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Show vverlil'e Inle llullilliic Unslues,. In- .1 iliB Clin Aim, August :J. Vlce-Preil- ft BH dont DdVuiing of tlm World's l'alr ' ,kBB National CommlHlon 1ms unearthed ,) H an upiHireiilly eurious defect lu the Ux- ' BbH loslllunbulldlug'plaun. Ha vvntits A I V iMLB complete revision. According tu thu j, ,V I 'nftvH llgutce given by him theru will nut ba '' T n fH n loot of lloor pace in the mauufie-- , i LH turus building for Auurlcin exhltl- 1" vBH tors, lu an Interview Inn loeilrner A , .Hiffl exlaluln hi. view, Mr D.V on ij l jB JH aid thu Natlouil Commission hall w uWJJjB ill H Illfrl -1 " H BJeiPi certrdthorlani lit tlio maniifacliirri LiaH Kvl! E Inlllloir, lul not m tli aland ow WmW f9ii When Ina flan" ' tlio"" "'" turn Haeael Slfe& ' rallinltwaevilaltieItliattironi,n Haeaei IIE I IK e-nutltlntlde the bull Hint wire In m Haeaei IB III rweMe.lforei.nilili)n'irr.e. What B U lit li liecoiiin of thai eg am nowf In Wm Iff .-otif-MrrnllnR of n I rll-ot JIO'.IKK) Ihp J IB III illrrct'irr luta ilnm-.l to luni l-lhrr He If I I ull HliK In oiik of tlinw rami", ami a 1U Ik routlcand ilramatlo lullJliif Roea In J lit the other. Tliote tailldleiin have no J IK lmtlnettthereanl ought lo I token HH HB l out The manufacturera' lull Unit r- MM II. terlorally It the ura iltit of " i" ll' H II', ground. Inlerluralljr It la a farce I I ill nt lli thing corrected l'ote II I KB lf roea any further, nn I when the dim. efl BWat 9 ' minion meet I tha.ll tak. the ror M ( it i- |