Show I. I i Real Estate I J. J Homes for Sale WE VIE HAVE VE BARGAINS I 2 I I NE NEAR BO 60 AND EAST E. E on lo lot 82 Each double 1 Is 15 substantial red u brick 4 rooms mod mod each ech side wih with c ceo ce- roms basements bement 3 of them rented 10 forio for tor JO io each neb and 1 vacant the new owner occupy hia Is no not a run down run dow prop prop- Ct ihl orty erty crt but buL Is 15 I class caSS tnt class condition Worth 60 but you ou can buy It I for terms No trades o ON SOUTH facing carbarns large law room 3 aT brick SOUT with wih modern plumbing lo lot little home for someone a nice I for lor the value alue of lot Only 9 0 cash cesh baL bat less les than than rent BARGAIN HUNTERS Here Is an extra lane lareo BAROA attractive cUe HUNER room 4 rom 4 brick brick bungalow built in features splendid furnace newl new- new Anly ilY decorated with wih tarl garage e. e on th East Eat near l Liberty park paVing ful fully paid sLi Li Yours s for 1700 I I NEAR AR E. E AND AN Ism SO live tise room 5 modern brick brick home enamel oak olk floors foor cemen cemented d basement furnace etc Only 2500 cash 1 NEAR NER 3RD C. C AND SO 50 room 5 rom 5 mottled brick oak floors fur fur- bargain 2150 terms j O CADDIS ADDIS INVESTMENT r CO S. S Main Street Was 30 BUY BU NOW AND SAVE I.- I. EAST CAST BENCH on shady rhady paved d street street beautiful room Groom brick home with breakfast breakfast breakfast break break- fast nook and ad sleeping porch finest Inest hardT hard hard- T Tood floors throughout throuGhout cemented baser base- base ment furnace and the yard la 13 In Perfect cd shape with a fruit In trees e shade and flowers fowers r Only terms CASH s b a nice room 5 colonial 00 with wih breakfast oak floors furnace etc Corner Corer lot lot paved pa 01 street Move right I in NEAR AR ETH TH E. E E AND AN SO 50 nIce 5 room 2 brick bungalow oak floors built lit Iu bul-Iu rom features cemented basement lot I Br Bargain at t 2350 2350 terms 50 CASH and your rent t money will 1 buy buya buyL i crY m. m a L nice room 4 mod brick gc t home iT dV deep lot Io l lucar Oth East 60 80 So at 1500 50 terms terms 3 2 ACRES In garden carden en East 4 rm rm 4 cot- cot ACRE tace taie etc et Snap terms terms 2ND NO NEAR W. W nice room 5 room mod home heme deep NAR lot 1100 cash cah r 1 GADDIS INVESTMENT CO o 3 So Main Street Was TE TERMS TERMS TERMS room C-room room strictly mod mo mod brick home cost owner over On account o of being transferred to California must sacrifice for tor Gumwood finish 3 bedrooms bedrooms bed bed- rooms and porch glistening hwd floors noor and all al rooms newly newl pa papered papered pa- pa po- po arid and decorated 0 Dandy southeast n i ll 1 location 0 with beautiful landscaped lot f Owner has expended over 00 In I rose rosebushes rosebushes bushes and shrubs this spring beautify beautify- Inc the grounds No plon pioneering work ork for YOU to do Just do-Just Just order the phone and ad marc In IE I l 0 Smith Ss Main Poor Floor Newhouse Dd Bide Was M i I BUY nUY REAL ESTATE TATE IDS irS SAFER 1000 M LOSS YOUR LOSS YOUR GAIN This Is putting It mildly Having cost 1 owner 1 over this home at 2500 surely appeal to anyone wanting tv TI fine line MODERN surry RO FE-RO FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW BUNGALOW BUNGA- BUNGA 1 LOW LW Extra Etra well wel built bui and In top tip Good hot-air hot FURNACE a Modern plumbing One e of the PRETTIEST 1 EST ei LOTS uT IN TOWN Lawns Pf flowers t shrubs A rare value garage urae also neat chicken coop T wa A SACRIFICE NEAR UNIVERSITY W Owner Ower must NAR RO ao 10 cast to a new nev nev job jab and and mus Y WILL SELL 51 HO HOME t FOR Hardwood floors foon gas 3 hot water heat extra etra toilet and lavatory lavator lareo laro lot lott t Fine Fe shrubs trees lawn and flowers fowers Double garage carace All AU AlIn In splendid condition TORONTO TONTO COMPANY COrt jn REALTOR AWas Was 1353 39 38 W W. 2nd So t 5 Evenings call n Hy Ily W 1490 W LEAVING TOWN MUST MUS SELL SEL room five brick brck semi colonial