OCR Text |
Show i tti r. i,ii in it it, ew lime lent On and after Hct. !th tialm will runnifollowa: ir A tin ftr Arrtr StltlsH ftwrarlA f etawrf. tallLii, tllam. is,it, Ma at. It Up hi HWie. I II -ii. tt i in 111 ., lntM I rue 3,m. 4eiin. tMM I II .m. laMicin. litem looie, I l in aou,m. leiem veiMn. l iie teaaitm. tlUi.m, llillljr eirepl II lr OrcheitrA llmdln AtlendAticn every da), rare for round trip, VV, D. I . Html in, (lenl. Agt. 1'iwiir. Deri. RE-OPENING! I THURSDAY, AUOUST"37lh, Tlitr"mllr Amntnrni ium-I will obfn lor Ui uon iirrrnt.)t a tirontf bill 10c. WONDEnLAND, 10c. lOo. ADMISSION. XOo. oiili: rpiif iiKiittt en wMiti, it irrivii in . la llMkholdtn ol the le,eitl Xiwi ily, lor lie iiiii-jm. ol .. rtiitu an I rlerhnl a II iinl el 1 1 rector. er II tn,n Hi rnr. will I hil I in lit nteMiftnei, ali uit tjiir. Ulib, eti-4i!, Ititx ttai.at lliirlotla. w. JtlllN A M CAII - 7 K T'W 2 SCHOOL BOOKS. Aii.I I er)ll,l,i( ll.e lle.iilre,l Ur hellelaro ere ler nele li I he iiSaiITci. 711 IVIi.IHT I3T. "7U. II. it M ill 1ST! f. J.aaatr. AITHOKIZH!) WIT Mm -run Titav- Deposit Siamp System uiar mmum mm mi I.. MUtl u 1. Hi.l MU IU Slrrt, ' IClh lVird Co ep , cor itti rut ! 4lh nitr. it r.llroohi, cr iiUouib And th kait ronltrcr Uro. ci K Blrrct lttiif t fprrrri - tUM Mtin ftir.A llalttrworlb.r-or Ird Writ ml lrt)rtuib Wnt, M. nrmd . 4il IV lib Nuni, lAtta Hftrd tout. 114 W r-nutti Hr. t Mill, ri N Ut. Wi 11 r Mint, . . -Ill K. UtiXW.. II J lMuoi.niBC. fril K. Iiivttu rrtnk lirntinf, rein 4 if) Ki MilJow-iT liroa, 701 i- TIN tecum Mr It. Itom, foti8Uiia UUhHorjitt norr A . r.l U rut-ouil. J All In le ,S1N inrlKaft It II Inhir,. !UlM .'! Job u 11 MIboi. llnl- 'Dlkomii Arinarrriwm, n W, .Nrth Ttmp A II. UcMMiruf, Ultnylttk John r (m. cor, fnJ mtulh kriJ IrJ tl J W, Hour A Po., I'lrkTnTtw dmirtr I obiaianA Umir, SIT Upnlvtnpt J tv lUrrii, ll-UHUrni John i rowo, cor. N Icmil umliiw, I' M.ltl. . II, UliUM,... Ki-rbtrti Hat rdtn, . ItoknUfBl t rmrrvUI Cu op, I CDttrvili I irifl I tiii)br A UvilldlititCoMp'r. uctr Jini .SeiLon, liltfl'rtllAnwi (i tit lil a, tIllLrfkt J t ItObiuaoB larmlugtOB Ha, WfKiiiu ran l ma1 it the II ink or run aurtif iu aftat. and tibtn tbnMtir.t r-rirbrB It ) iba tlvMMllor will f parcel,, nit rtit I hereon, rnt4xtui1l I inula a triad Genornl Uanklntr nuvlnait, tnaicxom -r ArtntlroBr,! W, Madtia II tf W t-.l-Mlv-rli lloltvir KoUrta. Ur Jo.. UflVnH !lrmniMV1f'," " Uw4f NOTICE TO Cn EDITORS. KaintiOf Jotin Itaei. lrajl, vTOTirt. h til-itKiiw.n fs in tiih uv AM tlcrnttaH, admluUlrairUbt the rut of Johnltic .1. BiwM.la tbacrt litii or, and hII irronx hvnng laiiu aaamit Ilia ait lnr .Mil, lnt-i.ul!, thtm wliii u e RrHeuurr !';,;; .17,,, .3 ..' '.fW, D-ilddeA juiUUh l l . . . . . , kiiaih ni a. men Admin itritrlt ot tbt iilili ot j( i u J..o. dicciilti, dljiA E. K. TH0MA8 Mm 20. 