Show Antelope Island Swim I I Lures Distance Stars 40 Paddlers Expected to Try Seven Mile Splash July 23 Orson Spencer Charles Welch Rated as Strongest Contenders By WENDELL ASHTON Replete with tradition and color the annual Antelope island swim marathon marathon marathon mar mar- athon on Great Salt lake will enter I Its fourteenth year ear 1 Y of existence when paddlers begin the the battle of or the brine C July 23 3 t fF f r F From rom a c challenge challenge chal chal- h 3 1 lenge affair with one person participating t t t- t J p paling Ung in i 1919 k Utah's I l 1 S sw swimming 1 mm I ng y v v marathon h has a c 5 grown ro to be one of of i the sport classics i of ot the Beehive cal f j. j fl swimmers are ex expected to churn chur the salty wa water vater ter 1 this summer urson Spencer LEAF FIRST TO DO IT ITIn ITIn ITIn In 1919 Professor C. C S. S Lent Leaf accepted ac ae- ae a challenge chalence to make the sevenmile sevenmile seven- seven mile swim in five hours on a wager The swim was arranged by the Woodmen Woodmen Woodmen Wood Wood- men of the World and Leaf covered the distance in 2 hours 28 minutes 35 seconds Alvin Nelson Nelon swam the first amateur amateur ama ama- race the following day spanning the seven miles mies in m 3 hours flat There is no undisputed record for lor forthe forthe the marathon Olson Spencers Spencer's time of or 2 hours 25 2 minutes 41 seconds set last year is the best bet time that has ever been recorded but swimmers were permitted to wade out yards from the Antelope island takeoff and the fin finish sh was at a barge yards ards from the tile pier the previous finishing point Spencer winner of the event for forthe forthe the thc past two years ears is expected to be beon beon beon on hand a again ain this season He was pushed by Charles Chares Welch Jr last year and the latter later is touted to give Spen Spen- cel another royal battle batte in July John Kimball and Ray Welch third and fourth respectively last year are also Iso expected on the thc 1932 entry list Arthur Van won the junior division last lat year but his vi victory vie vic tory makes him ineligible for that title tte this year Mrs Billie Bile Droubay unofficially won von the women's event last year ear f finishing fin in- in two hours after officials had left lef the finishing scene Two years ear ago the honors were won by Miss Mis Celeste Brownell Brownel who did not compete com corn pete last lat season Mrs Droubay was the only feminine entrant in 1931 Official A. A A. A A U. U medals medal of gold for first place silver siver for second and bronze for third will wi be awarded by tho the Saltair Be Beach ch company Entry blanks for the swim may be bc filed fed with Dr Munn Cannon chairman of oe the Intermountain A. A A. A U U. swimming committee Charley Welch of the Deseret Des Des- eret gymnasium or with the Saltair Beach company |