Show I Deaths I IJANE JANE JENKINS COOLEY Mrs lane Jane Jenkins Cooley y 89 5 pioneer of ot Utah and widow Ido of Andrew Wood Cooley Cooler died IL at al tho home of ot her bee dauch daughter r Mrs Hyrum 1576 South R. R Walker Main street treet Sunday Sunda Iut at p. p m m. of ot infirmities j ties les incident nt to n are ace e Funeral 1 services j I F u n e r will be C conducted conducted d t y Friday i aJ at t 1 p. p m. m In Ithe he rose room of ot the the if J ser t mortuary 36 35 o J lEast East Seventh South street treet Friends may mayU Ic-au Ic U at the French room com of i t the m mortuary t until time of services ir- ir Burial will take place J. J Ito In the City cemetery I Mrs Mra Cooley was born June 25 1884 at Cardiff Wales Wa vales 25 s. s and migrated emigrated to America with h her r parents and rowed cro d the plains to Utah Itah In 1854 The settled d on the I. I 4 banks of th the Jordan river Iver then known as 81 ashe the he Nor North t h Point ward Iward Her husband Mrs Ir Cooley was wal the first bishop of the thC Brighton Brighten L L. L D. D 5 S. S ward rd She Is 11 survived I by bJ two ho sons ions and three daughters laughters Henry t W. W Cooley of West Vest Jordan Jor Jor- dan Alva tL L. L Cooley Vil Mrs Hyrum i u R. R Walker Mrs Irs J J. J Sp and Mrs Elizabeth Price of Salt Lake 21 grandchildren Lad and nd 10 I creat FRANCIS CARL ALBRETSON Francis Carl Albretson 47 47 of Dubel Av avenue nue a miner r. died In irs a local hospital t Monday at tn a a. a m. m of complications t fol- fol a lingering nai Illness i of rheumatism Mr JoIr Albretson was born bom In Copenhagen Denmark March 31 18 1836 1686 6 but had d lived In Salt Soil Lake 43 years Surviving are his widow Mrs Vivian Al- Al Albretson retson bretson three e Ions sons Harry E. E Carl F. F and Ernest rnest I I. I Albretson and ond one daughter Miss Oertrude Gertrude B. B au all of ot Salt Lake Funeral services will be Announced later ARTHUR DEAN SWEAT Arthur Dean Dmn an Sweat g. g of 31 East street dl died d at aL the family home Monday night following a a. prolonged Illness He was 11 born In Salt Lake May 27 1 1924 1221 on son of Archie and Elsie Swe Sweat t Surviving besides his 1315 parents are his grandparents Mr and Mrs Brigham Hanen Han Han- Hansen len sen en of Salt Lake and end two to brothers Eugene Eucen 13 3 and Vern 5 S. S Funeral services will be be- conducted at nt 11 a a. a m m. m Thursday in the the- therose rose room of the Des Des- eret mortuary Friends ma may call at the mortuary prior to services Burial will be beIn beIn bea In a the lieber Heber City cemetery MYRTLE CAT CATHERINE ERINE BOSWORTH POCATELLO Idaho Idaho Mrs Myrtle CatherIne Catherne Cather- Cather Inc Ine ne Bosworth U 43 43 wife of Brigham Bosworth Bog Bos- worth resident of Idaho for tor 20 years JUrs buta but native of Utah died d Sunday Sunda at her home 1900 North Main street of typhoid lev lever r after fter an Illness of ot live five weeks e Mrs Bosworth came camo here hero a a yer ier ago Co from rom Pr Preston Freston Lon She was active In the tho A. A D. D S. S Third ward church prior t to her ber illness Sh She was WAI born bom February 22 1890 1800 at Layton Lafton Ut Utah Besides ld her husband she Is survived bJ by byler her ler parents Mr and Mrs Edward T T. Morgan Jorgan Layton and eight song ons and daugh- daugh ers Grant Seth Cleon Cle Olive OU Catherine William ello tello six aix ZI Zane sisters and and Joyce Ot brothers t Bosworth on Mrs I 1 Pocatello POCK POCK- 1 L. L B. B Blamires Jerome Mrs Merrill Mrs B. B 7 J. J Nalder Nolder Georgo E. E Vernon ernon R. R and nd Curtis Curtis' P P. P Morgan Layton v U I pw The body will be taken tog by the l nail Hall ll mortuary