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Show given them. Is it not a monstrous con INSECTS AS (JrUAEDS tention?" The adrniral chuckled. '"You are like one of these phonographs, Walker," said he; "you have had all this talked PRICELESS NUGGETS GUARDED BY MOSQUITOES. Into you, and now you are reeling it off again. It's rank mutiny, every word of It, for man has his duties and woman The Insects .Drive Workers Away Only has hers, but they are as separate as n Xeprosy-Riddethe Natives Able to their natures are. I suppose that we Stand the Horrible Plague Method shall have a woman hoisting her pennant on the flagship presently, and tak- of Torture. ing command of the Channel squadron." "Well, you have a woman on the OLD IN PLENTY throne taking command of the whole his nation," remarked may be found in wife; and everyY is does CON she it better DOYL& body the sands of the agreed that than any of the men." Volador river -- a cigar. It was after dinner, and through The admiral was somewhat staggered stream of moderate Don't tell what you could have done under the open French window of the dining by this home thrust. "That's quite anPathetic Incident of h Drought. volume that comes circumstances. What the world room a clear view was to be had of the other thing," said he. A pathetic incident of the recent breaking favorable interested In hearing is what you have ac-is a told in Kansas of is the from the long tennis court and the players. A set had by drought tumbling "You should come to their next meetunder unfavorable circum who was in that region at the time complished snow line of the traveler Just been finished and young Charles ing. I am to take the chair. I have just the rain came. There had been insufficient stances. Westmacott was hitting up the balls as promised Mrs. Westmacott that I will for several de St. rain inthethis part particular the Baby is Catting Teeth. failures had been meager Be rare II crops midas could he so. In send do them the high But it has turned chilly, and it Martha in South and unprofitable and many of theor farmers and use that old and remedy, VM, dle of the ground. Doctor Walker and is time that the girls were indoors. Good u t were utterly despondent and sick at heart WinsloW's Soothiko BYFVr for Children Teethings Am e r i c a b Mrs. Westmacott were pacing up and night! I shall look out for you after hope deferred. But the copious The man who Is able to travel though the lowland through rains brought actual salvation to very many. down the lawn, the lady waving her breakfast for our constitutional, adacross a bridge can generally learn enough in extensively was a The traveler to the where and bed driving the river region as she emphasized her remarks, miral." racket over a creek that was running bank full make a bore" of himself all the restyear hla of , months and noticed an life., and the doctor listening with slanting being dry for The old sailor looked after his friend precious metal abounds in fabulous after on feet his with bank old the settler sitting the are head and little nods of agreement. with a twinkle in his eyes. easily accessible, quantities FITS All Fltsstopped freeby Dr.Rllne's Great hanging in the stream baling up the water Nerve Restorer, fto Kits after the nrst day 'suae. "How old is he, mother?" Against the rails at the near end Harmosquitoes are so thick and terrible first in one hand and then the other and letcures., Treatise ami (2 trial bottle freeeo into the creek. The Marvelous old was leaning in his flannels talking it trickle back "About fifty, I think." there that all attempts to rifle the ting k it cases, bend to Dr. Kline,9Sl Arch St., Phila., Pa. old man the to but traveler him, spoke to the two sisters, who stood listening "And Mrs. Westmacott?" sands of their gold have so far failed. seemed, not to hear at first and continued to If you want to learn. Just where a man to him with their long dark shadows bail up the water as though in a dream. stands "I heard that she was forty-three- ." follow him into a crowded street car. Elisee French celebrated the Reclus, his look and did hear When he up down finally the behind them. lawn The admiral rubbed his hands, and streaming smile a and in was wreathed face to was happy first the explore tears were The girls were dressed alike in dark shook with amusement. "We'll find one geographer, "Hanson's Magic Corn Salve." down his cheeks. The running Warranted to care or money refunded. ' Ask your some remark in the way of skirts, with light pink tennis blouses of these days that three and two make the plain about the Volador's mouth. traveler made as to the old man's actions. The druggist for It. Price J5 cents. and pink bands on their straw hats, so one," said he. "I'll bet you a new bon- It seemed like an earthly