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Show GARDEN. AND FAEM In Applf fcnl'Mit A correspondent in Glasgow writes as follows: "Fruit here Is rarely eaten by common people, except when some INTEREST TO the MATTERS OF brave youth had risked being jailed, AGRICULTURISTS. and, under the cover of night, stolen a The orchards are full. piUow-8'i- p a watched like jeweler's store in AmerHint About CultivaSome ica, and the pains and penalties for tion of the Soli and Yields Thereof picking even fa fallen apple are exFloriand Viticulture Horticulture. cessively severe. Our apples are generally good and retail at from 7 to 15 cents culture. per pound. Those from the United States are always most in demand and IS HIGHER bring the highest prices. NotwithFHEAT the prices standing the great imports from New at any York, Philadelphia, Chicago and other reached L'p-to-- Dt places, fruit is exceedingly scarce, and the common people never eat it, except on special occasions. It is exceedingInteresting to go down to the wharf than a year ago, a ly (the Broomlelaw) when the great ships few cents higher come In with their heavy freights of than in May, 1893. American fruit. I boarded a vessel one It is generally con- day last week and inquired how many ceded that prices barrels were on board, and the purser reached during showed me the manifest for 5,150. Natime in 1894 by some 4c to 5c a bu, and 8c to 9c higher lowest point they are tional Nurseryman. some years for touch likely to Schemes of Tree Peddler. The come. principal reason to Is natural that hardy trees and me It mat. iuw is yuws for this opinion tiie be in demand; and the should plants of the last few years has turned fruit-tree are quick to take adThe to fakirs attention of farmers other crops. eviof and "work" the trade is wheat to this, vantage spring acreage seeded is was in all there last for it, says Prof. S. C. dently somewhat less than it "Prove all in Industrialist. the conditions same appear Mason, year, and the which is hold and fast that farmers wheat winter with to be true things new mean not does in while every good," buy Europe nearly In this country, "iron-clad1894, the that is offered at four The latest' thing that the gentry are offering to a needy public is the peach budded on "Canadian stocks," whatever those may be, with the assurance that the sap in such is tree "goes down" when winter comes, every state reports smaller acreage. The United Kingdom reports a less acreage of approximately 10 per cent. Too little is known of the acreage of Russia to state with any certainty of the area there. With the extension of railroads through that country it " prices. tree-peddli- ng THREE STAGES OF THE SILK WORM. ASTROLOGY IN CRIME. MIDSUMMER A NEW GAME. HUMOfi, Irrigating small tracts of land by The Sportswoman Says the Exercise Is raising water vith windmill or other LAUGHING GAS ORIGINAL aLd ; for the Sake of Science.: power is entirely practicable, and is PLANETARY DESCRIPTION OF A SELECTED. France at last has contributed a being adopted quite extensively. A RECENT MURDER. an thousand barrels of water wrill cover to the list of summer outdoor sport acre to the depth of an inch. The Irpastimes in which womenkind love to 'Between the Dreamy Waltzes"- Senti Foreigner of Mean Habits indulge;' and, naturally, what a dainty rigation Farmer of Kansas reports av 1 Low-Bre- d mental Sally at the Seas bio re A kin- case of an windmill with a comKilled Butler Harris A Woman In Parisienne couna of the in way adopts mon man Weakness Flotsam, and Jetsam pipe and a brass-line- d Lizzie the Cage Borden Inno- try house exercise is not expected to 4x14 pump, cylinder inches, from Tide of Fan. cent. be fn the least like the hardy English stroke,; irrigating nine acres of garden, from which a whole familyi was supand Scotch girl's golf, cricket, bicycle, S THERE A' or polo. No indeed; the Frenchwoman ported, and left a profit beside. The T II B ETWEEN water was pumped from a well in the pretends to no sport in which dainty wt&tz- -. dreamy into a reservoir built in a knoll enough es heavens of every dressing is not the leading feature, and above the ground to be irrigated to esIn the Intervening of one movement incident the not in which grace flood It. The reservoir in this case was calm. on she Because sentials for earth, transpires proficiency. 