Show r INSULL INSUL EXTRADITION HE HEARING A RING IS RESUMED Former Utilities Cz Czar r Shows Strain in Court ATHENS Oct 24 2 IP The l'-The The hearing in in the second attempt of ot the th United St States to extradite Samuel Insull to face tace charges in connection on with the collapse of or his utilities interests was resumed this afternoon Insull Insult appeared to be under a strain He spent the interval during the adjournment nd ad ad adjournment of ot the hearing consulting with his lawyers and hand handling ing private correspondence The delay in the hearing which was in recess yesterday was due to the handling of other cases on the I docket Christos Ladas of ot the Insull counsel coun coun- sd sel beginning his plea thanked the judges for their attitude He described described de do- scribed his client as a man who once had millions of dollars but who now was unable to pay Ferryman Charon across the Styx I |