Show HEAVY HEA VY VOTE SEEN IN N N. N 1 D O J PRIMARIES FARGO N. N D. D June 29 P JP-HoU JP Hotly contested races in the Republican primary primary primary mary and for the leading Democratic nominations were expected to bring out nearly votes in today's North Dakota primary election Interest centered in contests between between be be- tween Nonpartisan league and Independent Independent Independent Inde Inde- pendent Voters as association candidates for Republican nominations for United United Unit Unit- ed cd States senator two seats in congress congress congress con con- gress state o offices and the he legislature The Democratic primary commanded command command- ed greater attention than In previous years as that party's leaders looked with lith encouragement to the votes ofes cast for their candidates in the state presidential preference primary last March Regular ar party part were contesting con con- testing with three rump candidates for the senatorial congressional and governorship nominations The re remainder remainder re- re of ot the ticket indorsed by the state party convention is without op op- position |