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Show ATTORNEY AND WOMAN ASPHYXIATED Fonnor Salt Lako Clnirvnyiuit Said to Ilnvo Caused Death of llornolf and Companion. i SAN KKANl-ltVO, April -'0. Tim-ol Tim-ol hv .1. Lyons, n Sua Ki unct-u'n attorney", attor-ney", and M rs. Ada Diamond, recent ly from Salt Lake t'ity, were found dead hero today in a hotel room, with t ho gas low ing from an open jot . The woman left, three notes. The polieo believe be-lieve she wrote them and turned on the gas after Lyons fell asleep. Mrs. Diamond was a clnirvoyunt, who former I v conduct oil an otlico in Salt Lake City under the name of Anna Mi-I'herson. Mi-I'herson. it is said. According to the notes left by the woman, she met Lyons when he en mo to her for a neaneo, and ho introduced intro-duced her to William Jennings Jirvan at the Panama-Pacific exposition last year as his wife. She charged that his afreet ion had .'hilled, and that he was playing with her to make his sister inlaw in-law jealous. Local clairvoyants say they have uo k now ledge of anyone by the nanio of Anna MePhersou ever engaging in the business in this eitv. No record of Anna McPherson or Ail a Diamond is contained con-tained in any recent directory. |