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Show Union Leader Resigns Because Of Communistic Labor Trend NEW YORK Resigning as president of the United Furniture Furni-ture Workers (CIO), a small but influential union, in protest against Communist control, Morris Muster declared recently that "less than 1,000 Communists Commun-ists control the 42,000 UFW members." Reporting his interview with the man who had headed the union un-ion for nine years, Victor Riesel, nationally-known labor writer, gave Muster's version of how the "comrades" had accomplished accomplish-ed their mission. Girls Planted ,. "He pointed out that first they had planted 'well-screened' girls in the office as switchboard operators op-erators and secretaries," Riesel i'said. "This assured the Communists Com-munists of an interoffice espionage espion-age system. Then they put a trusted pro-Communist pro-Communist in as secretary-treasurer. This gave them a detailed knowledge of the union's inner workings. "The Communists also made certain to put their man in the educational director's spot so they could control the propagan-, da machinery and union newspaper. news-paper. Then they set about taking tak-ing over regional offices and delegations del-egations to the key national conventions.-Other Plants "Here are typical examples of their techniques: "1. In two cities the Communists Commun-ists assigned women to 'befriend' as good a word as any in a family newspaper local furniture furni-ture workers' leaders. The girls succeeded. The officials voted right. "2. The comrades would plant young men in various towns where these promising 'future leaders' would be found accidentally. accident-ally. At one union conference, for example, an unknown apple-cheeked, apple-cheeked, curly-haired youngster, speaking for Bloomington, Ind., furniture workers, delivered a terrific, tear-jerking speech. "Everyone said, 'there's a lad we must develop.' Later investigation investi-gation showed that he was pick-. pick-. ed out of the Coney Island (N. Y.) Communist Club and sent to Bloomington for 'discovery.' Fish To Furniture "3. One active Communist in .the UFW never handled a stick of furniture. He's a fish handler in a New England meat market. He unionized the men there and then went to the regional furniture furni-ture workers' headquarters asking ask-ing that the UFW take in the market union because no one else would touch it. The UFW did, and the fish-worker became an important UFW leader. "4. In other instances the Communists Com-munists spent lavishly on parties entertaining union members. Every jamboree featured sweater sweat-er girls. . . That's the story except that the handful of Communists Com-munists came early to all meetings meet-ings and stayed late. So it was that 150 dues payers controlled the affairs of locals with 7,000 members." |