100 feet square, and built of earth. It They sat on the itor can wear most delicate of frocks the incident the cost nothing but labor: An pump veranda, self but the natural and In moving show herself to the best and a wheel will lift from a well Beneath a spread20 to 50 deep 65 to 80 gallons a minute, sequence of planet- advantage, the fair visitors at various ing palm; with an ordinary wind. This would be ary law? asks the chateaux have inaugurated the And he whispered, 1 3 water enough pumped in about eight amusement of trapping butNew York Journal. lovej In rapture, hours to irrigate an acre with an inch same our at ljast, Now terflies. we are the In mind's "Alone, eye doing of water. And since, with good cultiare we!" on we see of future side the this the water; only thing vation, that depth of water would keep chief of she murmured, "Yes, its lovely. muswe over we have think immensely And police improved poring crops growing nicely for many days it But it's horrid when there's three. to on the French way of managing It A in an endeavor will be seen that such an outfit would ty tomes prove one of the most profitable invest- conciliate his judgment with cer- sunshiny day and a flower garden are "Aha!" laughed little Cupid; ments on the farm. If those who are tain astral indications that may be puz- really the first prime requisites for As hurried a final dart, interested will write to advertisers of zling him, or, perchance, the head of butterfly hunting, and at the shops they Then he gathered up his arrows windmills and pumping machinery in the detective bureau busiAnd sell in made ready to depart. for outfits the special pretty Lilly this paper they will get estimates of maintenance of certainciting a While shadow crossed their dreaming, ness. an of colored made nets are There views upon capacity and cost that will be surpris- important criminal case, while A cloud rose in their sky j Gad-bur- y silk and hung at the ends of delicate ing. This subject becomes a very imsummer The night grew colder, and Simmonite, Sibly and Zadkiel lacquered sticks, light as tiding portant one when considered in the And each wondered why. sadly box, in 'Which light of the fact that 10 to 15 acres of will calmly repose upon shelves along- switches; and a tin-linland may produce more side of Blackstone and Kent, sensible is a pasteboard square whereon the in- Nor guessed at all the reason; in a season than a quarter-sectio- n of the fact that theirs is the wisdom sect is impaled after having a few drops ; But the little love god knew, drought-stricke- n farm. which unravels the skeins entangled of chloroform poured from a tiny bot- And scoffed at human wisdom, ' As the fickle sprite will da, : r , tle on its head. By a ribbon this box by the craftiness of crime. RnHriian 1 hlstle Dyinfir Out An of the miscarriage of is slung, like a fisherman's creel, over "Alas! poor foolish mdrtals.j It is reported from portions of .he justice example Perhaps you've never heard as by evidence one's shoulder. Tn a wide hat, a muslin That three's delightful company Dakotas, where the Russian thistle based uponsubstantiated the science In question is gown, and light morning shoes, the fair first made its appearance in this counis the third." 'f Cupid LifA. try, that it is dying out, that where a afforded us in the Borden tragedy in butterfly catcher, when the dew has of summer lawn of Fall makes her the rounds dried, few years ago gigantic plants were uniRiver, Mass., in the and gardens in search of bright-hue- d versal that last year they grew but 1892. of Basil Underdonh. adthree to four inches high, This but prey. Dashing hither and thitheri after masculine testimonies Strong Chapter !. confirms the theory of some of the duced by a map of the heavens drawn an artful golden-winge- d she a "No! flutterer, thousand times no!" ablest botanists in the country, among for the time of the occurrence point makes a pretty waves as she The fair girl raised herself; up proudly picture them Prof. Lugger of the Minnesota id Priher a net to her not and follows the victim. lips curled In contemptuou' conclusively to a man and experiment station, which is to the woman scorn. as the perpetrator of the deed. marily exercise seems to be the excuse effect that the Russian thistle "I spurn your proffered gold! Toui If there be verity in this least under- for tracking the poor little insect to his threats to a family of plants that belongs idle. I have plig-htemy thrive only upon land possessing saline stood and yet most ancient sciences, end, through these flower garden troth to are h Poor Mortimer Dusenberry. i properties, and when those properties then the above is indeed a sad com- Dianas insist it is all for the sake of may be, but I love him, and if I am are exhausted the plant will no longer mentary on human justice in view of more scientific knowledge of insect life, hls'n I can't be your'n. grow. The sea coast is the only place the frightful ordeal which the daughter for the pleasure of making collections; II. Chapter where this family of plants is