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Show Almr lileiillllnt a, ll.l.sll. llAOVin, N. II., Auguit 22. It ha, been established I) ond duubt that KrnnkC. Almy I, George 11. Abbott, wlm cMSicd from the Windsor, Vt, Htate prison alout six tars ao. War. den u.kc-s and two ,uierlntendutiL from Windsor Ihu morning ioslllvely Identlfled him a. Abl-ult, who I. knosrn a. ah expert burglar and des-wrate criminal. At tlm time of Ills escape he was servluguul n sentence of fifteen )caix, having been couvlcted on nine difTVrent Indictments fur breaklug And entering houses, to which he pleaded guilty In January, lbbl. When Ablatl wa, nrrested In losl ho was thu rlugleaJcrof a gaugof burglar, who oHrAied In the town up and down the Connecticut rlvur. |