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Show Iliijricit of all tn I-circruDj l'ower-U. S. Gov't Report, Au. fij, 1885. fm Powder AOSOWTEiX PURE Poison in the Kitchen. No nrtlcla cntcrlnfj so Ecncrally Into tho food of every household is so fjcncrally nnd villainously ndultcrtd as bal Jnt; jiowdcr Tlteso adulterated powders nro shoved upon tho publle with tho cjreatust rslstency Tliroblilni advcrtlscmontB In now jpapcm elalmln; this hrand or that Is absolutely pure, backed by nnaljsci and cer-tlficites, cer-tlficites, and yet llicy aro adulterated w Ith ammonia or alum. It is to bo hoped tho law will tnlo hold of these morclesi, manufacturers nnd punish them for destroying tho ttomachs of the unsuspecting consumer i Amid nil this fraud and deceit Dr. Trice's Cream Bil. ns Tow dor standi almost alono bittllng fur puro food and, i ontinites to furnish a puro cream of taitr.r powder at almost the same cost to tho peoplo as tho nmmoinn and alum powders pow-ders nro sold at, yet it costs much moro to minufacturc, Dr I'rlco's Cream Ilalliiff l'owdir is of tho highest .strength It produces tho largost amount of lea oulng power ntttlnablo in a puro baking powder It is freo from ammo- mi or any other adulteration No porder dots suelt i.ork. Housewives who l.a.o teted all use Dr, JTIccs only. |