perma- of the house of Borden was cot Outside and the humble that was th there does seem to be a fair! show subsequentnent, and while they may flourish on home of Irene of truth in all this. The butterfly fiends MeGilcuddy the sinister the new lands of the west, which are ly forced to endure. of face worked in a the millionaire The name of Borden calls to mind all carry little books in which are more or lees impregnated with alkali of hate. convulsive 'ITake Mm, spasm and other salines, for a time, their the recent tragedy in this city, which, printed in colors the pictures! and then!" he hissed. "But I will have mj duration will be measured by that of as usual in such cases, has awakened an names of all tio pretty papillions in revenge." the salts in the land. Ex. extraordinary amount of reckless spec- the United States. When one is caught Scowling a few more times, just to is in it ulation and those the with vain book, keep his hand in as it were, Basil compared theorizings. Digestibility Measures Nutrition. no An for the identified, registered, and xiuplicate TJnderdonk, the baffled banker, slunk astrological figure erected W can make no advance in scientific cattle feeding until we start on the time of the deed reveals many salient is pursued; for the sportswoman fol- out into the night. Chapter iii. basis of the equivalence of like food features to be considered in connec- lows no chase for the mere joy of capI was mad!" Basil me, "Forgive elements from whatever source ob- tion therewith. Jupiter therein would ture. "Onderdonk out held his hand. tained. As the Maine station puts it signify Harris, being lord of the sixth to come have "I wedding, Irene, your in one of their reports: "Science has house (servants), and is posited In as a esteem of and affecand mark my TRAPS ENGLISH SPARROWS given practice no safer or more useful Cancer In the tenth (office of employI made tion for have over, as you both, conclusion than this: Cattle foods on a a handsome house wedding present, have nutritive value in proportion to ment) in parallel with Mars, who by They Make Tery Good Eating Baked in tha Halsey street, Brooklyn, city ol a Potpie. the digestible dry matter they contain." reason of that affliction woujd denote homes." If every public-spirite- d citizen who In other words a pound of digestible the murderer. And he was forgiven. as one of much In food was is Harris the breast (ruled has grieved over the almost total loss shot fat from just value as a pound of digestible fat from by Cancer) while answering the door of song birds through the pugnacity Chapter iv. each and every other food, and the bell in his master's house (tine tenth) of the sparrow would follow the ex "Ha!" same of the digestible starch, cellu- or while in Basil Underdonk scanned his morrring pursuit of his employment. ample set by Jack Durney, a down lose and albuminoids. Moreover, the The two men were with ghoulish glee: states there town paper be not would report it long very youth, rule can be made wider and include who attacked "The motorman arrested for running him, but from the testi- before the feathered songsters would digestible dry matter as a whole withover Mortimer Dusenberry has out reference to the proportion of its mony herein shown only one did the return again in full force, says the been young discharged by the coroner, it parts: i. e., the digestible dry matter shooting ,and he is described by Mars Philadelphia Record. On the roof of being proved cif this latest of timothy hay, for instance, is just as in Cancer as "of short stature and a a building in the back yard of the Dur victim of thethat the fate was due to hia valuable, pound for pound, as the di- bad complexion, without much hair and ney homestead a sparrow trap is erect own negligence. trolley saddest The feature ol of corn meal, roots it brown; the gestible dry matter is generally Mr. is ed is full and in and the affair that body day. Dusenberry swing night or any other food material. Prof. H. and crooked. The temper is sour Not only are the feathered pests cap leaves as his widow a bride of a few P. Armsby. and bad, and he is given to sottish-nes- s; tured by the dozen, but all the friends short months. a mean, servile, unfortunate crea- of the Durney family for squares Weighing Wheat. A farmer of MinChapter v. a nesota has scheme for reducing the ture, usually employed in some low around will testify to the fact that "Ha! Irene Dusenberry, nee MeGil- 1 on eartn compares with rat charge for transferring grain at the business." notnmg swear to be not did I cuddy, central markets of the state, which Mars is in conjunction wii. the sparrows when cooked in a potpie. The A bride of two short months,revenged