to for tOt funeral services len and nd burial ral LORENE REYNOLDS PARCELL ARCELL OREM ORE Mrs Lorene Lorena Reynolds Parcel Parcell 29 wife of William E. E Parcel of Orem died Sunday Sundar night at the family residence of a aheart aheart aheart heart attack Mrs JoIn Parcel PArcell was wat A born March 24 24 1 1904 04 In n a daughter of Joseph A. A And Martah Whitaker Reynolds Remolds She was marled married mar mar- ned led February II 9 9 1827 1927 in the Salt Lake LakeI I L. L D. D S S. S temple m i a and they settled In O Orem where they h have e ea resided I e ever since Mrs Parch Pardi was active In the tho L. L D. D S. S church Surviving besides her husband are her par parents who live JIve In live five broth- broth ra rs and and ana sisters rs Dr Frank T. T Reynolds Provo Morris D D. D Reynolds and Mrs D D. D C. C ln e Mrs Harold o B Gard Gard- ncr ner Spanish Fork n and Mrs William A. A Marlell Martell Short Creek Ariz Aris seven half- half brothers and haU sisters hall rs Mrs airs J. J B. B Winfield Win Win- field Reed Reynolds Joseph H. H Manwar- Manwar Manwaring ManwarIn In ing ng Los Loa Angeles J. J A. A Reynolds San FranIsco Fran Fran- cisco Isco Jesse Jeue R R. R Reynolds Portland Ore are LOTUS Locus Mm waring salt Lake Lake and Mrs Des Den f Minor Funeral serviceS service wilt be conducted Wednesday at 2 p. p m. m In the L L. i. i D. D S. S Fourth ward with burial in Provo City J cemetery under r direction of the h Clau- Clau 1 g haWa aWa din f funeral e home iome Friends may call at athe atthe i thC he the funeral home horn from 9 g a a. a m. m to lo 10 p. p mi m. Tuesday e and at the home of the he p parents en ento in n Wednesday Scorn from o 9 II a a. a en m. m to 2 2 p. p m. m I JAMES ANDERTON MONROE Fu services for James Anderton Anderton Anderton An- An derton 93 3 pioneer of 1663 and oldest resident resident resi real dent of ot this district were conducted October Octo Octo- bet ber IS 15 at the North t L L. L D 0 8 ward chapel Nl bB with burial in Monroe City Citi cemetery Mr Mt Anderton died at the home of ot his s niece Mrs H. H S. S Bell October 20 20 of ot in infirmities In- In s Incident to age nee He lIe was born in WJ n Lancashire England En En- gland eland December 17 1840 and came come to America when a young oune man He lIe crossed the plains plaint in 1863 and soon loon af after r arriving lit 11 H Utah settled d In Monroe wh where ro he he- was instrumental In the development of this district His wife died several years tears ago Co JULIA ANN W. W F. F STEW STEWART ART LOGAN LOGAN Funeral Funeral service for tor Mrs Julia JuliaAnn JuliaAnn Ann Wadsworth orth Fitzgerald Stewart who died Saturday were conducted Tuesday at nt I P m. m In the tho L. L D. D 8 a. a Sixth Buth ward chapel with burial In Logan Loann City cemetery under direction of or Sons Bona mor- mor I MARVIN l H. H Funeral services Ice were conducted conduct conduct- ed In III the Price L. L D. D 8 S. tabernacle at 2 p. p en ml ms Tuesday for o Marvin l i H. H n 28 who died in the Price hospital Sunday of a aheart heart beart attack following operation The body was wu taken tolen by the Flynn fu funeral tu- tu home to Moab for b burial 1 Mr was oab born gin in Moab OAb April 4 4 1905 A n son Ion of ot Andrew and Anna Somerville Tannen He ne had lived d In Price about six years years- Heis He Is survived rv by his hia mother at Mesh Moab hl his widow o Mrs r lId Vera Vcra r Landlord Langford o. o Price and the following brothers rs ond and tees Norman o Gregory e ITh Salt Lake kii Mrs lis Roy Ray i- i Taylor I Tacoma m Wash Loros Loras S. S slid and Zola Zolo Price Irice Clarence Clarenc Lucian Olen Glen Colin Celia Marjorie and Phyllis Mesh Moab S. S I |