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Show iTHl IS LIGHT ' ON LOMME Inquiry From Eastern and Local Points Lighter ! Than Usual. j i ! TradiuK on t lie local exchansro yofltnr-dny yofltnr-dny In mining stocks was llglHor thun It Ikis been nt any flay during this week. The market ivns what tho brokers tei-m "sott." and the Kreater portion of the trailing was wliat they term a.s "professional." "profes-sional." Inquiry ivns reported as lighter trotn hoth loejil points and from eastern points. There were some recessions, some advances, but In the majority of the stocks the prices held firm. There was no apparent selling pressure evident on nnv of tho Issues. Aha Consolidated sold nt JIHc Alta Tunnel at l-ie. Heaver Copper at L'.iC Keystone advanced to 67c, stiver Shield to GOe and Yankee Consolidated was In demand at 321;.'. Santaquln Chief wan heavily bought around and AViC and the tradltiK In Sioux Consolidated was also heavier than usual, tho prlcea fluctuating fluc-tuating from 180 to 17tc. Amontf tho higher priced stocks, Iron Rlossom Bold at $1.95, Silver King Coalition at $2.90, Kattlo A- Blue Bell at $2.25 and South Hecla at $3.07H- The total number of shares traded in was lliO.r.65, at a valuation of $33, 16.1. 60. The closing quotations and the sales follow: fol-low: LISTED STOCKS. I A. M. Il F. M. 1 Rid. IAahtcl.il Bid. lAsked. Alta Con.. $ .JlHiJ ,32Vi: -32 $ .324 Alta Tiger .03 V .02 .03 Albion ... .23 .24V .23 .25 Am C Cop. .13 .lsMi 13 -Wi Alia Tun. .12 .12Uj .12 .124 Alta Ger.. .11 .11(4' .11 .ll'i Blc Four. 1.50 2.00 I 1.50 2.00 Beck Tun. .2-2 .23 .21'i .224 Bins Amal. .09'i .0(1. .09 .OSiVi Blk Jack 15 .12 .16 Biir Cotfd .Ofi'j .07 .06H .U Heaver C. .02':, .02i .02"-. .03 Bay State OS .06 .06'4 Century ... .05 .18 .05 .IS Cedar Ex 05 'i 054 Col Kxten 12 .10 .114 Colorado.. .22 .234 -22 .224 On Point .07 .07 4 -07 .074 Cardiff ... 7.00 8.S5 7.10 9.00 Croft 0.s.t! .0SU .0ft Cot King. .03 4 . 03?i! .034 .05 Cot-Atlan. .13 .14 .13 .134 Ced-Tal .. .06 ! Daly 75 ' 1.10 I .00 1.50 D-Judge... 7.60 S.50 7.60 8.50 Dragon .32 .33 .32 .324 East Pr.. .01 .OHij .01 .01 Vi E & B Bell. 2.15 2.30 2.05 2.25 Emerald .05 .25 Emma Cop .50 .51 .50 .53 Earl Eaele .22 .23 I .22 ! .23 15 Crn Pt.. .014 .01' .0114! .02 E Tin Con. .014 .02 I .014; .024 E Carbon.. .10 .13 .10 I .12 Galena M. . .044 .06 .044 -54 CKild Chain. .25 4 - 2 ' .27 .274 Gr Central 74 .70 .74 Howell ... .314 .32 I .29 4 . 30 Home Run. .07 .07 .074 Iron Bios. 1.95 1.974 1.92li 1.95 Ind Queen .031 .04 i .03 .04 Ibex .03' Iron King. .05 . . .' .044 -06 Kevstone.. .66 .SS .66 .70 King Wm. .014 .01?; .014 .011! King Dav. .10 .15 .12 j Lehl Tin.. .0141 .014 .0114 .014 Lead King .01 Leonora... .03 4 . 0341 .034' .03 Little Bell 50 Low Mam 06lj 07 Losger 11 .13 .11 .14 Monzonite. .03 .04 .03 Mammoth. .50 .65 .50 Miller Hill .274 .30 .274 -30 May Day. .164 -17 IS Mas Val 3.00 4.00 Min Flat. ..06 .07 .06 .Of Mtn IUe .11 .12 .11 .114 Moscow 20 .29 .22 .29 Ma Evans 044 .06 Mam Cop. .29 .30 .29 1 .31) Mich-Utah .314 -32 .32 3"4 N Quincy. ,104: .12 -104 11 Nev Hdls I .20 1 ..' 20 Nalldriver. .12 12 Ohio Cop. .IS ,22 .18 I.. Opohongo. .024I .03 I .02-! 1 03 Orlg Ban. .2S 1 .33 .284 294 O K Silver .92 .94 .92 95 Ploche Brls. .06 4! .07 . 06 07 Pitts-Ida 40 j 40 Plutus I84;: .16 .18 Prince C 1.25 I.274I 1.25 1.274 Paloma 094i ". . .10 Paloma Ex. .07 .09 I .07 09 Price M.. .16 .19 .16 .174 Provo 014 01 V. Reed's Pk. .25 .26 .25 30" Rico Con. .10 .12 .10 11 Rico-Well. .30 .32 .30 '324 Rexall ... .16 .13 .i6 g73 Rochester. .59 59 151 Syndicate.. .0014 .01 MM 'oi Seven Trs. .0214 .03 .0214 .03 S Trs Coal 45 . . 