Show LADY LOURDES OF-LOURDES WI WINS S FROM OGDEN ELEVEN OGDEN Oct 24 24 Our Our I Lady ady dy of Lourdes of ot Salt Lake defeated defeat defeat- ed St. St school 13 0 over the week Led by Riley who scored both touchdowns the Salt Lakers counted in the first and second quarters Neville Ne ville yule counted the extra point on the first score by a line buck Bolinski also starred for the winners win ners while Ross was outstanding for forSt St SL Josephs Lineups t t S Lourdes St. St Josephs Laramie le Ic White mIte 1 P. P Bolinski It Favero fisher oo le OConnor O'Connor McEnany c Packard BrAd Brady ra TK Etzell Etrell rt Connole Best re J j. j Ross RoS Riley oo Neville In th Mark Murphy Murph hrh rh Quillan J J. J Bolinski Ib lb ONeill O'Neill Score by bi quarters Lourdes 7 I 1 C 0 0 13 O 13 St. St St Jc Josephs Joseph's phs ph's o 0 o 0 o 0 0 o- o 0 |