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Show POLITICS IN UTAH. A Former Hebrasian Gives Somt In-lerestlag In-lerestlag Explinatloos. rnnoNEoL's mroitTs toiim ithp. Orllnorili Moumenl to DliMa on ' .Vitlcual Parly l.tn. Tbe.Vi'bnudcaHlAteiuwo.l liaithe followlog Idler from a uon-".Iormoii" mlJeiit of Ogdeti City vrhlcli tho Mill 'Mormou" fanatic, will dlillku bul rannoldcuy. Wo emit the traili It contained, wliloli wu copied from tlie Halt Ito IVWum: Capri, Utah, Aug. 10, 1S11. In yourelln.eblepaier o( the 7lu ItuU, ntt-tari a alnlenient rigardlug tho election In Utah. I do not know from what you bao your aaaertlon that thu election "prove, cleaily that Hie Territory Terri-tory li not yet rewlr for I ho orgenUi lion nf deinocratlo and republican lrtli," and would Ilka to iilYe you my reaioui for believing that ltd tt adr for thla movement, fu do tlila 1 maf require l.iorr. of jour lltue than you rare to give to the lutjret, In which caao you know what to Uo with rnr communication. In tho tint plai-0, I ould llkr to alludotothe rauie-a which led In tho "allcnii t " You are aware that tho old Liberal tarty im comed of the rnttro (jcnllte or anil-Mormon lopuhtlon of the Te rrltory, an J that thfi iiopubitloii wai made up of He i-ublicana, Demoerati timl rvlilbltlnu-lata. rvlilbltlnu-lata. In iollllc, of all rellgioui Urnanil nation, und l i-eople from marly every itiarter ot the globe. It waa a belt rotenoua tnaaa, ah I It wna oatlble to bold together only at Ion aa tbero at inred lu b a common came upon which all could unite. Thn act thai the Mormon rople were aoll lly undid In odo lltlcnl body, und roiitnted every Inch oflltl.-al aicendancy at-(eraj at-(eraj tl by tlie l.ltwral artyfurnliliii tho common cauio An t held the party together, Tlila waa luithtr aug-minted aug-minted by the fart that the Pcoplo'a luirtl lb" Mormon re-relented re-relented relljtliur dinomltinlloii which practiced and taught polygamy, and, It la ilalmed, taught the Uoclrlue of aupremapyuf church nvir Btote lu all temporal Allaire. The Mlirral parly made lu fight Uionlho'Mor' won" 1 arty wholl and intln ly upon there two lnie, And rccatedly CAlleil upon the Mormon j eot le to nbati Ion imlygauiy and dlibatid their iiillllfal organisation, audttiire wooll then I hi nodlflerenceaiietaeeii tliem and thu Uentllea. I u October lait IWIcnt Wnudrull did, at) mi are aw are, luo aii ofllchil inmlfcilo agalnil iohgamy which waa later on cndorci by tlio gem ral coafrrenco of ttio MornDn ehurih, 1.W0 delegate bclnff In attendance itponlbli conference. Thlt rrnum. Atlon of i-olygamy waa accepted In good faltti by nine tsntha of thu ' Keiitllei of the Territory at the time, Including the brlgbtcit wind of the Territory, and eveii the inbunc of Halt Uko City, In Ita laiuu of (Mober T.ISlM.ialdi "Look upon It from any atandpolnt, thla la a ratably advantage, and the ultimate remit ran only im the dual Ueutli of polyi(imy In the United Htatrl. The CGuroll will never again tlaretooieuty eudonethu eyatim un leal It belli eoiua wild Ulaud or rualu land where no liwt of clvlllntlon In. I terpoietoiravvnt. Ho, In any event, wlit-thir Intended to le ao or not, It luMua the final ind of ulj KAmy,n Thl reuunclattoii left but onu inoru conctaalon to be made liy tho Mormou 4op1o, namely that of UUbandlni; their prdltlcal oriiauliatlou. Tho radical radi-cal leaJrra of thu liberal Ucmaudod that thla t done nud that the party to h man aliould unite Willi the Idlwral lrty. Thla waa a iwratloxtcAl Ilea, and to the urtat majority of the Uen-tile Uen-tile population upiienrud al, for thu rtiy almt lo reuwm that when the reorle'a wrty did dlabaud the Idbtral Irty had no platform to aland tieu and norauiiuror exhume. llenllxtiigthU, theipittttton of what ahould l done witii the Mormon eoite bHame one of moment. Mauy of the Abler mlnda of the Territory at onto decided that the Uttrr ix)uru to iunue wai to oruanl'e Dimocratlo aui! tefAlbllcAU artUa, aud Invite thoMor luon jteoilo to untie with one or thu other. In iurauahco of thla declalon rltiba were oritaulied In Oitdeu, aud an Invitation waa extended to thu Mor luon jieople to Jolnthim. Metllnca rcre arraneed for dltlereut retlucta and a work ol eilucAtlon wai com luencrd. 