Show Livestock Ranges Range S SZn In Good Goo d Condition 0 i n All crops of or the state slate are arc growing rapidly and livestock and ranges are me mein in good condition due to the warm tem temperatures of ot the past week J J. Cecil Alter chief of the tho local weather bureau states St. in his weekly report issued Wednesday day The lower ranges and some farm crops are rc In need of or rain he hc said sald There is b an abundance of water in reservoirs so that irrigated crops can obtain sufficient water The peaches are developing we well at Brigham City and the sugar beets show an excellent stand and arc are making making mak in ing good growth in most parts of the Ista stale slate le Mr Alter said I Grain is being harvested at St. St George The hay haycrop crop in several sections sec i Is only fair lair due to infestation ion by weevils The hot weather has been beneficial to the uncut ha hay |