28, UO, 32 CAST FIRST SOUTH STtiCCT. M ' -VI Mil riTTlTt fTTQ ittj iTt II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m f!S GRAND.'JIDSUMMER IM IClearmcEI ill i i wn FOR .-. TEN .-. DAYS p3. Wo wlllOffor Our Cntlro Stock of 'j , S) SUMMER GOODS Wk Without any Consideration for Cost. V Ut' PEOGRAMME. ' ' 'fl A ' im SILKS. PARASOLS. j tMW Think of It I n..i. i . . h JaH Only .. for Hural. Hltt. that are Vl te"Ji J M' wortliuio, all ali.de.. A e CJh, "S. 1 kM Cr,, defhe. hi, level. tt.ru., only A II.W l'.rad forVSe, f 1H "V:?, 'C'Vt, , Agw'a,.,olforf , W' rrlntel China H La,iylh dehni, U( ,,.. ,., . ,, , , j ' ; AortliWcEoInKlunilaMleAtWc ' ""uTi i '"i ' f l,",tn ' ' I ' 'MY ' c " riKular pilre and the rale rlco il S iH Boundi unreaiouaUli. It would be R . .... ,...- .. '"t for the fact that they were 1 ( iHtr BLACK SILKS, TOO, ai-ouchtrercntlyatjuitiueliealuea. , ' Ka Are put way dou for 11.1. ocrailon. "iT'i'' f??AtU'i ! ,K AlJour entire line of l'lald and HUH. c wortliWe., Hooandtlja. J M Trlmnilnuhllti. " D Vt3, LACES .) M l'hln India Hllkiai well. v,ii..i.. , , '' alH A nle-er e.Wll.1. ol ah.de. c.n-1 Uu ""'''cat.uyour elrtuet , H U found- Pink, Klue, H.llo , worl'l. 53c. for c " j ' LH tr.,e, lleIKe, Porce alt,, Kane, , '' Jl H lrcudi tlrey, Cardinal Cream, Hn. . '" ' . " '" Um Hi lloie, Hap, hire, HlACk Blld While 21 H,et?A .h T '" T? I Cl t MM ..,',J ',',,,;. slecta Allotted I.aceattlo. IF li H .ll.tllrla. d piece, Uc. 0-1. lot), loo., l!c and ft Vj I 1 AN" 50i-, worth 23c. to Mc ' ttloFI Mm 500 IIKMXANTB of Hllka at lei than T,clm, lMn ,t th, um, Llg rjuo- I fl llH ball price. ,n. " , 1 "H ' i'iB DRESS GOODS. EMBROIDERIES. , j H Now lath, lime to buy them. NeVerUfor. liar, embrolderle. leea ' Hj l),lco. all-wool 40 Inch Plaid. ud wlJ'oche.p. d mWE Btil,..toulyc, worll. tw. .,.,, e-,1U",,: ","".' ,l0C" T", MM 15 piece, French lire-call, lluntlu,,, all .f,. " "C '" r" V,- I i yWM wool and mot. ll.an. j.rdwlde, "' " f.r .. U ;H lu Tan, lllue. and Urowoa. Thli '?. .uni '"'" ,1 I, .! article I worth lc J w. are golug " uuc In, f, J LU. il J toiellltatMcJliowlathatT . " ' '?. "'" - W B 57 pl.ee. Awrteel Dr.i. Good, at lie.. A '"K""80' "" "oudcIb. , All. U ree-ularirlc-eltac uteri and l-dglnRa to match At If AMI a.Al&.IM.rilK, nearly notmng. A.k I, ae. Ih.tu. JP W rcKU.Af price 25c, - 9 Jm J I rB Io. fall to. the