Show L A f fV V S i Ia fife I II ss v. v I T E Set r Autumn t. t car car-an and carf-and- S Ive Sets f t I r ing glove scarf sets ITic scarf glove cuffs cufis arc Woolen gay as a paint box warm as colors jw ate c a joy In bold stripes or spirited ir ted plaids they'll put put life Port or street costumes ipie The scarf looks grand in an scot knot The gloves have fi jaunty cuff Kayser's fine Washable of course Leatherettes Get GetO O la scarf and t they're most is expensive per set I l. l AT ALL THE TIlE BETTER DETTER SHOPS 0 TM DJ MARiU MARK MARi U- U u t Wyandotte cleans in inLESS inLESS LESS L E S 'S 5 TIME TIM E Surfaces ces st stay y clean LO LONGER GER L Q YOUVE YOU'VE never known any cleaning product quite so so Jail as snow white WYANDOTTE Many l women tell us they can now make snake everything spick and span in half naIf he the the time that formerly for for- merly was required 1 And surfaces day clean dean longer because WYANDOTTE is is so thorough No imbedded bits of dirt and grime arc are left to catch and hold more dirt p and breed bacteria WYANDOTTE rE is different from other cleansers I Its ts basic ma materials arc different different and and better belter Its cl cleaning cleaning- action is different different and and better WYANDOTTE gets beneath the dirt and lifts it off quickly surely safely Try it Sec See how easy casy it is to use How Flow bright and spotless it leaves everything it touches No danger of Cl Scratch Cleanser no possible damage to your hands Your grocer has WYANDOTTE in the large handy sift pour package Get it The J. J B. B Ford Co Wyandotte Mich WYANDOTTE THE QUICKER SAFER CLEANSER II I V. V In Ingredients 0 of r Vicks Vicka Nt 1 V Rub In Convenient C Candy F Form VICKS COUGH DROP DROF t. t THIS LAB LABEL E L This Small White Label With the Blue BlueEagle Eagle Eagle- 1 eo t. t I. I MEANS MEAR NO SWEAT SWEA T SH SHOPS OPS TT IT IT IS NOT large large just just the the size pl 1 A above which above which Is 18 an EXACT reproduction It Is sewed wed INCONSPICUOUSLY In all all ll I McCLANAHAN'S COATS and it Is lz of GREAT IMPORTANCE to YOU as a buy buyer r For it is your assurance that th the Coat you sele select t here was produced by people WORKING UNDER DECENT HUMANE CONDITIONS The girl girl- who sews on on buttons buttons but but- tons WM for Instance NOW WORKS ONLY from 9 to 5 o'clock flye five days a week Mrs Franklin Delano Roosevelt wears the thOs Blue Eagle Label in her ber Coats The he Bl Blue e Eagle Label means full fuU cooperation with l h the N NR R As A's success I 1 toa Coats 8 1695 95 1995 2995 Up 1 MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS I TAKE UP TO EO 6 MONTHS TO PAY Or Pay Cash Cak If You Prefer i McCLANAHAN'S 27 29 WEST BROADWAY BROADW A J 4 i- i iA J 9 r 4 7 a aY I Y f if r M r t 1 a 1 L I I J Tas Tasteless eless bread pla played ed her false d but she discovered truth r in in I time t S me L 0 4 ig k YOU SAY SHE THAT'S TERR TERRIBLE I B LEJ HAVE E EXCUSE 1 MADE YOU EAT AT YOU ANYTHING TO SAY FOR FOg ELSE 4 TASTELESS BREAD YOURSELF MADAME EVERY PAY DAY r KNOW I WAS TRYING THERE WAS SO M CH I DIFFERENCE IN BREAD I NONSENSE f EVERYONE KNOWS i ou oO-ou HELLO JONES JONES' YOU GET JUST WHAT YOU GROCERY PAY FOR THESE DAYS GOODNESS ME THE GRANTED BREAD DIVORCE BEST IN YOUR STORE AND GET IT HERE IN TIME I FOR DINNER I I Wv PLEASE p k kt t WONDER BREAD CERTAINLY A about bre bread d MADE Most husbands husbands' are arc choosy WITH YOU That's acs why the they wet welcome ome Wonder Bread every time Its It's such a change from ordinary I tasteless br bread d. d s It Give your hu u band Wonder Vander 3 Dread Bread 1 GOOD ITS IT'S j id i WONDER R SO GOOD THAT SOME I BREAD PEOPLE ACTUALLY MAKE HIT YOU IS IT ii SANDWICHES OF IT BY MEAN A AHOME lra ak REALLY PUTTING ONE SLICE BETWEEN BE BE- HOME RUN k o llY I Co Co GOOD TWEEN TWO OTHERS I p |