Show Teddy's Grandsons Visit in Salt Lake Theodore Roosevelt III nr 18 18 and Cornelius Roosevelt 10 10 grandsons of the famous Rough Rider the late President Theodore Roosevelt are undetermined whether the they will Mill choose politics for their careers During Durin a brief visit In Salt Lake Wednesday en route to the Philippines Philip Philip- pines where they will visit their father Theodore Roosevelt Jr governor governor gov gov- general of the islands the youths were more interested In the sights around the city than in questions questions ques queSt of politics They arrived here Wednesday morning from Lon Long Island N N. Y otter after haVIng spent the year at Groton Groton Groton Gro- Gro ton preparatory school Groton Mass They departed at p p. m. m for San Francisco over the Western Pacific The They plan to sail for lor the Philippines July 5 |