-UeaUure Way oop-cypt), havft only mane your corns bandages, and plasters that make corns grow faster, .lust bold your heart a moment mo-ment and figure tills: f'ut two drops of J "(Jets-It" on the rorn. It dricf at on e. Vim can put your shoe and slocking on rlpht over it. The rorn is doomed. It makes the corn come ufi elf-ar and clean. It's the new, easy way. Nothing to stirk or press on the corn. You can wear smaller small-er shoes. You'll be a Joy-walker. No pain, no trouble. Accept no substitutes. "Gfii8-It" ia sold by druKxists everywhere, every-where, 2'ic a bottle, or sent direct by E. Lawrence & Co.. Chicago. Jll. Sold in Salt bake City and recommended as the world's best corn remedy by Schramm-Jobnson. Druns Co .Stores): Z. C. M. 1. Drug Dept., and Waterloo Pharmacy. Phar-macy. (Advertisement.) - W, EASTER SUIT f J QUESTION Mj Is a matter of moments in every man's mind just ml' V now. If you haven't yet purchased yours, we i j j suggest' a visit to this store as the quickest means of jy solving the problem. II J . You can make your selection from an attractive Af, assortment that embraces everything new in model, Via j ft fabric and color. 1 f $1 0 to $35 I We'll also show you the new spring styles and V ,1 ) shades of i) lu Stetson and Bellmore Hats I I Also new spring line of Neckwear, Hosiery, JI j Shirts, Gloves, Etc. ' 228-230 MAIN ST. FUET OFFICE DEFA RTM EXT Ql'AI':-tr-r master, 2iH Pine si., Sun Francisco, Cal. Sen led proposals will be received here until 11 a. m.. April 24. 1!'16, for; furnishing coal required at posis in west- 1 ern department 'luring fiscal year com-' -noneing July 1, 1916. Information on application. ap-plication. ; juJTl;; CLEANING AM) J)YEIG SALT LAKE CLEANING CO. A Hi0-luiely Hi0-luiely it-lhil.le. Most delPate gown ep-ij ji(- i,.J rlyr d. S'Ml'-d dot lung made to lo-!i like new. Men's ful!n i-P'tuted a pret-'Ke ). .jni k '-i"- i' t. We cad f.,r and dell', er. So. Siate. Was. G2:j0. l-fv-biiid irOfi .. uZSTjH THE MYUItS P.r.K MM! DYKING i'o.. e.vp.-ri Heaner" and dyers, whole-tab- and retail. Mill orders koliciied. i ;iot In-:- liis'M ed. wurk guaranteed. 1 i 1 und 116 E. Broadway. xl67 AND REPAIRED; COPPER UUlLS braised; tanks weinVyj; no moving. C. A. Fov. P.r, sih. 4Jiu. yiz BV Z. C. M. I. EXPERT, WORK DONB at your i.ou.c. Piionn Hland 2yjf)-A. yMO MILLINERY R KM' jD ELL L IN YOUR borne. Mr. V. D. Urnsl. Phone ap-pni ap-pni n truer t . J-P land ySl.-jl CALL WESTERN FOUNDKV FOR AUt-kinds, AUt-kinds, water Jackets, Btov repair. Wa-eatch Wa-eatch 4474. klGJ PIANO PEAYlNCi GUARANTEED It leesons, noie or ar. oltuu Waterman, 44 ifa South Main. w3&3 S. L. Al.TO EXPRKSS & TKAN:-Fl:R Co. Iwy and mht service. Pfjo::'--Was. 7724. y.7J'-r. ATTORNEYS 1-OWKItS 4 KITEtt. ATTORNEYS AT law; general pracllce. uS Kearns bidp. .07'J7 NJJRSERY JOP.DA.V Nl.'I'.SERV, 3BS) STATE: ROSES, vines, phiuhbery. fruit; la:ge hn-ie KEY FITTING LU1 lil.N A i'l UN CHANGED, SAPEd opened, inealy Sale Repair Co.. 2iJ bo. West Temple. Was. 15. 821'3S FUKM'l UKEKEFAliihNG wTwuXlAMb & SON, 166 N STREET SVasaicn -6j6. Lpnoitering. chairs repaired. re-paired. o342 LET L'S GET OL'K STuVE, STORE li. clean it up and deliver it next fall. Was. 2197. X4i22 WATCH REAIRING WATCHES CLEANED, REPAIRED AND close rated ; good work guaranteed ; prices reationable. If you live out of the citv, send waicn by p. p. ri. A. E!am. watchmaker, 312 Tribune bldg. Eleator service. 7 7 MuDE RN MAT ERN IT i' HOME, P R I -ate cases toiicited. Homes iound for children. Phone ft' as. Tuaa. 623 Center 61 reel. x77 WALLjAPER WE ARE SHOWING NEW STYLES AND colorings in great variety; large selections selec-tions in all the better grades, as well as the kinds for tenements at lower prices; also a few bargains and remnant lots. Rivers Bros., 'Si W. Broadway- ylSoo E A N C DANCING LESSONS DAILY, IOC. Woodward's pcademy, 34 Main st. ySOi Ti;BU.NK WANT ADS PULL |