paradise at inquiry settler bailed up a double handful of not call a balloon a tramp? It has that as they stood with the soft red net on it, mother." and the stinging insects were no old first, water and in a voice that trembled with the noWhy means or support. visiDie of the setting sun tinging their faces, meant realization of all It more numerous than one might have he Intensity of his cried: "It's water, friend! I believe Piso's Cure for Consumption Clara, demure and quiet, Ida, mischievCHAPTER iv. expected. But as the rainy season it's rapturously waer!" New York Sun. e saved my boy's life last summer. Mrs. ous and daring, it was a group which 1894. came Oct. on and 20, hot Mich., and Douglass, LeRoy, the air grew might have pleased the eye of a more A SISTER'S SECRET. Resolutions. humid the mosquitoes appeared in inThere is a charming elasticity about a girl exacting critic than the old sailor. cravinsr Nerves Irritated t of tobacco, always by ELL eighteen springs. had MISS credible swarms. M. Reclus ME, "Yes, he looks happy, mother," he refor stimulants, explains why it is so hard to You Walker! know thought of establishing an agricultural swear off. is the only guaranteed peated, with a chuckle. "It was not so tobacco-habi- t cure how things should becaus j it acts directly on You can carry the but long ago since it was you and I who in the fertile lowlands, colony nerve affected centers, irritation, prodestroys be. vial of Doctor little What would were standing like that, and I don't found the plague of insects so unbearmotes digestion and healthy, refreshing sleep, Pleasant PelPierce's a was 10 you 10 say remember that we were very unhappy, good able that he was forced to beat a reMany gain days. You run no pounds in in the lets right and is a sold risk. by for guaranteed was either. It profession croquet in our time, and of Book Address tree. treat and your dress abandon Druggists everywhere. theproject. young man of 26 the ladies had not reefed in their skirts New York City or Chicago. and will not Co., it suit, Remedy Sterling who has had no He was the discoverer of this wonmake even a little quite so taut. What year would it be? education worth derful stream, whose waters sweep Commencement Scenes. Just before the commission of the Penellump. The "Pellets" are so small that 42 to about, over sands that are literally golden. In senior badge and swallow-tail- , speaking ope." With lots of things to say, 44 of them go in a vial and who is not very He told the news to the French Mrs. Hay Denver ran her fingers his The begins boy speech college scarcely more than an quick by nature?" On graduation day. through his grizzled hair. "It was when official at Rio and this inch Hacha, long, and as bier was The He sweeps the whole great universe speaker you came back in the Antelope, just beas a lead pencil. round Eldoof obtained this the concession Into his little boat, Charles Westmacott arid the time this fore you got your step." cure constipato a They his He's "hitched wagon star," encounter "Ah, the old Antelope! What a clip- same summer evening in the tennis rado. The dangers he was to tion, old enough to vote. He's One " Pellet " is But when he's hustled for his food per she was! She could sail two points ground, though the shadows had fallen he knew perfectly well. He took with He soonwill sadly say laxative ; two a mild nearer the wind than anything of her now andI the same had beenx iabandoned.,1 him when he set out an ingeniously His education just began rpuft cathartic. One taken iiie gin gictneeuj up a.L xii ill, amuseu constructed gauze tent of large di tonnage in the service. You remember Upon "commencement" day. after dinner will stimher mother. You say her come into Ply- and surprised. Washington Capital. to tried two he mensions. For days ulate digestive action "Do you mean yourself?" mouth Bay. Wasn't she a beauty?" the live watch and and under its shelter palliate the effects He Besisrned. to "She was indeed, dear. But when I "Precisely." Taught of toiled who They of his workmen, operations "But how could I tell?" Mamie's mother wps very ill, and Mamie, effiact with say that I think that Harold Is not gentle orin the in thick .who had been brought up in the strictly "I have no one to advise me. I believe stifling heat, clothed on stomach, ciency happy I mean in his daily life. Has it fashion, was brought in to see her. liver and bowels. never struck you how thoughtful he is that you could do it better than any garments, and protected by heavy thodox dear, what would you do without my "Oh, one. absent-mindedof feel I end They don't do the in confidence mother. At the sick and veils. asked mamma?" the at times, and how your opinion." boots, gloves work I it but suppose don't themselves. mamma, "I know, is She "It