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Show HIS W1FI7S LiriTliUS. Ai tb train strained slot) cot of fnotlon station Mr Uraen Cunjt Mm K.fioto tin corner of Ms compartment with ft proaa. "Whal between this Infernal lawn alt and cm thinjr ami auotlicr," ho taattcrod titbimwlf, M Wltovo Tm half out of my vUs. r'or tl)9 Int three tUv i 1 hnvo tccntn inch a uintHta. stitjcfjninj th.it lahoii 1 not bo ptirpnKx. to find lluttlliad forjfotUu half Oi necoaaary tjrs. Lt mo Just see now," And lio cix-tiM M iiamiimff nud began tuax ainlnn tlio dot u merits (n It h(l ho li Uina epiraRnl tlio cansc of bli per in Mm I on or j Irlt may bu stated, la tlio frit i Ucp, as t litumlf mil 1, ho bad a lawsuit oj hand caoxi enough In itself to luako a uuu uncomrurtaUg. Till tronbtu bail wn bmabt nn Mm, too, by tlio ml icon duct of a relative rela-tive That icnirffracg Jew Mews, bli lfrt'i brother, bad, by Inducing blin to lack soino bill, ffot blin Into tlio cluUbej if a uiouey leitdcr, ont of nblch be wiu lotbkely to ret ultbont conildrable Iuul Thli bad not unnaturally 11 to n c mti 1c to breach between .Mr CJruono aih! Jo, and n certain coclnw butwrbu lit Omuandlilivlfe. I!utentht did not coottituto tho whole of Mr Orreuti a trouble, though for tho ret ho hiawelf wo largely to blame, HoIlaI joiiftbccn very jealoua of Mrs. (Jreeno. At one time, perbapa, tlio lady giro htm mine cauto for llda. bho bad Utn brought up at Itotteuboro tho next imttou tobuobtonon the line Utwoeu bnoVtoa and London which wn a gar tlKn town. And thcro,bo Ital wna guod deal of tho olllcert, Alii likoiuuat yuucK women, had an Inordinate al miration for them. After her mar-rUye mar-rUye thli admiration continued, and the fro-jatucy of hr vltlU to itotttnboro VeroACOUtantaoorce of dlKomfort to Mr. On-e&e Knowing m be did her bnibaod'a iut4clom nature, Mra. Urcvne uai, to aay tho least tf It, not who In lilting Hottcnboro to often. Vet htr conduct would utur haiolod to any Actual qaarrel but for tho Inter lacddllnjj of on old tualden half aUlvr of Mr Oreo no a. .Mini Koaa Drlar wu ono of thoio indent acandal monger who, being dl ifjointd In life thciniclrvt, aro never lo happy at when they are making other people mitorabla Jt was her breath that blow Mr, Greene itnouldcrtng Jcalouiy lota a tlatne. Jt wai ahe who retailed to Mm fearfully exag ccratod rcpoil of bis wife's doings In Itotttnboro, and who put a criminal atpectonwhat was, at ont .nam thoughtless folly. However, to much were Mr. (Ireeno'a fcellnge worlid upon by Mlu Itriar, that bo at lut peremptorily forbade bis wlfo to go to llottcnboroaftaln thout his consent. Mrs. Urvcne at llrst tocclved this order with a strung show of rebellion) but, iftcr Vtltno, ttcinghcr buibanlwaslu tsmett, she settled douu In sulky obo dlenro to It. bucb was th,o condition of things when Mr Ureenowas Informed one day by his ollcitor that bis lawsuit would coma on for trial w ithln tho next three da a. In view of tho position of affairs, Mr. Urccno baturally fait uneasy At tho prospect of leaving home for u:ertl days, with no cno ti look ufur his wife. He rciolvevl, thprerore, to meet Ibo diQlcuIty by taklug brr to London with him. To bis amazement, amaze-ment, however, when ho proposed this to tier, sho ioInt blank rtfufel to go, Af tr trying iu vain to persuade htr, bo accordingly ac-cordingly bad to leave herat huine. Hut bow let us return to him an 1 bis search ever tho jpers In his handbag "Ay, fly," he muttered to himself, when he bad finUlied thit cperatlou, "it a just as 1 uxiwcted, 1 ha o forkOLten all tiiendelerTe tetters to Joo.H Btcodcl rl wai tho mouey lender, au I tho lalu (ifflailr Ureeuei action. 'I'orhaia I lut them In my pocket" ilr, (Irocne broughta number of let tm'out of hi pocket And looked At them ' Xo, rto," be sal 1 to himself. 