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Show niM j Arau(emcnt. BlHli! 1 nuntll'a rompdlani will rommtneo HHh' jj thtlr csogastruvnt at the Halt liuVu MlMl, 1 thontro ncit ThurtiUy cvvliln, HJjtjBflj I Ainpist L7, continuing two nlgliU and HlBH 1 n HaturJay matlneo In the Tcry Jalcut HM Hf II I compllAtlun of that notal lo farolc al vx- HJHS I trcmu "TI10 City Director)" (up to nl I cjatv) MauMjur Ituurll'i record la H FIB I iB-tinlnntaaancritaulitrof talrutcil llliRl farcoura and If naiuia IndUatu oxcol Hf nIBi A leuce the present combination should fj HII , lu L'llt et)(;ed to a ctreree Tbrro la I Bl rJ Wlllla 1'. r)wen.tnain, Dan Dilj, BM1 HBiai n Luku Hclioolcralti Chaa Hraoion, Hint Hi! I.J llarerly, J,M, Mlrou, Jullua 1. Wit- JB IIhiJ mark Joj. Ja'kiun, V. H Mullalj, B KSBi in inualcal dlnctor, and the Mliaea litiie fl UtiSItl ' ldtldee lleule Cleveland, Mjt n Uvlljl.1 Kelio, Kalte llarl, Marlon Willi r, Hj&Ainl an 1 America' trrealrvtdaniM'Utu MUa B IB J, il'j Amelia (Hover, the auburn headed IIIJ I'cottMuf motion In Iho Hue cf , ll.j farceswmedy 'The City Directory" U I till Ihumoat itiiuUuaucceucfrviiutyrurti J & ' U. and the ieeret cf 1U auiei.a tuny l Bj IINI fmul In the iteraonel of the t'oruiiany iH flj IN luorlowho have karned all the re II Hi 1114 iiulremenlaofthoartof farceura lu the M aB Ijl eihoolaof mluatrel! Iigitlmatocomedy B R$l ill i xlul birri1 H H) !! 1 ri' -""" 'x'lng of "Wonder- BDirTij'J Jand" will take linen on Thuralay, iB fW ? li I Augttit STIh, at the old location on I il HS '( I HecondHoulh, next the CulUu Hold H I "J ill Theprlnclpulftaturtafor the onluir II 'J.l I'J ,utl' wl" '"' (''talu ChaUuiulxu'a H .SIT VI famuui collttlon of relloa from tint H Hi'fllli land of the midnight roii, I lie Italian 9j1 Villi.! Ulnyorcuelra,inl AUoaoto'a llyal BJ a. "!1 Jjpanuu troupe. Ill |