Mohair lire. Pat HANDKERCHIEFS. I ' 1 tern that wo are ulllug for $W0. It SW will aatoulih jou. n , wo,i, lon IjdliaMIandkerchl.faaUe., , .W jiooo. liJic. and llc. ngular ) rice lie, ,1 a W Sdet-andtWo. t H WASH FABRICS. udk.'njMi.Miti.tioo. ir. ii IB Iddlei' Dciby Hllbed Llile Hon, il , I J'; i K Beu our 6c. Telle. worlli75c,, now.llliiKat.vl)(c. ' ' JJH S -Ml Mc.ZepliyrailowntolOio. .Mlmei Plain Llilo lloie, lUJfcworlli . ' T8 j -Wk eiliyrUliiifliainoulybc. o,)c. i re 1 M SOc. Cballle. down lolSKc. Udli.' Jeraey Hlbbed Veita, 8lfc. f i 1 81' J ' WlieiClialllei. Will waih and uot i,jM. ,a Mint.' Muillu Under. Kit ' 1 I fade; IS yard for II.0D. wear, waa neerollered ao cheai. V 1 J W Ma) (lower Organdie, l.o,wottli Wc. cjc. JILaea lllouiefor De. .!, f j ' (M We haTe a Iplendld lloek of lino fbal- Wt JHuw,. louM for Ue, ,' I ! , . S He., 'Ilwuea, lino Allo Clolln ,ti3 Mliaealllolor Win. 1 l " ' fH I,awu, itc etc. They muit la, ujwmImmi' llloueo for 11,10. I ( tloeedout. I.sdleiMllotmaiamodlacount. d , i .', lH Itr.MNANTriof Challln,(llnru.ini, ij,j. ,ck caihtnere Bhawla and , . i J, I 4M .rhyr., Haleon. Callooe. aud llnibrolderetl Flehuei, golug at J ' H ' IWA I.awiuathalfirlee. tl)c on tho dollar. ) III MEN'S FURNISHINGS. SH0ES- j !j rwoorthreelluiatdclcioout. t ' . 1H i-Oc.Iaucyllalf HowforMc. A IS.nilihoefor JUU. 1 ' H UOc. Fancy Half llowifor JIM.c, A I2.S5 hwfor JI.75. M l Mt Jeney ltlbbed Drav.en,c. A $.1.00 ahoo for 5 23. i v H Jervy nibbed Bhlrl, 15c. A $!.() allirr for SOc. , , IScllandkenhlefaforoc. A II 80 alinr for OJc. . V) I M IMC. IlaudkerchlefifortiWc. A lotot odda and endi In Chlldr.n'j 1 , M SOc. andkerchlif.forU'lc. Hho, at la than e-oit. il 1 AW I0c.iliiiidkerchlf.f9rigc. Wo carry a full line of Men'. Shoe- ' ', MK About 60 dou of then, to icll at Ibeio Wo ,. ,,, bem cb - fl Jj prlcia. -l al Meu'a Night Hblrta at coat. K , I IjvJH A line of Hearflli-aaUic. LINENS. i ' jj H Men'aOutliiKHItlrti from SOc. up. . , ,,.,, . tZ i W lH tW, air. Men'. Odd Pant. to UcL ouU TurUy Ueil IUmatk, only Me. r j, f- I, H Half llleaehe.1 Dautaik, only Sac. per ' l ' Jfi 1 lr jarJ. IrJ ill V Vi.u have any l-oy if torn i to lOjcari Ton el, C'raili N!.Iiii aud TIJIia al 3ka9 oil, aelld tin til b Ul for a mil of reeluced rliva. iHBH rlothii; we uru doling nut our Iiaie Curtalni, Hllk Ciittalui. I . lUtt clothing, lancyTableaud PlauuCoeeraatcoit I 8!tA EVERYBODY INVITED. COME EARLY. IK liu.i'.t.munt i:tM uniii: ntitk ioumii, on iiii: v'! hBI 1111,111' 11 IMI MM'. s , jj I'HHl TTTTOTTI iTTTTl m 1 1 M n i n 1 1 11 rTTTTTTr I" Vwt R K. THOMAS ' ,( il M . -sJmu |