'They're net here, but what's this Wb), some litters Maggie gavo mo to pust jester day, tuid 1 have neter though, of them iiitc. They ftio suro not to le of much ha porta nco, but icr Imps l'dbettir iot thtm at the next station and telegraph toMngkleAtthoMino time to, forward bveu leleri'a letters. Let mo aeo yis, tlwy must still bulnmy writing tabluut At the next station Mr, Greene banded tpfrter the letters mid Ulegrain an 1a hilling ami with n mind somewhat roll ro-ll v -dim settled down In bis stat And trtod todlvert hli attention from his wor H and feam by a tarrful Hjruwil of that day's p-iptr. When ho nuchal London lig left his baggugo at tho Ktutou h t( I an 1 dn o w Ithout delay to 1.U so Jit-llors ofdeo. There be wa plcawd to birn that though his casowns In tho next day' t, still, iu ft was hit, It woull irobahlynot come n until tho day following '! m glad of that," said Mr Ornte to hlmselfj "it will gio Magglf time to smd on tho Itlttrs," The next uiornlpj, to Mr qreouo s die MpolDtment, Biendtlerl's, letters mi iot urrla 'Iot taxing, I wouMr luvltlCi-rumblMMr Urwua It's I rtunate thing, though, that tho cum U not likely to torao on tolay Kot only did Hie caw not come on on that day, hot a i receding day talb d out JQlonjthat It became iiuwllngly un '' that It would como on uwn the m Hit day It was still third on th li.t Tho next morning Mr Orocue nut- Rrally oipfUvl to Qud H vndelurl s lot tcr nwaUi j, hn To his sari riio aod annoyanco however, tLcy bid not ar rived, norwa there even a note from Mrs. Green accounting for their ab- SMK-fl. Tlila Is ridlciilonV raid Mr (Ireens to hlmKlf, "Sho might either forwarj them or tell me that she can t fin 1 them. I in AstoolshM At uer taking so little In tercit In the matter, rememUrlng that all this bother la brr own brothers doing " Aa Mr, Orrene ate his breakfast, he reflected re-flected angrily on the nlwrnce of at y communication from his wife Suddenly It occurred to blm thit sho might not b) to I lAtuo artcr all Ho knew the ways of railway porters, nnd It struck him ti btlng wlthfn the botmds.of lo-albllltv that tho one to whom be gave the tele gram might never hive tent It Bo tht moment ho had flnlshnl bU breakfast he walked off to the nearest telograph iflleo and wired his w Ife, asking nr If she had t received hlsmtt telegram, an 1 If sowby ahe had not forwinled Hvtn 1 fieri s let tern. He direcb"l,ber to sentrpl) to him at cjjeens bench conrt, So, M Tlieu he marched nff to tho l-iw courts. Mr Uretneaat Incnnrt all dny, wait-In wait-In for his cn-o to coino on and waiting for a reply to his telrgram. Neither oent hap;ieL At 4 o (.lock the caso Immediately 1 receding his watjuUdl pnsexl of, so his rtnod flrvt fur tho tiext I morning Atthesuno time the uhr Informed him th no telegram lil thit dry arrived for Mr Ortnie, or fnr any rrrson bearing n mine In tho slightest degreo resembling It ivrturbdl In mini Mr. (Jreeno line. rled tb bis solicltora olllee In hoi that Mrs. Uneiio might have sent the reply Ihiro. Hut there bo found neither a tv-ply tv-ply nor tho yvendflerl letters, Mr More-raft, In h-ed. Informed him that tho aU-aenco aU-aenco of tho latter was not of I he slight est tmiurtatiLt) tohUoasv Inleed.cotm il bad expnaaed bis ; Inloti that It woull be irrydonbirul i-olloy to put them In. This asmranco bad, however, very little eilcct In rouwling Mr Un.ene for just then ho careil very llttlo where tho letters went or what became of bis action. Tho only thought which ocon I led his mini was why Mrs. (Jreeno did not ret,ly to his telegram Was 11 immsI-U immsI-U that sho wm away from home? It she was away from homo for whit pur pom was It? Whyihotill sho tako ol vatitagq of his nbevneo to lAre hir bouse? VMous of military men ntm Into bli mind, and all bis rerlom wor. ries and Annoyance were a nothing to the horrors those visions brought with tbtm. To make Assurance doubly sure Sir (Jreeno went straight to a telegraj U station and scut off another mewugo to Jill wlfa In It lu entreated her to let 1 lm havo nn answer'of aomo kind with out delay Then Jto went homo to his hotel and waitvd there, full of mlery nnd forvbodlug, for