'Iho mult waa that In WrUr county tho inemburi of the ceutralorixecutlvecoinmHtiHi of tho 1'eoplo'a rty of tlila cou nty Ulil.an.lM thefr orirauuitton And Jolued tho live new rllt, thrru lolulu the Democrali anl two thu Jtepubllcaiii. I.t-t It be under rtood that time tle muu wrro edu cateil and tnlrlllrnt men, who had inlnxled with thu outaldu world iuf. Ilclinlly to know what they were About, Olio of the Kontlemeu who went with thu IWpubllcniie hal bun fortwoyeara or more Uvu thu ll torlal atatl of the Hiu 1'raucliro a.runlole, whtu hu Imblbitl hla llejniU. llcau Mewa, and hli colleague who went with him to tho llei.uLllcan ful I hod Iteen n clove and Intimate friend. Of tho three who mm with the Democrat!, one waa pruldmt of a lareu baukliiK and financial liiilltu Hon, another wai oiiib preatdent of a bank, aaaoclated with a (lentil from your own Htutu of .Nobm.ka, and thu third waa an attorney, Ihera Kentlu. mrnhadoadi Imu In pympathy and their choM-n al li' for jrara Uifuni thu mouuuient waa thought of, The wor k ofiiiitrudlnKAnd educatluir the pen. lie of thU country upon the fundamental funda-mental prlnolpleauf tho Kovernmeiit, And of Ihupiliiclpleaof thu two U'iat uatloiiAliaitliawa continued without itiaattou. and the itoplu ovi ry where eihlblted the itrrutol Intenal. Ihu echool houna would hardly acoommo. date the attendance, no matter which Irty held the nieeiliig. Htormidld not diU r tlirm and they camo from fur and near. It waa not Inlrtiiueiit for M,ilIon. to coirn from adjolnlmr rouutlee to attend thiMi imetluga and hear the taken talk iiwii quietloiia that to many of them were entirely new, Tho im vement apread Irom Welxr Into adjoining countlea and finally intimated Iho entire Trrrltort; uverrwheru Ihu I'eopla'a arty w ai df-Jandeil df-Jandeil and thla waa finally follonul by the ofllclal dlabuudment of the patty by thu rcrrltorlaleKcullvu committee. com-mittee. Thin waa the hit plank of the I,llr. H lfly knoikotl from unJur lt,u.l it wu.atllil.tliuolJLIUcnlliu.l.r .ucli ninm. Ju.lk-oCliKiilwlnof the lYiliunt, m Judge i'owtri f aill Uke, Frod J, Kleeelof Ojjden and a few olhera be-KAIl be-KAIl lu take alarm. Thee gentlemen and their follnwrra fanclnl tin y aaw or pretended tiny law In the movement a trick to reatore tlie Mormona to power In Halt lJike And Ogdeu, And at omu the cry of alarm wai rained. The Tri-bunt Tri-bunt tald the Ranio wai autehood and a Mormon autenood or thoocrncy would be the rwult of the illvlalou. Front thU on the camiAlgn waa waited by the Ilberalann the muity record! of thu Mormon Church, with thu iron-crow iron-crow of itatehood dangllnir liefore their eyea. The one noiked Ujii the rrju Jlrra of aome and the other aflei t-ed t-ed Hie timid. Ihu dlvliloulata, oa the Democrati and lleubllcara were eallel, ahowiKl concluilvely thai itatehood wai uot an Im'jb In the i atniialitii. The history of the Admlaalon or all Terrltorlta for thu part tAenty.flre yeara waa jroof of tlil. Tho-e who would lltton weru lualo awarn of tlila fact, and they knew that unlem there wai a I'reif-dent, I'reif-dent, AHenateaud a llouie of Itr re-aentallvea re-aentallvea At Waahlugton of one iolltl-cal iolltl-cal faith, an I that thli Territory i-ml I ahow by more than eino election that ahewi In political lympathy there with, theru wai no hoi e of Hlntehood, and that thli conlillou of atlalra could not tlhlv eilit for yean lo rami; yetthe iounekit up on that line, tiubllihlnic audi aitlclea aa thu followihgi I Hero foil, it aome extract! from the ,,I,tberalMorKau.j l.very cenJIJ, reasoning man, who Cave thu autject Any thought At all, at once aiew thoatnurdlty of auchanar-Kumant auchanar-Kumant Aathoabove, (ait It won many a timid man over to the ranka of the I.llierali. Theru li no e vldencu to bcllevu that the Mormon iiiople deatru atatehood for