45 Sll K Coal. 2.924 3.00 2.S74 2 SO Sil K Con.. 2.75 2.S74 2.75 2.S5 Sioux Con. .174 .18 .174 ,18 Swan Con .01 .024 .014 .02 So Hecla.. 3.00 3.024 3.00 3 024 Sil Shield. .60 .61 .60 61 S Hecla Ex .17 .18 .17 1 So Ir Bios 03 ' So Swan . . .01 Swan Ex.. .004 .01 .604 '"ni" Sant Chief .044 .044 .01 044 Texan ... .26 .27 .26 27 Tar Ba.bv .08 4 - 09 OS 09 Tin Zinc. .0614 .07 Tin Cent.. .0614 .06 .06li "o6?i United Tin. .0114 .02 .0111 Uncle Sam .05 .08 .. "ns" Utah Con- .024 .02 !o24 '021 Union Ch. .064 .08 .07 oa Victor C. .04 .05 ! .04 05 Wilbort .. . .09 .10 ! .09 .10 W Toledo .094 .094H .094 09 Walker S3 .S6 M .81 S4 Yankee Con1 .32 .33 ! .32 .33 FORENOON SALES. Alta Con., 400 at 36c; 900 at 3414c 100 at 334c; 600 at 33e: 200 at 324c Albion, 500 at 254c; 600 at 25c- 1100 at 24c American Con. Copper. 6300 at 194c. Alta Tunnel, 500 at 12c; 2000 at 124c Alta Germanla, 2500 at lie; 500 at 114c Beck Tunnel, 1000 at 234c; 500 at 23c Bingham Amalgamated. 1000 at 94c" Big Cottonwood, 1000 at 7c. Cedar-Talisman, 500 at 6'4c- 2000 at 6c Crown Point, 4000 at 74c. CrofT. 1000 at S4c. Cottonwood King, 500 at 3c; no at 2V-C Eagle & Blue Bell, 100 at $2.25. Emma Copper. 100 at 51c; 100 at 50c Earl Eagle, 1500 at 22c. East Tintlc Con., 320 at 14c Howell, 1600 at 33c; 2300 at 324c- "00 at 32c. Iron Blossom, 300 at J2; 300 at $1,974. Indian Queen. 1500 at ;ic; -100 at 4c. Keystone, 100 at 66c: 2100 at 68c; 100 at 67c. King David, 500 at 12c; 4S at 10c. Leonora. 2000 at 3c. Mav Dav, 2000 at 18c. Mountain Lake, 2000 to 114c. Michigan-Utah. 4600 at 32c. New Quincy, SO at 10c. Natldrlver, 1000 at 12c. Ploche Bristol. 1000 at 64c Plutus, 1500 at 184c Prince Con., 400 at $1,274. Paloma, 3000 at 94c Rochester, 1000 at 60c Sioux Con., 100O at lSUe; 1500 at ISc South Hecla. 200 at $3,07 4. Silver Shield. 1500 at 60c; 600 at 59c-1100 59c-1100 at 5Sc j I Santaquin Chief, 3000 at 44c; 90OO at 4V.1C. Texan. 1000 at 2614c. Tar Babv. 2500 at 9c. j Tintlc Central, 2000 at 64c ! Tintlc Standard, 3300 at ISc; 1000 at 174c 1 1 Utah Con., 1000 at 2c 1 West Toledo. 1500 at 9Vlc ' ; Yankee Con., 1000 at 31c; 1000 at 32c; ' 1000 at 32 4 c. i Shares sold, 93.37S. Selling value. t20,3Sl.S5. OPEN BOARD. ! Bay State, 2500 at 5c. Coilonwooi Atlnntis. 3500 at 134c I Iron Blossom, 2O0 at $2 Mineral Flat, 3000 at fi$c; 20O0 at 37c. Silver Shield, 1 100 at fiOc. South Hecla, TOO at J3. Tar Baby. "00 at 9c. Shares sold, I2,n0. Selling value, $2160. AFTERNOON SALES. Aba Con., 1600 at 32c; 100 at 32'c. Alta Tiger. 1000 at 3t American Con. Copper, 3000 at 19c. Beck Tunnel, 500 at L'2lc. Bingham Amalgamated, luOO at 9y.c. Beaver Copper, 2000 at 2-c. Bay State. 2000 at 6c; 2000 at Gc. Dragon. 500 at 32c. Cold Chain. 2500 at 27e. Howell, 1100 at 3P4C; 1200 at 31c; 4600 at 30c; 1300 at SO&c. ! Home Run. 1000 at 7ij.o; 00 at lic. Iron Blossom, J3'0 at $1.9,"i. ; King William, 2000 at 1-c. ! Mammoth Copper, 1000 at 29e. j I New Quincv. SO at 10c; 600 at 11c. I O. K. Silver, 300 at 92c; 50 at 95c. i Plutus. 500 at 1 Sc. 1 Paloma. 1000 ot 34 c. I 1 Rico Con.. 1000 at 11c, Silver King Coalition, 350 at ?C90; 60 ! 1 at ?2 9 4- I Silver King Con.. 50 at $2.85. 1 Sioux Con., 3500 at, lTc. Swansea Con., 1000 at 2c. Silver Shield, 100 at 59c; 200 at 6r. ! South Hecla Extension, 500 at 17'ic. 1 Santaquin Chief, 4000 at 4c. Tintlc Standard. 500 at 170. West Toledo, .".00 at 9 Vic Shares sold, 42,30. Selling value, $9373.50. OPEN BOARD. I Alta Tunnel, 1500 at 12$c. 1 Alta Germanla. 1000 at 11c. East Crown Point. 50O0 at 1 'Ar-. Howell. 500 at 2Dr; 500 at 2sV. Mav Day, 500 at 17c; 75 at 16c. Mountain Eake. 500 at 11c. Prince Con.. 50 at 51.30. West Toledo, 1500 at 9-c. Yankee Con.. 700 at 32aC. Shares sold. 1 1 ,257. Sclilng value, 5124S.-.3. |