built bum four years dout dou dou- J j- j ble flooring tile tie bath drain range ranee 1 Inc Holland Holand furnace s. lawns flowers fruit I shade rhade trees large Ilme yard rard steel fence and clothes line posts posts If you want a home that Is a 0 home see sec this 1800 equity for or 2633 McClelland sL at st 6 6 mod brick sIp flip ph furn mo gas as range ranee double gar ear E Easy S1 terms v So S. S E. E E Hy Hi R. BY OWNER OWNER Beautiful OWNE Beautiful stucco str mod 5 t Tins c ln tn s sin alp h hd d firs gas cas hot water r heat sor choice or cor o lot t ri all t paid E St. St Was R. R I t breakfast str mod mod lo location to- to cation caton paved pled st. st Must be seen icen to b bp be ap ap- ap cash h. 29 20 mo Herbert Hrbert MY tY lovely lovel Immaculate home trees and flowers fowers 7 7 rooms Was Wa 1661 WILL L sell seU eU my new mod mod 8 home on Gilmer GImer Gil- Gil GI- GI mer drive which cs cost for half hal price B fly Hy 1460 I 2000 5 2000 5 frame good od condition close clee In let Inq 1033 So State Stat Hy By 2610 6 C R e-R mod frame large lafe lot lot nil all clear near nea U. U 00 cash A bargain Hy J or 3 Hy W. 1328 c 7 1 l Farms and Acreage r c CHICKEN f iN FARtS FARMS t. t Beautiful room 6 col coi brick brick home alt all l strictly mod mo and up to date In every respect t all newly painted and decorated decorated deco deco- it ren edd rated Vi j acre ground good w water right mod coops for 60 n. n hens feed barn x g I double garage beautiful lawns l trees shrubs everything In perfect condition Can be bo had for Just lust balance due on t. t contract at only ony 50 50 down and per perr mo If you are looking for a place r with h an 1 Income rin and Of In t finest S. S E. E f fr iota loca- r tion In town tow better see this thi one 55 Call Cal Mallory Malory Hy M I r. r STAYNER RICHARDS So Main REALTOR Wa Was 2 PROPERTY S See e J R. R Nicol 1710 E. E E So 50 st. st o for on homes k I farms lorms small fruit pow poultry try and md dairy farms Holladay Hollada ACRE 10 farm form In ln Delta Dela cash Fred t fOdell Odeli Odel Woods Cross Cron Utah 80 cah Fed Fedt 10 Property for Sale or Trade Jl FARM TRADE A A The The e owner of a n acre 25 farm located 1 l' l miles mies east cast o of State st. st between Sandy Bandy and Murray Murry has told us to see sec M what kind of ot a 0 trade we can get hint him hInt 1 I I 1 I He lie e does dos not live Uve here but but has hM been rent rent- ing ng It It Is a fine place for fruit t ber ber- nl J 0 and garden d crops al also alfalfa and d poultry A cozy cOZ small smal home fronts on two streets Call Cal and get details for lor someone Is i going to set get this as a good rod i trade Farm Land Land JENKINS ASHTON-JENKINS CO REALTOR 32 SO 00 S. S MAIN AI ST ST. WAS WAS In L trade Emigration canyon home for Joi place place In Weber canyon cayon Hy M B By keeping In i close touch tuch with The Te Telegram Wants Want the loss los ol 01 r come Is 1 many many times tie averted te I For Sale I 15 Business Opportunities PRICE cEu REDUCED FROM 2 2000 0 T TO 1250 2 r RUT nUT MUST DE BE SOLD THIS WEEK garage ar e Income about 1000 a mo rent Total purchase price only 1330 1350 50 me 20 Call fai Mrs rc Woodhall ed DAVIS INVESTMENT COMPANY McIntYe W Was USED CAR MARKET MARKIT MARKE Suggest bargain ever offered Old es established es- es tn ll t corner ri l 18 high grade fl fg a automobiles automo n bites biles bies shop and office equipment Everything Every Every- thing thine goes S for 2000 Better Detter hurry and ace Mr DAVIS DAVS INVESTMENT COMPANY COMPAN ala aia iIA Mcintyre e Building GOOD tailoring and cleaning business Haberdashery HaberdAsher and hat bloCk blocking In For sale ule teas reas Good opportunity Out I of town No competition In cleaning Box Z Tele I PLUMBING business tool and stock Liv quarters H H. H C. C Richards Jackson Wyo HOTEL 15 mod nicely furnished gooi lease t Ul rs W. W 3 So Temple fe ur Was e 9 BIT BEST BET location loaton on Main st. st for tor root beer or orMe oranee stand Ro Rosenberg