Show ALLEGED WINE AGENT IN DEA DEATH TM CASE GASE FREED Charles Haldeen Not Identified Identified fied fled by Auto Driver Charles 67 East Forty- Forty eighth South street accused of ot contributing contributing con con- to the delinquency of Edwin 16 Murray death car driver by allegedly giving the llie youth wine vine on September 29 29 was acquitted after a atrial atrial atrial trial in juvenile court Failure of ot young who is on probation as the driver of the car ear which killed Van Vance e Jenkins 17 and Ivan Peckham 17 17 to identify Haldeen HaIdeen was responsible for dismissal of the charge Juvenile Judge Rulon W Clark said I according to officers had previously related how he and another nother youth bought wine from Haldeen on the he night of the fatal accident Judge CLrk ordered examination of ot the transcript made during delinquency trial to ascertain whether the purported variance in in testimony l is sufficient to support a perjury charge against any of the principles in the two cases |