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Show Tee raloie or dense IlalTetUi. Tliero are fow electrical appliances tint elicit such widely varying opinions from electricians ns tho storage battery. Bom stoutly boll that for traction purposes the accumulator will never bo reduced to n commercial basis, while others Just as emphatically maintain that It will Ineiltably lie the almost iinlvcnal source of power for city cleo trio llnev He this as It may, the storage stor-age battery will unquestionably come Into general luo for lighting In tho near future. As A reservo when the machinery bm-iks or Is at rest, or ns a resnilitor when running, It Insures that tlw con sinner ll never lift In tho dark, llulld lugs halo been known to havo 1-een llghteel for flronrilx ih)s byrtnnu-e littt rlee, wbllo for trinporiry llglitln for ivneetts, balli, era, they form a comenlent method of Imtalllng, at n short notice, tho clectrle light, while dispensing with the noise of running machinery, accompanied by the nrdl nary amount of stacks and dirt. Tiew "WW Telegram. |