Show Tips From Prep Camps By TOMMIE TOi PORTER When Jim Bardole South high tackle was knocked out in Thursdays Thursdays Thursday's Thurs da days day's s B game Coach Conch Paddy Davis piled sweat shirts blankets and towels towels towels tow tow- els on the lad Jim awoke after several sev ev- everal eral minutes wondering if it were time to go to school but turned over and went back to sl sleep ep again The Telegram predictions on high school grid games last Jast weekend week end were correct In nine of the 13 tilts tills one score score Granite Granite 21 21 D Dasis Davis Da vis sis 0 being o being exactly correct One of the panics games we missed was the 6 66 tie between Lehl Lehi and Pleasant Pleas ant Grove the tho Pelicans having been picked to win 14 Two weeks ago ne we we hit ten of thirteen as two games eames ended in tics Another score was exactly correct Ready to Go Again gan Norman Red Page husky East high guard lost some teeth in Fridays Fridays Fridays Friday's Fri days day's game at South but didn't lose his fighting spirit Red is recuperating ing at his home and aMi expects to beback beback be beback back in ina a suit within a week S State All Candidate Carl of Granite may again grab aUst state all e honors honors honors hon hon- ors this season This husky tackle has been the mainstay of the Farmer line carries the ball on bucks anc and features in iii the aerial assault Against Davis Saturday Carl Car gained nine yards ards in three tries a athe at atthe atthe the line passed eight yards to Woods in the first Granite lateral forward attempt and later took a yard three-yard toss from Kramer which he passed laterally to Reid for ten more yards On defense Carl stopped five Davis plays a at the line threw Morton for tor fora tora a yard three-yard loss on one plunge arid ape downed the same lad for fora a nin yard nine y rd loss on onan an attempted pass S Lanky Material One of the tallest seen seen this year on the scholastic field Is Elaine Blaine Clyde of ot who who towers towers tow tow- ers 6 feet 5 inches above terra firma His teammate Bill Wilkins is 6 feet feel 4 inches Howdy Berg of E East st is 6 feet 3 and the list of two six men includes in in- eludes Joe of Bingham and Bob Halliday of of South Among the smaller lads are arc Dan Solomon Granite quarter and Mayo Wetzel West halfback each at 5 fe feet t 2 inches and Johnny o of ot South listed at 5 feet 3 inches |