an answer Ho dil not stir out tho wholo evening, but no answer came. Tlio next morning Mr. Greene roe Knggard nod weary, hen hu opened Ida bedroom door to tako In his boots lit found n letter awaiting blm. WIUi ' fsveriUr baato ho snutieol It up anl ' lookodAttho auperscrit tlou. It was In i n feminine hand, but It was not Ids 1 wlfo'. U w as from Ida half slater, l.oo Jlrlart 1 nil of tcrrlbloftnlunuttcrablo forobodlugs Mr. Urecue optnedtho l.t ter. His worst fears wero realized. Tho Utter ran as follow si Psoaroa-.TharfeUr. MrPJitnlJaointA-Hnmclblfiff bt.aeomto mjr koo-4tf wLta I lllnk tbt la falrbeat yua kboald kaoir. VccuiiUf moraine 1 re-(lrtAiaUtttr re-(lrtAiaUtttr from four wtr poitkts off sn D2Kvmrnt I bed lo take t with htt IbU arivruoen. AttL . ne rcawa (or ljlug us I tboucbt 1 wouM ctJI t lb tint flitO itd iutswlu.t w tbe matlrq If Le ir t om, I cvuM eMtlr say (bat 1 o4a t recti rut l.orltlt-r. Wlianf t ltdtLiloM IU wr taftt wbo opvntit ttit door aroutvd lof aut 1 Iclons by tli war h aoawtrtd nt, to 1 ma I (fWtaialrUa aiul foua 1 tl at ruar wlla Lm twtLwaaetabyone of btr ftcoualbtibrnt In Pnoblonalnctinaday you Ictl bom. Wop stltl. wtiva I irotbuck 1 lull I krU ala at Lif Utter to Die, ii t Ibto 1 botlctxt tbaUtbouHU IturTccltto b written at KboUoo, the iui tnarkenlllallottraborol eacan tlratrjour ewneonetavtoDf, 1 wrli4 tbu a Utn your half aUtcr, anJ tn ttrrlel In kpln op tbe mpeetabtllir ot tb Iauly. WartatlbUtoutalyi ttoaatinuu. Mr. Qrvcno took no break fait that morning. Ho remained I u bis bvdrooru till Afur 10 o'clock. Then he went out And drovo straight to Mr, Morcraf i' ot-llco. ot-llco. In very nlco time, Mr. Qreen,'1 said Hut gcntleinau chetrfull;, at bo arranged ar-ranged bis juiers to go over to court. Mm going home by Ibo 11.30," was Mr. (Jrveno'sroply. Tliobiwycrstarel at Urn In amazement amaze-ment "Well, If you do," bo said, It's all up with your case w 'Confonnd my caso," ftnwerol Mr. Ireeue wltU a weak vehemence; "It has Wen tho i laguo and ruin of tny llfo. bettlo It, pay tho rascal his money, do anything tou llkn. I m going home." 'Iho solicitor looked at Air. Urecno thoughtfully Hu txvr bU client waa In earucfct After a moiutnts nUcctlon, he aaldi -"Well, I inuot suro but wttllng w oul I bo better than bhtlng You sou, tfvimdclcri Is pretty sure to wlu, but ho doesn t want to be shown up, so I think, tn order to keep bis dirty work lrUate, he would concede a good deal. Juit come over to court for the minutes, and wo II see If wo can't arm ego matters." iteluctantly Mr Orwono went over, A hurried consultation took 1 1 ico between aolUUor And couuiel, and then botweeu tho counsel on each l Jo. HUlonUUlp was a littlo lato In taktug his cent, but even lhiii terms had not been settled, au 1 counsel nsked fur a fgw minutes to eeo whether it woul 1 be r,iotihIj to save tho trial Iloth bis lordship nud Mr (ireeiio wcro getting linptuent, when coiiuwl auuoumed that terms ha I been arranged. Mr (Irccnowa to pnyUlf hvendclert'a claim, and cruh party to bear bis own costs, "Very favorable terms," whimpered Mr, Morcraf t to Mr Urceno, astholat ter roo to hurry out of the court "lly not flghtfbg It )cu saved a cool thou san V Mr Grettio at that momnt did not caro a farthing whether he had gained or lost All be w inteil wus to catch the 11 30 to bnobton, Aitl all ho boptdfor was that Mlm Uosellrlnr would turnout to be mistaken. On nrrlvlnj at SnoUon Mr Oreen droo first to bis half sister's lodgings. MUi Hriar was In bho rccelvod Lim with a faro In which au Assumption of I sorrow and i Ity only iiccentnatcd tho lc tent hvk of jor Kh ahoweil hlin tl ' lettf r Tlie postmark was t rnueiiuw bly Itotteulmra iComow(th me" sold Mr. Greene, "Iffeho dtiuUs It 111 wu front her wltli jrou." 