widow if put into force would cause a con- moon, which "shows one of unsettled trap is one into which the birds hop now, and a burst of fiendish alaughtei tinual blockade and much; dissatisfac- life and temper, and a favorite of fe- to get the from the lips of Basil Underdonk. grain and bread crumbs came tion. He wants the railroad commis-Eio- n males. He is "You a to die in always told me you looked like strange Once in birds inside the likely plainly sight. to force the carriers to adopt apa fright in black!" did not know enough to come out. The pliances for weighing and transferring country." a merciful unconsclousnejs came, But From these significant points it is sparrows feed more on a cloudy and wheat from incoming to outgoing cars she and sank senseless to the floor, without putting it through; an elevator. probable that the slayer of Harris was windy day than on a still, bright day, while over her, happy in his hatred, The grangers claim that the identity of a foreigner of low degree ,and that the but no matter what the weather is, it stood BasiI Underdonk gloatwheat should thus be preserved, and the green-eye- d monster lurked behind the is a poor day when the trap will not ing. New Fork World. gloating mixing of lots by elevator men to bring motive, for see, both" moon and Venus, yield fifty sparrows. Mr. Durney says up grades would be prevented. This, feminine planets, are besieged by Jup-t- he is His Careful Caution. going to get his trap patented they argue, would tend to build up for of Harris and and to Mars, induce significator and then the "Will pay legislature sections raising superior grains a repuyou" The landlady glanced across the table tation which would be of! great value his slayer, and are conjoined in the so much apiece for dead sparrows to them. It is claimed that this work butler's fifth house, which has rule over Then he'll make his trap earn him a at his empty plate. "have some more soup?" could be done at a cost of: pleasures, thereby pointing conclusive- fortune. With that spirit of cautiousness thai cent per bushel, as opposed to three-quarte-rs ly to a woman in the case. The tyro is fostered and grows rapidly in a cent now charged by the ele- would perhaps not be able to follow Rooster. Chivalrous The vators for transferring and 10 days' a further boarding house atmosphere he replied Sufficient to say of one analysis. of the fowla In game yards and Elevator Grain evasively: Trade. storage. that the scheme is replete with indi- f kept by the editor is a game bantam "Um, er that is, ah, what kind cations so significant that the initiated hen the only bantam on the premises meat have you Mrs. Skraggs?" Value of Sweet Corn as Fodder. would evolve facts moment a assumed a" the many For ; a startling beside is landlady She the hens midget stately While we have several varieties of therefrom. But that was expression. that compose the flock, and at feeding thoughtful sweet corn, it is a waste of time and a bluff. she answered Presently time they try to impose on her. But only thought to give any ear to the sententiously: of Kitchens new forage plants. Sweet! corn, is one Long Ago. the proud lord of the harem comes to "Chicken." ;, of the most agreeable and nutritious The colonial kitchens lasted in many her rescue, and when she secures a farmer experimany Readily recalling of fodders, and to think of displacing country houses until about fifty years choice morsel he stands guard and ences meatless necks and the with bony weeds as ago. There are men and women still : drives the it with such big hens away. "Woe to the wings, the border with the the coarse sachaline, orj the costly living who vividly describe their glor- hen to tries the bantam's nese hastily passed his plate for mor that lathryus sylvestris, is mere folly. Of ies. They were low, with heavy rafters food when the cocksteal is near. A peck soup. the smallest kinds, eight to ten tons per small-pane- d for windows, by a lighted or drive from his spurs from his bill acre of the most valuable! fodder may A Human Weakness. be grown on one acre in sixty days, and glass was a luxury in those days. The sends the thief scurrying away. The by replanting the same land, not for- chairs had narrow, high backs and rush cock selects a morsel and calls the the fertilizer to restore the loss seats. There was, besides, a rudely bantam, and while she is eating he getting of fertility of the soil, ten more tons shaped "settee." The great wood fire will not permit any interference. may be got In the next two months. burned its prodigious back log in the The cost of the two crops will be under chimney, and was never allowed to en1 HE BICYCLE. $10 per acre, thus giving, unquestiondie