Show St St. 1 0 Produce Ma Market ket SALT LAKE LAK BUTTER rEn BUTTERi T To Ht ller 11 Jut First i t trade crAde j 33 n Second o d grade i MI III I 22 S Sweet ee cream 34 24 Parchment r wrapped d Vac i less j First st grade arade cream deHY Salt Lake 17 Second grade crade cream del deIfy Y Salt BaIt Lake 16 PAne fancy poultry farm EGOS BOOS dozen g n. n 27 21 Select white dozen doren 24 Mediums poultry farm dozen 23 CHEESE E Pull Full ul cream Triplets pound d 13 13 Full rull cream pound 13 13 A Full Mil cream Sandwich Loaf Lol pound 14 M Jack cheese 6 6 lb lb each Ib lb 1 15 15 Swiss 25 bricks Ib lb 27 27 Limburger lb 1 bricks Ib 22 22 Cream ream brick 5 zil bricks Ib 20 20 Imported Swiss Sandwich cuts cuu 67 87 Roquefort 5 each lb Ib J 72 72 Pull cream Daisies Dalles Wisconsin cured pound 23 p Fu Full Jill cream Triplet TV eter estern cured i lb Ib lb 18 U 18 run Fun cream Longhorns western cured poU pound d. d t 1 19 19 S CHICAGO Oc Oct 2 24 AP AP PO Poultry lt alive 47 7 trucks easy Hens Hera 8 Leghorns c e Rock sprints springs 9 lOc colored 9 9 He c Leghorn Dehorn chickens Bc l V ic c tur- tur m. m flie 8 Hc f ducks H lIc young ou and old Id geese e DC Butter 2 unsettled prices price un un- changed chanced Sees Lags firm Extra firsts ts fresh graded craded firsts 19 11 c c current receipts 16 mic tc Potatoes S. S is 75 on track 3 to total al U. U S S. S shipments SU russets firm demand anc and trading good lood other stock dull trading radios slow U. U S. S No 1 I Wisconsin round whites few sales North Dakota cobblers Red river section 1112 Red ed river Minnesota round whites partly graded Jl S1 1 Red fUd river few sal sales sain 2 Colondo McClure McClureS 1 0 Jf South Bouth Dakota Da Da- kota ota round whites white partly graded a noo Idaho russets mostly Around round combination grade lude 45 5 I NEW EW YORK Oct 24 2 AP API Dressed API-Dressed Dressed d multry poul poul- tr try ry steady Chickens fresh turkeys tur- tur keys kes eys fres fresh 1 fro frozen froien ten ducks ducki frozen rozen U other grades unchanged live ve poultry slow all freight grades trades unchanged un un- un- un hanged changed and nd ducks ks Express unquoted e chickens blis roosters rs broilers r fc turkeys fowls S. S S Butter 20 steady and unchanged Cheese steady unchanged Eggs Ens 4 1531 steady Mixed colors colora un un- un i hanged changed White eggs I nearby a pullets 22 lIe nearby rb peewees eeS l other whites I 1 un- un I changed browns nearby and western al packs private sales SIrs from store 27 21 C western standards 25 other browns unchanged |