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Show lis llolilual. llgiit ts, August 22. rim holy coat now un exhibition In the cathedral nt '1 reves iiss lion examined by u textile manufacturer, w ho says that when the wrn'i ra were removed tlm garment waa fount an tattered It could not te displace.!. All aged and exi-rleuce-d muu had manainnl to gum tlm fragments frag-ments together, the lunterlal being too much worn lo rinlt of the use of a medio uud thread. The cout I, now lrtly overlaid with the nnderlal lu which It lues formerly been rapped and which, having becomo detached, cannot lie mr-inraled from It. rhu re versu side of the coat ha. also been ex-uiiilnid ex-uiiilnid by Dr. Uock of AIi-Ia Chn-1., Chn-1., lie, who sal s It Is mounted on Until, Ilk, which w a. uuixterlil In use during dur-ing thu Ilrst century nn I never Inter than the sixth, and which via. very oustly 111 Catholla circles. Thcsu fact. Are regarded a. proving tho authcu-tlcllyof authcu-tlcllyof thu relic. |