out. Banked with ashes in tirely of all best the for all fodders, ably, Two Chicago policemen on bicycles kinds of animals, either to be eaten the evening, theretowas always supposed rekindle into new ran down and captured a murderer re fresh. or made into silage,! or dried, at to be a spark flames in the morning. Not long ago a cently. a cost of 50 cents a ton. Ex. woman died whose pride it was to say Babylon, L. I., arrests and fines Protecting by Earth Covering. On that in the forty years of her married wheelmen who ride in. that place on the evening of May 11th we cultivated life the hearth fire never once went out. Sundays. A gold brick valued at $150 will be our private garden, throwing up the If so dire a mischance arose a child one to as so cover loose earth pt the prizes for the race meet at wholly or in was sent to the nearest neighbor with Louisville. corn. and the As potatoes frost part fire," and from the was expected, we did not fdllow with a a shovel to "borrow Bicyclists must have their rights knot relighting was again But Rev. Wayback (from Fenceburg) My pine glowing as As usual. they must also light their lanterns hoe, bo pronged might were walls the; York little World. at man, It pains me to see you wastAlong nightNew expected, the covered parts are bright possible. as streets and So .time In such a frivolous way. and of fruits dried ing; far are your vegetables. highways and sound, while the exposed tips are Is know that life is short, tha Don't the the wheel horse you concerned, not do bicycle to dead. Many appearj be aware San Francisco and unto dust thou shall dust art of reform. thou Call. even beans: cucumthat fact of the and Glycerine. including his sister nd return? bers can be covered with earth for one Equal parts of bay rum and glycer- hisEverybody, his aunt, seems to be and cousin Cully McSwa;tt Yes, and you bet yei and without that is it the ine applied to the face after shaving injury night and best ole socks, we're all out for de dust, a life, bicycle. Syracuse Post;' riding way to protect young make a man rise up and call the cheapest see! careless . and Foolish Truth. are bicyclists L. Budd. man who provided it garden plants from frostj-PApplied distress more, than the trojley The New Strawberry Bed. In set- to the shoes, is a great pre causing or runaway horses. Los Angeles Exglycerine of new bed a if plg-Sage Reasoning. strawberries, ting Do you believe ther Miss tillate plants are used, plant every third eervative of the leather and effectually press. Goodleigh n A. the L. A. wet L. Johnson, out water and ;feet. prevents, row with strong, perfect flowering keeps will be any marriages in heaven? . W. been has declared a scorcher, proin the bloom the same of at fruit that Miss TJptodate No. The Bible saye, time A few drops glycerine put plants will and henceforth race in fessional, row I narrow have them to before found system The there will be no "givingareInnomarriage-thersealing Jars the last thing wedding and where there be the most profitable, rooting a few help to keep the preserves from mould- that class. teas and breakfasts are now be manj won't fcet there Bicycle runners from each plant, cutting away you presents ing on top. For flatulency; there Is no quite the rage in Gotham society. This weddings. the rest, This gives more room for cul- better remedy, than a teaspoonful of settles any lingering doubt of the tivating; and yet enough young plants status. It has received Justified. to form a continuous row, plenty of air glycerine after each meal It will pre- wheel's social Baltimore American, cure a black eye this morn hands. Two and its or vent have degree. chapped Hill You and sunlight to reach the berries. It new a ixs occupation fin' will often 'a England to out clean bed of this three drops stop the baby's costs but little up in the cycling line in the per- ing. Mill Yes. a man nu me tor a dollar.y stomach ache. It will allay the thirst turned ' kind, and it will last longer. Ex. v . a professional valuer, who, for son of Did you hit back? Hill exof af fever patient and soothe an Irri- a an as idea TLffll his tv.& No. .. He wnq in ... uv .iv.' ... trifling fee, gives and was It was the custom, years ago, for table cough by moistening the drynes3 pert on the value of secoD-rt-Mb dollar, you see. ; of tl a tJiroat Japanese ladies to gild their teeth. . - 8-f- oot ch . 