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Show OAK CITY . . . . Mae Shipley One of the most active men in Oak City celebrated his 77th birthday birth-day on the 22nd of February, the same das1 as Washington's birth. Mr. Roper is hale and hearty, with always a cheerful word for all. His children came home and showed their love and respect for their father. His many friends join in , wishing him manv more happv '"'N ' birthdays. ' , V Mrs. Flora V. Nielson, Oak City's ' . oldest resident was honored on her 88th birthday by her relatives and friends at an all-day open house at the home, and in the evening her children, grand - children and great - grandchildren met and enjoyed en-joyed a party in her honor. Mrs. Nie)son has eight living children, about 30 grandchildren, and 37 gt.-grandchildren. gt.-grandchildren. Esdras Finlinson attended the M Men's finals at Payson Saturday. He went with Bishop Henderson and others from Delta. Mrs. Margaret Willis is visiting in Oak City, especially for the birthday bir-thday of her mother, Mrs. Nielson. She will return to her home this week in Caliente. Her mother may return with her. Mrs. Nielson has been visiting in Ogden the past two months, and came to her home in Oak City for her birthday. About three carloads of friends and relatives attended the funeral services held for Mrs. A. E. Stephenson Steph-enson Monday at Delta. The officers and visiting teachers teach-ers of the Relief Society held a party at the home of Mrs. Caddie Anderson Tuesday evening. The evening was spent playing games and refreshments were served. The plays and skits Lynndyl put on in Oak City were good and enjoyed en-joyed by a large crowd, and their good prompt work was fine. Oak City is getting plays and rehearsed to take to Lynndyl in the near future. fu-ture. Mrs. George Finlinson returned home after being a week with her daughter, Mrs. Newell Day at Fillmore. Fill-more. M-S Chas. E. Jones were the speakers spe-akers at Sacrament Meeting Sunday Sun-day evening. Bishop Henderson was a visitor and gave out a notice regarding the improvements of the Second Ward church. Mrs. Grant Finlinson, head of the Red Cross drive gave a good talk in behalf of the Red Cross dirve. Mrs. Finlinson Fin-linson says each family will be expected ex-pected to donate $5 for this worthy wor-thy cause. |