Show r Denver Faces Tiger i Jinx Bengas Out to Upset Pioneer Team Cowboys Engage Boulder By orro OTTO D. D CAMPBELL CA United Press Sports Writer DENVER Colo Cob Oct 24 Whenever 24 the athletic te teams ms representing Denver Denver Den Den- ver university and Colorado college get together things happen Such a together get will be staged with sound effects at atthe the Pioneer stadium stadium sta sta- sta- sta Saturday afternoon The mixing mix mix- ing tag of 11 Pioneers with an equal number number num num num- ber of Tigers has always in the past produced a good dish for tor the football fan Ian This year C Colorado lorado college has ap appeared ap ap- to tobe be a team which which was going nowhere o herc in a hurry urr The scoreless s I ti tic with Wyoming and the defeat at atthe th the hands of New Mexico Normal did nothing tc toward ward boosting th the Tiger II stock which was selling at a a. good price early in the season when Coach Van De Dc Graaff pulled on one out of the bag by defeating Teachers Denver Strong Denver Denyer on the other hand has a awell awell awell well balanced hard working football machine The Pioneers w will go go into the game with the old C C. C C. C Jinx hanging hanging hang hang- ing over t their hea heads but after a weeks week's rest should be in top form orm for the contest It looks like a Denver victory inthe Inthe in inthe the game which holds the feature spot on this side of the hill hilI Colorado university Is looking forward forward forward for for- ward to toa a a. successful season even after fter the unexpected but well de des deserved deserved de- de s served beating e ting a at the h hands of Colo Colorado rado The Silver and G Gold ld will entertain Wyoming at Boulder Bould r rand and it will be just another football game Star Injured d. d George Grosvenor C. C U. U quarterback quarterback quarter quarter-I back will be out of ot the game nursing some rib injuries he received at the I hands of the Coach Saunders said his quarterback would be out of the lineup for two weeks or longer Saunders was was was' dissatisfied with the I defensive work of the left side of his line and will spend the week correcting correcting correct correct- ing some of the obvious e errors errors The secondary defense will get a working over in an effort to build against a forward passing attack |