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Show Tli. Hue.'. w.r. During tho occupation of Torli ly Iho allies In 1813 a iruneli marshal shouldered an l'ligUili colonel from the sldowalk Into tho street. Thereupon tho I ngllihmnn, being forbidden by a general order of Wellington's lo cho n cliilletige toor accept ono from a 1 rench officer, did what he contlderr 1 the only thing lelt him knocked tho l"rencli man down, and later refused litin satisfaction satis-faction In a duel. The litter then made a funnnl complaint to tho dne, who, to soothe tho marshal's feeling, sent a writti n reprimand to tho colonel, but In It Inclosed a cordial Imitation to dinner hew otk Itecurdcr. |