Show Funeral Services Set For Louis E E. E Bamberger Funeral services will be conducted Thursday at the Kirkelie Bernard and Peek temple in Ocean Park CaL for Louis Louts E. E Bamberger 79 who died Tuesday at his home in Venice Cal of Mr Bamberger was born in Eberstadt Eberstadt Eberstadt Eber- Eber stadt Germany June 7 1853 He came carne to the United States and joined his brothers the late Simon Bamberger Bamber Bamber- ger former governor of Utah Herman Herman Her Her- man and J. J E. E Bamberger at Pleasant Hill HilI Mo where they lived prior to coming to Utah He rejoined them in Utah and became be be- became came associated with them in various activities being at one time connected connected con con- with the management of La La- goon He was engaged in the mining industry for more than fi fifty ty years but since taking up his residence in southern California twenty six years cars ago had been concerned only with mining stocks and md investments Mr Bamberger was active in civic organizations and was a member of the Elks lodge ladge having from Salt Lake lodge No 85 in 1928 to Santa Monica Manica bay district lodge No 96 which will have charge of funeral services Surviving are ate a daughter Mrs Louhela MacFarland and two sons Sidney and Jack Bamberger all of Venice FoIl Following owing the services Thursday afternoon interment will be in the Inglewood memorial park |