Show EAT I-EAT WHAT J I LIKE E B BELLANS Fa C I I I M V l 5 I WHEN 41 IJ tj FOOD DIS NR Nn A J by the thi b Ure t tablet ia In America n a in Beil-in It LI y harmle yet t gives prompt relief in D cases calC Six Bell Bell- aj Hot water Sure Relief Since Sinco 18 1897 7 Trial U Ii proof ANS BELL BELL 77 INDIGESTION BUY WHOLESALE Direct From the Pullman Factory And Ane Sire Save nigh High Main Wn Street Rent and andAU All Retail seWn Selling Exp Expense nse FACTORY PRICE A TO TAILORED SUIT AND Both for 15 Both floth Garments Are Order Made NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE-Don't Dont Bo Misled When Misled When Von Vou ou Order Measure Made Measure to-Measure Clothes De Dc Sure Suro They Arc lire Made l in Salt Lake Lac City v lite e Tour Your Suit Salt Ben Being Made at v P Pullmans Pullman's ns n's Free Tree Try Try-On Service Sen-Iee I J. J 7 PULLMANS PULLMAN 11 z WHOLESALE TAILORS SOUTH WEST TEMPLE Lo rIt r h tL i era ra Ointment L re your Gently massaging the scam scalp to remove J the 1120 to scales massare of dan dandruff rua ft ana assist tuG the 1 cleansing action acton of the Ointment Let 9 it remain a as long as aa convenient then sham sham- J pOD poo 00 with a suds BUds of S Soap ap and I arm water to cleanse tho scalp and restore the natural doss lou and md T vigor sor to tho the hair hir Rinso t thoroughly ly i s i Po Potter Dna Chemical Corp MM M. Mess S 1 A Rundown Woman Denver C Colp doI I I Iwas was troubled with in indi indigestion in- in di digestion estion a and d c- c everything every cry ry thing I ate nauseated S f me I 1 felt tired too c did not seem to have any energy and arid was wa very nervous said ii Miss Irene Devlin De of oi i. i Lipan St. St I us used Dr r. r Pierces Pierce's Favorite Prescription am amt and it t drove away the stomach complaint and I had more ener ener- gy Favorite Prescription is fine for down rundown women Fluid or tablets All druggists Write to 10 Dr FUr PUrrs's Ilire Clinic Buffalo N. N Y T. for lor or I fr ft medical advice aha dis symptom 1 found oud l la the paka I 0 LOWEST 0 I CASH PRICES 0 SLACK 0 PEA NUT 7 OO 0 STOVE S LUMP Service Coal Co So 3rd West S WASATCH 2650 S S. S I Gray Hair p Best Remedy is Made At Home You c can n now tunic make at horn horns a bettor gray Cray hair remedy by following elm lm- simpie pl pie pl r recipe To halt half pint ot of water odd add addone oddone one ounce bay rumS rem small eman box of ot BArbo Burba Compound and one one fourth fourth ounce of ot erine Any druggist can put this up or you cm can mix it at Very ery little cost COlt Apply to the hair heir twice A I week until tho desired shade abade 1 II 1 obtained Barbo Imparts impart color to streaked t faded ded or 01 gray ay hair making It Il soft lort and glossy It will not color the tho scalp Is II not sticky r ir r STOuT greasy and nil does dota not rub off otto Adv u uJust Just ASK FOR R-J R R-J R 1 The Tho new way to say ay J. J I ires I DE WITH RJ Root Bee AT FOUNTAINS I. We Invite I All the Young Fellows to visit our New Varsity Department Suits and Top Coats for the Young fen Men Who Want Style Correctness Yet Wish to Pay a Moderate Price r S See e These Fine Clothes f fon on Display TODAY TODAY- 1 2250 and 2500 j Youre IY u e Sure to Put Your 0 o. K Kon y on Them J i 1 1 4 7 V j I 1 S I 4 3 y f 9 T 1 T I I Its Fun to be bein I 1 1 II 0 in fl this Picture c c 4 I I 2 1 S 4 I I T f 45 W 44 4 F F c F r F S 2 1 A 4 2 Ic w k c cF F t 4 7 w 5 F i iF ik k 4 F I J Just usi think only a few dollars a week Its WIth nic Floating t spin Power e mountings ro d a car the fhe De SotoS Soto gonel A d De Sotos Soto's safety safety- makes you owner 0 of fa a smart I steel body has no wood to rot and develop loose joints Its It's steel reinforced with steel steell HAT T FAMILY probably looks pretty fine S r so comfortable That big bie two eighty horse- horse JL 1 to Mother And we agree they do But power engine can really do things thinAs to a These are just a few of the things you hear beat were we're inclined to give a lot o of the credit for speedometer You get a lilt lift out of DC De Sotos Soto's De Dc DeSoto Soto owners boast about All AU told 4 I those big smiles to that brand new Dc DeSoto Soto effortless pickup You go faster in second there are 22 quality features in in-Dc in in-DeSoto in De Soto that one in the middle They're rid of their than the thc old car could in high hIghl you dont don't get et in competing cars i old car troubles Its It's for them smile to easy Never a gear agear clash when you youre you're re sh shifting Come see us today Its It's sensible to trade No doubt doub Old cars are trouble trouble- De DeSoto's Soto's Sotos tr transmission is silent in all speeds in your old car this month while new some There There's s always so something to worry You have 4 wheel hydraulic brakes They're car prices are still low Take one ride in a aDe about What a difference it t would woul make for always equalized People tell telI us that or this De DeSoto Soto learn how easy it is isto to own this you oU to own a fine new De Dc Soto Sato Six reason hydraulic brakes save relining reining jobs finely dol dollars Its It's real fun to drive a car so roomy and and greatly cut down wear on tires lars a week more than the lowest priced lowest priced cars DE D SOTO SIX FACTORY AND r F n r 1 08 UP n fl B Door 4 Rumble Brougham Broush STANDARD Coupe Sedan m 1735 Rumble Sedan Custom Coupe 1795 FOB F.O.B. M 2 r FREED MOTOR COMPANY COM PANY Motor Ave at 2nd East DE SOTO PLYMOUTH SOTO-PLYMOUTH PLYMOUTH DISTRIBUTOR Phone Wasatch MOTOR COMPANY Ogden Utah GARAGE Utah GEM STATE AUTO SALTS S Inc Idaho Fans MITCHELL ELL MOTOR Dur Barley ef Vernal Utah J. J J J. J CAMPBELL GARAGE v. v ANDERSON GARAGE I MACH CO Prow Provo Utah JOliN W. W POPE Beaver Utah luau ft k VALKER WALKER Arco SPENCER MOTOR COMPANY ANY Logan Lo nt Utah I. I W. W FITZGERALD Kamu Utah CAREY MOTOR C COMPANY NY r r 11 1 SERVICE GARAGE Richfield Utah MANTI MOTOR CO Mantl Manti Utah STATE GARAGE noc SP springs ru Utah NASH o. o lt N IQ JONES IONES GARAGE Cedar City Utah STAYNER AUTO CO Garland QI BOUNTIFUL MOTOR Ine Utah MOTOR INN GE GARGE Milford Utah h DURST'S SERVICE i u ur OTTOS OTTO'S Utah CITY MOTOR CO COMPAN Pocatello Idaho RUTH GARAGE eo r t c J |