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Show The l,ltr I'raellee llrnnatil lo I In... Oiiaiia, Neb, Aujmt 2X Vrelir-day Vrelir-day el i.vd the cavalry i rActlca or the deiartmeuU or the I'latln an I California Cali-fornia at llclUivue Itllla Itanxe, Ml medalt Were awarded to the luiclttlul ciiiilllor The ten men rhuin lo regrtHiit the department In the army c nniwlltlon wtr Hecou I Lleuti nant Uray,rljath, rrumtiler Carroll, Com iuy 11, Hiith, t'oritral Mlliliell, i oniny K Hutli, 1'rlvata Thoiimt ( omiaiiy , Ninth, rterond l.luiiten-nut l.luiiten-nut I'erlthlni; Hlilli, Herneaut Hwan ton, Conn any I), Hlith, Corioral Warrert Company It, Kounh, I'rlvaie Munn, ( intpan) II Muth,HerKoant Oliver LomiMiiy K, Hlilli, Hnond lileuteutut llelton,Coni any H.NIntli, 1 ha quota firdlttluilttie. miriiatutu ill the team It tempo..! or lllliktinltll Keir, Company 11,81x111, and Caji-taln Caji-taln Kerr, Wlith |