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Show I WILD HEAVES AND SUCH I Tiie da's h.tte;-. ! AH. II. Tr:. ivt. ! Autrev. s.tn J-'iain is- O- 4 :i :J . 7"0 I Hall, Sail l.aki- - '.' W .: j t'ofi'nv. .an 1-i'ati.'i.-''o. . . . -! - - I Middteton. ' ta.dau.i " - ! S'-ballf r. S.Jti Ki a in-!?, o . . .". " 4 i Hath. Salt Lak- .". :: . " . ". Southworth. lJoiilaud ... " ."l,l) I Kyan. Salt Uikf Z j Look's. js Ancrds 4 2 Z 11adi:r, Veruoti 4 '1 I IClliM. Dos Angeles 4 2 2 ..V-0 Vr.ttr. Anebs I - 2 .:."ft 1 Kilzgerald. San 1- u nc bs. o 4 2 i' ..('r v The prrk-B 5-tand: Portlan-I won 1, Silt like won 1. ! Oa k la i id v.ou "ern .n won 1 . Dots Anirt k; won San Francisco won 1. I Note the fa-'t that Raih aot three hits yeslcrdav. Alfo note lne oth-r fact tiial Buddy Ryan wot a like number. 'r A record crowd at T!a Tribune score board yesterday. It was unfortunate that the board couldn't show another victory, but it did the best it could. Bill Malarkey, once almost a Salt Dake pitcher, heaved for Wichita in the opening game acaiiist Denver in the Western league v eslc: dav. The Denver club won by a. score of 2 to I. so It will be seen that Dill pitched ramo regular baseball, but that his teammates wlllowielded with timidity. f.- t When the spring training started, Roy Cor ban was na ttn-d as the Ca rds' regular shortstopp'.-r. but down South Hoy eon-trailed eon-trailed a sore arm and Uomu-s I lornsby jumped in. And since thn first day the kid has been pluylnc wonri'-rfnl ball. Thai isn't all. he isn't urolng to give up that Post without a fight. Tn the last two Karnes liov has crawled out of the coop to push Hornshy, sllchtly injured, to the bench, but "Pep" refuses to clve up. Suturday against the Pirates Roarers was spliced and he rushed to the clubhouse, club-house, for repairs. .lust when Hug was ready to insert Roy, why "Pep" shoved his nose out of the door and took his I position in the field. A nd yesterday Rogers was cracked on the knee with a grounder. He rolled over. Again Rov limbered his throwing arm. Afrain Ron-cm Ron-cm refused to step out. St. Louis Times. 4; PD'DDMAX, Wash.. April ;o. The Spn. kone Indians won from Washington State college here yesterday, 13 to 2, but It re-nuire'd re-nuire'd ten innings. The collegians tied tiic score In the sixth and eighth and filled the bases n the la:t of the tnth. hut Shnder, who was sent. In to rHir-ve Salvc-on, Salvc-on, saved the day for Die N'orthwcstern leaguers bv retiring the side. The sinning of Paul Mcloan by Des .Moines meant the release of I ho veteran Joe Dills, who play,- loft fVId for the Western Itikuc chnmnious l;u-.t jear. lie has quit baseball and has. none into the ! di'iiR business at Sheldon, Neb. '( Waller -Tohnson apparently has no ter-I ter-I rors for Jot.- (,'edeon. .lor- laced out a I triple and ft sinnbi off (he great Wnlter's delivery yohlenlay. i It f now r-vpeded that .IrM-k Warl,op. I'.lank's nw pih'hei-, "ill join t he Snhit-j Snhit-j :.-.t San Francis'-o, |