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Show ! ALL HALLOWS NINE ! DEFEATS LEOPARDS I Keltus Strikes Out Seventeen East ! High School Players ; Petty Also Pitches Good Ball. I All Hallows defeated the Fast high ' school yesttTdny ai'ternoon. 1 to 0. in one of the I";i-!osi games which has been ; played between any of i lie local school. ; this season. ! Petty, on the mound for the high school I boys, pitched air-tiht bull. The run i scored on him whs due t.. a walk. tvo i stolen bases and a wild nlcch. The .MI Hallows nine was unable lo hit him suffi-1 suffi-1 ciemly 1 nrd to score. Cnniain Jlogan seorvd the single run ! of tlie day. Vie and riU'bcr KeiU'S were !a source of much strength to the col-! col-! legians. Keltus was invincible in the i pinches. He struck out seventeen men : yesterday. In the thirty inning played ! "this season he has fanned fifty-nine bat-i bat-i ters. Petty struck out eight All Hallows ! men. 1 The lineup: ! AM Halloas. East Utah. Zi bar th c Banks ' Keltus p . I'-Ytty SuiMwm '..lb Rudhie , Dodge 2b Prourft- Soinmer 3b Wilson Mm ray ss Rnmnev l.itlie it' D-'incn llouan cf Ot I inner Daniel if.., Dorms |