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Show LEAMINGTON . . . . . Mrs, Leonard Dutson . . . Mrs. Delia Nelson has returned home after spending the winter in Idaho and Salt Lake City with her daughters, Mabel and Amy. Emil Anderson and- Arlow Nelson and the people living in the district dis-trict in which they are ward teachers, teach-ers, furnished the program for the Sunday night meeting. Those who took part were, a reading read-ing given by Mrs. Reuben Nelson, a mandolin selection by Emil Anderson, An-derson, a song by Doris and Ruth Jensen, a talk and also a song by May Overson, a talk given by Spencer Spen-cer Nielson. A pleasant evening was enjoyed by those present. Fay Overson and Thellow Nielson, Niel-son, serving in the Merchant Marines, Ma-rines, are home on a 10-day furlough. fur-lough. M-S Oxel Johnson have returned home after spending a short vacation vaca-tion in Los Angeles. Mrs. M. C. Dutson accompanied by her granddaughter Colleen of Lynndyl, are visiting with Mrs. Dutson's daughters, Verla and Mrs. Elmer Sodaquist of Salt Lake City, i Mrs. Gerald Lovell and children are spending a week with her parents par-ents in Holden. : M-S Rex Peterson of Scipiof the former Mrs. Loreta Hansen of Leamington) Lea-mington) gave a wedding dance at Mills last Saturday night. A large crowd attended and many lovely gifts were received by the newlyweds. We are sorry to hear of the illness ill-ness of Kent Larsen. He is the grandson of Mrs. Emma Nielson and has been making his home with her and going to the Delta High before being inducted into the Army. He has been stationed in Boston attending school. M-S Wells Nielson attended the memorial services h e 1 d in Mt. Pleasant for 1st Lt. Rosendoff, killed kill-ed in action in France in December. |