Investment Co So Main GOOD location for business to rent or orle le lease e. e 1514 ISH So S. S State or a gas station for rent or lease leae at 1504 So State Hy ly 16 Hotels and Apts Apts for Sale HOME AND INCOME 9 hou housekeeping A rooms roms Can Cnn be easily easlY kept filled newly cleaned papered and p painted clo close e In Will Wi sell sll furniture at nt a or will wi rent furnished DAVIS INVESTMENT COMPANY McIntyre McIntye Building Was Vas HOTEL 15 mod nicely furnished rt t e Tease lease 53 SW W W. So Temple ec I r Was 3 ROOMS of nice furniture for sale and andr house for rent 35 mo U Heat Hrat hot ot water water- r Janitor service included d dU 1 W V 1st Bo So WS Was M. 17 BUSINESS LOCATIONS For Rent or Lease and window spa foor 10 cation STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper SERVICE FURNISHED Call fly Hy J Cal IY J after 6 p. p m. m or write HUe Box Dox A 21 A 21 T SPACE In the h Peoples People's Emporium for r rent Rosenberg n r rn Investment n rJ t Co s So sl l Main m STORE STORE steam heated suitable for any business busl busi- ness nes nes rent 75 mo 24 So So- State ISa Butchers' Butchers Supplies MEAT counters counters butchers butchers' butcherS supplies Repossessed Repos Repos- sUed seated equipment W. W V. V 2 S. S 19 9 Typewriters Supplies I. I L. L C. C S SMITH SMITE t Corona Typewriters Inc Ic new and used c typewriters Rentals 40 West West 2nd South South Wasatch REBUILT TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES MAIE Easy payments Fl Fully Fulls guaranteed Late models rented Get our price prie list Wholesale Wholesale Whole Whole- sale MIl 2761 Typewriter Co Co So 50 Main Was Vas 23 Miscellaneous for Sale 2 I tr BRAND ERAND NEW I lly Y sm 11 We are fortunate In obtaining the complete WAREHOUSE STOCK of erade strictly standard ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS RE RE- from a local factory branch at an exceptional price and we aim to pass the thc savings on to our customers cus cus- so If you fOU arc are at all al Interested Mn tn obtaining the most wonderful offering offer offer- 1 lag ing of the season seaon dont don't fall fail tl to drive out and se see one o of the SENSATIONAL re refrigerator refrigerators refrigerators re- re in ln operation BER Every EerT machine mAchie ful fully guaranteed by bi a reliable wholesale house as well as the factory factor Terms Term can cn be aran arranged ed HOME APPLIANCE SALES SAE COMPANY COMPA 2122 South Bouth East In n Sugarhouse I RESTAURANT FIXTURES ICE BOXES Majestic cafe back bars E stools lol too Is counters counters dishes cae silverware cash rc registers Buy Cheaper at S SO SO- WESTERN STATE N lT FURNITURE WAS CO I SPECIAL Sea Se our window display Wilton slightly used but Just lust like new regular price now 1975 Only one one one-don't don't dont miss this bargain Koshaba Co So 50 State Slate Was 2103 roa R OR RENT RENT Almost RENT RENT-Almos Almost new White hito electric sew- sew Ine me machine machIne private 3 mo Delivery Delver services Hy M. I SODA ODA fountains steam tables car- car used showcases low prices Root beer outfits M. M H Co 55 P. P O. O Place 2 FISHING BOATS AT A BARGAIN 11 See Art Gardiner Gardner Liberty Libert park puk I. I WESTINGHOUSE Automatic Electric range 25 US new nw Wilton rug ri 90 See e these at East Eat CASH GROSHELL'S CASH REGISTERS REGISTER and Ind adding add add- ing ins machines bou bought ht sold exchanged 1 I rented repaired repaired 2 9 State Stat st st. st Groshel Groshell- Groshell Love tove Lve I Was 2164 E Est Et t. t 44 years cars D UCO Lacquer paint n spray equipment air I compressors gp sold rented Yr repaired fe A ag C Whittaker Whitaker 6 6 So 50 Sta State e. e Was BARGAINS BARGAINS Reconditioned washers ahen We repair all al makes washers Los Ls Gables Garage Garage Ga Ga- rage rae rear 15 3rd East Was BY own owner r. r Elec refrigerator Cost 15 now for 75 cash 2535 Green tt et GET GE your FISHING LICENSES at JENKINS receive 21 2 trout flies files fes free State BEAUTIFUL pointed fox