12-in- ch RE-flecti- 51-fo- on ot " i 8-i- 12-fo- ot ( Wat-teau-li- ke . ! -- . ed well-water- ed ' ' Veng-eanc- e ' so-call- ed . s ill-ma- de The above illustration shows three silk worm feeding upon a leaf and near To the the top of the cut is seen the perfect Btage3 of the silk jworm. the moth, the scientific name of right will be noticed two cocoons at- - form a tached to the tree. On the left is which is Sericaria mori. j presumably so deep as to be out of reach of such sudden cold snaps as the lately experienced. The modest price of 50 cents per tree, down and the balance the third year, provided the trees bear, will doubtless find many takers. The lamented showman, P. T. Barnum, proved himself a great philosIts of a reduction opher when he said that the American calculating upon wheat acreage while going Into diversif- people liked to be humbugged. That ied farming instead, The acreage of the average American farmer is not enIndia Is estimated by jthe best authorittirely behind the rest of his countrymen acres in such matters is proved by the numto ies be not less than 1,000,000 "blight-proofber of "frost-proofimaller than last year. indeotherwise and "drought-proof The narrowing of the area seeded to the material structible agents nursery wheat Is tie chief reason In sight ,for an expectation of higher prices in the are able to take orders, for. coming few years, for; with the excepFlax In England. The Mark Lane tion of 1891 in this country and one devotes some space or .two late seasons in Europe and ArExpress (England) linseed crop of for the outlook to the gentine, the crops of the world have Central India, and regrets that the yielded per acre only about an average, disa is for very good yield prospect which it Is- fair to presume they will The fact that the English yield in the? future, , excepting on appointing. in the yield of flax Is interested some extraordinary occasion. Wheat farmer a so distant country as India Is a area had been broadened largely in in the last five or six years In marked example of how Important Of Is considered in feeding. the entire world," until the excess of we have not yet reached the course the production brought prices to such this country' when It is necesin an extremity that It was not profitable point to the retention of fertility to look to raise it.' That Is (the cause of the sary must in England, but it Is full as they smaller area seeded to this grain and of flax and feedthe time that growing once started as it is, Is likely to conreceive more attinue until a shortage in production ing the meal should,has in the past here than it may "occur that will put up prices so tention far a few years hence that area will Corn for Fodder. After the corn again be broadened, f is planted, an acre or two of fodSo far as the per crop yield prospective should be drilled in for sumcorn der acre this year Is concerned It seems to However abundant the mer feeding. be on the whole about an average. It in early summer, by be may pasture promises above an average In England, the latter of part July the heat of the fair crop In Germany, Belgium, Holthe and dryness of the atmosphere land, Austria, Hungary, Ronmania, sun cause the grass roots to stop growing, Italy, Spain and most northern coun- and the result is a scarcity of green tries. There Is no doubt that supplies The food. only way to avoid 'his state are ample for all the demands at the Is to prepare now an acre of affairs of present, yet they are decreasing faster head of grown than in any other late year, although fodder for every eightamount bf green This fed. to be stock some of that decrease- may be due, and, with what connection in will food give, aad probably Is, to the large amount J tne from enougn can be pasture gotten that was fed live stock. Still Is Is evito carry the stock through the feummer dent that the shortage that will necessarily come from decreased acreage in drouth. Ex. the next few years will consume the a tTanrtv f!nm Crib. -- Missouri la said production without dropping prices so low as to feed the grain to farm ani- - to have a novelty in the line of corn Is a ,mai3. Minneapolis 'Market Record,! storehouses. In Doniphan countySO.OOO M5w 1 of a capacity corn crib with bushels, built on a steep hill. Is When set at to shell the sheller . Ah said the old, printer, who had preparing knocked off and a board just come down to be a waiter in a the lower end, runs bushels 80,000 through ap restaurant, "this is like old times. the entire the machine without requiring any rieroi am distributing: that the acreage may be increased, although it is possible that the increased cultivation of land would be put Into other crops more than to wheat The Argentine appears to have reached the top for the present at least with their large yield of last year. Australia has been for the last year probable one-ha- lf i j ," ," ; i . - oil-me- al I j T shoveling at all. - er one-quart- er to-da- ! so-call- y, ed V-shap- ed fes-tqo- ns , ; ; . wo-bless- ed. T well-know- j . I ( ---- i - : -- 1 V - |