'With pleasure," crle-l ilUs Urlar and there was no doott she spoke tin truth. When they reached Mr. Greene'shous the couplo walked Into the drawing loom. In a ch-itr near tho center of th t room Mra. Greeno was staled, looking vtrypalonnl wom. Bho row) when lur bunband entered and gazed at blin an 1 Mis Urlar In a startled, half frightened way, So you're back," said Mr. Greene In a harsh voice, Mrs. Greeno catt her eyet down And maJo no reply. ' hero havo yon been theft lat three daysr demanded brr husband, sternly. '111-111 eiilaln, Harry ," mid Mrs. Greeno, Inn weak and hosKatiug way, "as on m wo ro alone Sho s ashamed to confeM before me," pnt In Ml Urlar, In an exultant tOno. Mrs. Greeno waa a woman of spirit, and this taunt v nM her blool "I'm Ahamed to cemfres whre I wai beforo noboly," tho amwered hotly, ' an I least of all bof no you, whom 1 do I tse. lint yon know too much About our i rivato affairs already, and I'm resolved re-solved that ou ahall iiot have another tptort unity of gowli log about them, as tar as lean help It" "Hat In tbU cjuo you can't help It, sneennl Mite Drtnr 1 hat pen to know when yon were. It was I wbo told your butban b Yes, you bavo mo to thauk for thatr Mrs. Grern r"tel fiercely at Mlu Hrlar for a moment Thn, turning to her hu-band, sho aal 1, "lUrry, will you protect pro-tect mo against this womanr " hero linvo roil been theao lost threo diynTdemftiidHl Mr Green again, with out att tiding to bis wife a request "I nfnso to answer yon wbllo sho Is prww'iit' replied Mrs. Greeno. "You needn't bo so particular, my dear," rrM MIm Uriar. ' 1 know al-nly al-nly where yon wcro. Yon wero at Itottenlfora" "It' faleP exclalmel Mrs. Greeno, "abwdntely false. Is tlds br last slander, slan-der, Harryr "Whero wcro you tbtnT asked Mr. Grot no. "If 1 mtut spiMik I tnnit," Mrs, Greeno answered. "1 was at Ilraxby,AttendIiig on poor Joe. He wroto to mo but week lint Iki won 111, anl when )cm went to town Iran over to see blm. Ho waa so III 1 ta)el to nurw him, lutliogrew worso an 1 vrorte until until laat night the Jtoor bov dleilP And hero Mrs. Greene flung lieraelf back Into her chair, and covering her face burst lito a flootl cf tears. Tlio husband stochl silent, lost In bo w Itdennent an 1 shame. Hot ill llrlar retained at ouco htr coolness and ber bolduuaa. "Ah, ah a very nice talef ahosild, with a untie, "Hut bow ill 1 It bapjM u, Mrs. Greene, If you wero At Hraxby, that ) onr letters camo from UottenboroT "They did notl" cried Mrs. Greene.flr Ing up again at tho sound of Miss Hrlar s voice. "Jutt look at thatr anl MIm llrlir I handed Mrs. Gnne tho letter with tho Uotteuburo postmark on it "Tliat tluitrcricd Mrs, Greene, look lm; startled and confuted. "Yea, fray cijlaln thatr said Alias JJrUr, smiling tu trluinph. "Why, that, exd ilmed Mrs. Greene, while nlbuh of intelligence pautd over ber face. Wh), tluttlsono of the letters let-ters 1 ga o you to post, Harryr Mr, Greeno was in turn startled. He took tho letter from bis wlfo And looked at tho postmark aaln. True enough. It was posted on tho Sd but tho day be left for London. Itmurtboone of the letters let-ters which bo gavo the porter to post at ItotUnboro station. "How It got posted at Hottcnboro 1 don t know," said Mrs, Green-t. "All 1 know 1 that 1 gao it to 0U to post about n week ago." "I 1 forgot to post those letters," fil tered Mr, Greene, "untillfoundthcmln my pockttvben 1 was going to ton n. 1 pu u them to a porter at Hottcnboro station sta-tion to Mt for me" As bo sail tbU, Mr. Grerm felt very llko a fool, and aUo ury mud at himself for being one. "Ah,Ncjacul4cd Miss Hrlar coutemp tuous1y,")ouuroalways trying tonree u ) our wlfo. You should bo ashamed cf joursclf," "Look here, Hoso Itriar r cried Mr. Greene, delighted to find aomo ono to v ent his vexation on, ou bat o been tho curso of inybfo since I married, and 1 Inund tohatonoinorocf you. Uutfor j our snakillke luterfi renceand Insidious inedlltng all this folly woull not bare happened. Lcato mo leavo us and neter ltt us sco ) our faco again." Turning to bU wife, Mr Greene sail In a Irokeu voice, ' Can joa forgive me, Maggie" I cau forglvo an thing," was tho reply, re-ply, "now sho is gone," Irue Hag |