fur neckpiece e. e Bit 50 cost 11 Like c stew new Douglas ri GOOD GOD bicycle good condition rabbits rabbit hutches cheap E street street ELECTRIC heat cabinet new 25 Was Was- WESTINGHOUSE electric range A l cond 35 ly fly Hy 2309 59 So Oth East WASHING machine noso ABC ABO 3 silos mos mos repossessed Conlon used 6 ks S Woodrow Wodrow 10 0 79 So 50 Main Was Wa A BARGAIN BAGAN for 40 Hotpoint elec elc stove for E sale gale le Mon Call Cal Hy By W. W W. 1545 NEW AND AN USED LUMBER Special prices prie this week week LUME on lumber ce ceo cc- ment mentA Barrett roofing UTAH BUILDERS SUPPLY CO Corner Corer th BUIE W. W So Was MEAT MET counters with wih or without cooler cool er Martin Marti Kraals Krals Refrigerator No 2nd West Wes Was USED OSE de desks desk k files file res and Ind office equipment 6 S. L. L Desk Ex Ex 8 W. W T Was FLIES FI Craftsman Sc cc- cc ec Fish Late Lake plugs 2 C for 25 lIe Sportsman Sup 32 W. W 2nd So AIR MR machinery af compressors lr g Bought ht electric e sold f r repaired motors pumps rented THOMAS THOMA ELEC CO 0 9 54 W. W 2nd South LUMBER LUrlE all 11 purposes ridiculously cheap cheap ANCHOR LUMBER CO 2250 So 80 Main Stain LUE fly Hy ly ELLa washer new Westinghouse t latest E model sample i leni real bargain r h y Carlton SJ hotel hotd TRIBUNE TRIBUE TELEGRAM Classified Advertising Index The Te various want ad classifications appear In i numerical I order as a follows Auction Sale no Apartments Apartment r Untarnished r ItO 5 Apartments Apartment 57 Apartments 61 Automobiles for Sale 10 Auto Accessories and aDd Service B Auto Trucks Truck l A OA Automobile Wanted 71 Opportunities lc 15 ness Location for or Bent Bent 17 BusIness 72 1 Board and Room 63 66 ja jai Service r I b Clothing i i i i 73 23 Coal and Wood fo for Sale 29 9 Children Homes Dome M 7 9 Furs Fun and Furriers Furrier Furrer T. T 9 Furniture tore for Sale Hale ale 31 7 Furniture 74 71 Ji I Furniture Repaired io Room Furnished flou as Farm and p Garden J Pr Produce e 1 Farms for Sale r 7 f Farms for Rent t or or ort t Tease 8 Fower V foi Soil Soi F Fertilizer rl f 27 1 I r Garage Cerates for or Rent Rent 67 6 Apartments 61 6 I Hotels Apartment for tor Sale 10 16 m Help Wanted va ed Houses e for Rent Bent ii M l Junk lunk Wanted 7 7 73 Loti for Sale 2 Let Swap caal 3 38 Lost and Found IR Livestock for Sale 43 for Sale is 23 3 Miscellaneous Wanted 1 77 Musical Instruments instrument for Cor Sale Sale 33 8 Moving and Storage Ill 11 Personal 11 m Iii Pet Pets Dogs Docs Birds 42 f il Wanted V t li Male j 42 Positions Wanted lemale Poultry and Baby 41 4 Property for Sale or Trade in 11 Pain PaintIng 11 Real Susie Estate for Sale Sate 1 1 1 to 11 1 Real Estate tt Wanted lit 1 Rooms Room In Hotels fin fO Radios Radio for Sale 31 Roofing Soil and Fertilizer 27 Travel v Bus Auto f St Steamship hi Schools School and College Typewriter and od Sup Supplies DUes 19 39 Tracks Track for or Sale gale 47 Wanted to Rent Kent or Lease al 69 60 I I r For Sale I 23 Miscellaneous for Salo Sale MEAT iET display counters restaurant fixtures fixture and showcases 32 RIChAd RIchards Richard st st. t. t I Was SPECIAL SPECIAL Grave markers marler 10 0 flower fower pot pott 4 ur urns 6 W. W C. C Morris 1882 So E. E KARI trunk practically new new co cost t 53 Was 11 3rd rd ave e 1 Electric Refrigeration WE W service and repair all al makes of electric refrigeration Used equipment for sale salo ralo RED DEVIL DEI PRODUCTS CO 1063 So 50 State Stat Phone Hy ny LET LE our export service s man repair your our COPELAND REFRIGERATOR and genuine parts only nr are used Avoid old further urther trouble WESTERN VESTERN WESTEN FURNITURE FURNITURE FURNI FURNI- FUN TURE CO South State Stat Wa Wal 24 Farm Far and Garden Produce Shop as You Drive I C CHERRIES cheap chap 1978 East Eat South Hy hi Jy 7 M. M. C-M. t CHERRIES all al kinds kind We Vi Wr del deliver W. W P. P 1 Gardiner 1640 So 80 East Hy J. CHERRIES CHERIE all al varieties pound pound 1345 East South ALL varieties o of fine cherries cheries cheap at nt |