An) alnlitcr puriioie,niid nothlni; of Iho kind appuarod durlni; thu cunp-iign or Apjieara from the roiult ef the election. elec-tion. On thu contrary, theru nppeara every evidence to couvlnco ati)one who la uuprrjudlced that tin re li an eurncat ilelriun lheiart of the!!, plu to i merge from theiitalii that haa ao loug riitefluiion the Territory, nud to take a rightful aud honorable (khI-tlou (khI-tlou lu thli country, to becomu an AiurrlcancllUeii In fact ai well ai In name. Another evllencu li thla, that In-atead In-atead of "bulldluic waIIi Around the Territory ao thick and m high u to forever kp the Uenlllea out of the Territory," the lirefont geiieratlin of Mormonaare lulfillnic lltrreut klnda ol walli. They are building wall. In the that of brick and itouo and mortar In the ahaiai uf four, fire, alx and even itory bulldlnga u Hilt I.iku I City and Ogdcn and are Inviting (Juti I ttlea to como In and occupy them. Ut toe llluatratu a few Imuui'ei uf what they tiavuilouolu Olen ulono within Iheha.t two rm. Thu Utah Loan an 1 rru-t co npany have built n luajiilrlcent aoveti atory mt itono bloik, the llnett InilMlujt ta-lwern (1hlcAKu and Kan t'r Miction, at a Ira.t of JiVi.OOd. -IIiIk li a Mormon luilltutloii. The l'lrit National lank haa i reeled A ban laome Ave atory atnno mid brlrk block At a coil of J 1 1 ",(). The lb lo rurnlturuevinitue bun built n largo brown alone front four atorlea lu height at a net of JKKl.OOll. Tbre two e'en-teruiaruexcluilvely e'en-teruiaruexcluilvely Mormon. Moiara. Wowlmauiee V Manh, two Mormon Kentlcmeit, liavu I ullt ahandwiniu four atory trick, with four largo atururooma. At a coat off i 1,01. V. 11. WrlghtA Hon, a Mormon dry ffouda (trm, a Urge thrie atory double brick atore room at a voit ol $ilii unit Tho (Irand OiwrA houie, ewtliig f IM.UOn, aald lo l the limit wrat of tho Mlaiourl rlvrr outalde of Iiriiverand Han Kranclaco, wai built entirely by Mormon nion And Mormou no no), Thcteaud inaio other Imtancea nru cited to ahow ttiat the Mormona of today to-day aru not the aamu oa the Moruiaue of twenty yeara ago. When a aub-crltloll aub-crltloll waa taken up two eale ago for a lionui to l gin li Mra. Heed to Aiilit 111 the building oflho 1UI hotel, the Mormoiiacoulrlbutetl aa freely and aa lavlihly aa did Ihu (lentllre. At thu reunt achool elerllon to vote $ltl,i00 In bolide to i reel achool Iioumih In thu city, with over h)0 Mormon votea In the city, the proKltton received leaa than a acoro of o imaltlon vote i, and tbrao weru known to come moitly from thu Uentllra. Ill fouroutof eeveiiuf our I anka Mormon and (lentllo t apltal com mlm;liA.Iuuurlargitwliulaleratab. liitinienti, with ouu or two exccptloni, Moimoua and Oentllea havu c6mbliud tlitlriuergleaHii I their money, while In the retail eaUblhduneiila of the city the queatlou of whether a man U a Mormon or a Method! never entere In thu formation of Apartuenhlpfur the IrAUiiclloiiof biialueai. Thli ilato nf Alihlra eiliU 111 Halt LakuClty ai welloa Ogdeu, and ali 111 other loiallthewhirudeiilllealiave congregated to any extent, rhu financial and inalerUllnteriita aru thu auiiie, and any movuuim the jmrt of thu Mormon Church to takuany undue advantage of thu ficntltia would riact upon the member of thu Church a well. lt them drlTuout the Uuntllei, aa Mr. Uoodwlu clalmet they would, an I what would become be-come of their proorllfft? So nine or unprrjudlcel man bo-llevea bo-llevea that inch au nttemr t will ever Ui tun le. llrlgham Voting lioa lieeu diad thine alxteeii iarr, And with him Ilea burkdall thu Mormon church that IheOeutllcaof Utah or the United Hlalia hnvo (mil tofiar or ceniure. Let thla inuiimeut pmcewl ahould tie thu doiout wlili of all frlendiof tiro-gnaa tiro-gnaa niid.rrforni; let the peo loot Utah Wcutuu thoroughly educulod on the irlnclplia of our govi rmueut and Hi iiolltlcal arlUa,w that when Htate howl doea i ome her 1 1 ople w 111 Im re-ared re-ared lnaciet Aiidirform thoiluttea of rltluuiblp to theermllt of Hum aelveaand Ihu uutl in at large. J. I), llimu. |