Show STOCKS REACH HIGHER MARKS Popularity of Silver Issues Contin Continues es on Local Exchange Higher prices were quoted on eight s securities traded on the Salt Lake stock Mock exchange Tuesday morning Declines De Dc- clines dines numbered five lead Silver Issues continued in faR favor fa R vor with the public Tintic Standard a op opened ned 5 points above its ils previous II close with a n sale of shares at An odd lot of 35 shares went over at but on the sale of more the 4 price hopped to 3 60 and at the second second sec see U ond call 75 shares brought Five dollars and 75 cents a share was paid for shares of Silver King Kine Coalition on the first call a 15 point 15 point raise over Monda Mondays Monday's final trade Subsequently Sub Sub- a 50 share sale was closed at Mountain City Copper recovered from 2 1321 2 12 to on sales of shares and continued to its ils time all high of with the turnover of additional shares Eureka Standard which because of its gold product stands in line for the benefits of a United States gold market stepped from irom 1 to a share as shares were absorbed Ad Advances of 2 points were registered registered regis regis- by Eureka Bullion at 17 17 North Lily at 37 and Park City Consolidated at 17 Park City did not reach its top however until shares had been bid in at 1612 The principal loss of the day was n It rec recession of to 21 from front Its old price of 30 with ith the sale of shares S |