Show WALTER WINCHELL ON BROADWAY Copyright 1933 Daily Mirror Inc A COLUMNISTS COLUMNIST'S SECY SECT JOTS JOIS DOWN A FEW NOTES Dear W. W W. W V. V Chuck Chuek Connors Jr started a suit against the theater playing play- play lug ing r e The Bowery asserting it Is a abel alibel alibel libel bel on th the dead Century Productions Productions Pro- Pro however claims it has his which release which It arranged before it was vas made David Hutton went to California to get his action against Aimee Aime over with and has warned theaters the the- aters that if it they bill him as Man Ian he wont won't appear Understand that Sam Katz of Paramount Paramount Paramount Para Para- mount sold his estate for a am m million I applaud the way Georges handled himself when thrown coins greeted his songs at the Casino the thc other night He paused and urged the guy who threw them Inthe in inthe inthe the dark to stand up Nobody stood I thought as much said hes a coward 1 They tell me he hits too hard The McKee controversy it appears broke too soon Tammany intended distributing the same talk talk about about three days before election election so so that his ticket wouldn't have time to explain ex cx- plain matters While passing through Grand Central terminal the theother theother theother other noon a man asked the info clerk where he could get a train to to New Haven He was merely the lad who got around the world in record time time- Wiley Post PosU Lambs club fuss and protest against certain big political men joining was started by Keating the magician Ever Every third drink at ai Jimmys Jimmy's on Madison i. i is on him Remember the young oung chap who Invented In vented the famous lock out In the San Quentin jail jall Well hes he's now an important part o of a a. lock firm here here because because he is the thc fastest lock picker in the country The lock he invented brought Eleanor Eleanor Elea Elea- nor Holm is debating about giving up up her amateur standing for a big role in Hollywood She's silly They gave her enough of a run around last time and the head man happened to be the heart at the time which didn't help I much Despite all that talk in the movie magazines about Ralph Forbes and George Brent being enemies si Brent married Ruth Chatterton they Chatterton-they they are still great pals pats Billy Hill Hilt composer of Last Roundup Roundup Roundup Round Round- up and other western laments hails balls from Cape Cod That plan for the liner France which the French gov intended docking here her and turning into a French hotel etc is off the off the rental to the city was vas too high Jimmy Jimmy Jim Jim- my Walker suggested the plan Rosa Ponselle's intended says he wasn't a bike rider but an auto rac rac- ing lag one Shaw doesn't doesn rate a penny in royalty roy roy- alty for lor the sale of his books in Russia where over a million copies have been peddled He doesn't collect colled because because because be be- cause the soviet wont won't let a dime ou out of the coun country try S Winnie Anderson of the Colgate eleven is being dickered for by a movie company which thinks he is b the handsomest player in football The lad who called on the phone wouldn't give his name name but but said you once did him a good turn and that tha Crater was going to be delivered next week etc I doubt that considering low How now close the election is or is-or or perhaps it is another trick to spoil matters forone for or orone one o of the candidates At any rate take it or leave it the it-the the attorneys who arc are supposed to deliver the long time missing judge ar are in an office in the building next to the Paradise Paradise- and youre you're supposed to follow that tip if at all Your Your Girl Friday Fridal |