He the very flattering." "In love, perhaps, the young dog. second day, however, both employglanced up would be all for the best," responded the They simply stimulate seems to have found snug moorings now again at his earnest, questioning face, er and employes with one accord gave child. the natural action of with its Saxon eyes and drooping flax- up the little thing!" exclaimed "You at any rate." m, the retreated. and organs t he struggle the mother, who promptly proceeded to get -'selves. "I think that it is very likely that you en mustache, in some doubt as to The next Texas well to try to wring fortune Sittings. again. are right, Willy," answered the mother whether he might be joking. On the conan was from sands these auriferous trary, all his attention seemed to be seriously. to the East via the Union concentrated upon her answer. Italian, who obtained permission from Reduced RatePacific "But which of them?" System. "It depends so much upon what you the "I cannot tell." referred to above. The To Boston and return August can not do know. I know do, you you Italian , laughed at the idea of mosquiTo Louisville, Ky., and return Sept. "Well, they are very charming girls, For additional information call or write to SQUARE DEALING ALWAYS WINS both of them. But as long as he hangs sufficiently to be able to say what natu- toes driving anyone away from a place Geo. Ady, Passenger Agent, 941 17th street, in the wind between the two it cannot ral gifts you have." They were walking where gold could be picked up almost Denver, Bwa re of unreliable and fictiColo. tious across prices. When ordering an in the direction lawn the be serious. After all, the boy is slowly 18.50 or $12 alngla bu?gy harness by the handful. He started out with A rich St. Louis girl is about to marry an and he made five hundred of the house. lair or. a concord team harness Indian. In fact, fortune seems to favor the 1 "I have none. That is to say, none a party of six who shared with him his brave. pounds last year. He is better able to in Jar die rroua any otner house in Den mentioning. I have no memory belief, and so they, took along no spemarry than I was when I was lieuten- worth am ver, order one from me at the G Tonic and Tried cial insects. nme price, and if , after a care"I ParkprN ngrr and I Hv very slow." ant." protection against the " says a mother, and so will you say in believe ful examination, you do not find it, are "But you very strong." "I think that we can see which it is They endured for less than half an when familiar with i ts revitalizing prope rtles. my harness or saddle the cheapest and best for the monav yon "Oh, if that goes for anything. I can hour the awful torture and then fled. now," remarked the observant mother. can return and I will pay the freight can he when A my man? is the goods forget happiest a to till hundred further They found their way back to Rio all the mean Charles Westmascott had ceased put up pound bar both will This himto ways. you a fair give about knows he things the best goods for the money. I opportunity mean what I knock the tennis balls about, and was orders; but what sort of a calling is Hacha with difficulty, for the eyes of self. get s do not to and wish deceive. ay, ' chatting with Clara Walker, while Ida that?" How It Ires It Ih Not th Question. Some little joke about being called to flve were 80 Dadly swollen that they Jnt and Harold Denver were still talking by d.s'H. WILSON, out It is enough to aknow that Hindercorns takes the railing with little outbursts of the bar flickered up in Miss Walker's were Dlina. ine sixtn was a signt to the and very pleasing relief it is. 15c at corns, Larimer St., - Denver, Colo. to out the and he had was In was set such behold, a fresh pick but her druggists. mind, companion laughter. Presently formed, and Doctor Walker, the odd obvious earnest that she stifled down pathway with the aid of one eye, which SffSK TENT & AVHIHG E. B. WALTHALL & CO.. Druggists, Horse man out, came through the wicket gate her inclination to laugh. the mosquitoes had not entirely closed. Cave, cures Cure Catarrh "Hall's Ky., say: and strolled up the garden walk ANOTHER great Yet there are human beings who can everyone that takes it." Sold by Druggists, 75c. (TO BE CONTINUED.) in prices Mrs. "Good evening, Hay Denver," hell into venture this with harness. They a as a women impunity look secret much at Some hat. broad his said he, raising cost you not h in stray or as too to looks man at are good keep. demons whose whisky mosquixa mination. Beat guardian HIS GREATEST COMPLIMENT. "May I. come in?" $20 singl e buggy hartoes, and these are some of the savage "Good evening, doctor! Pray, do!" ness in Colorado for 1'2; 115 single buggy said the admiral, It Was Paid to "Try one of these," by a Famous natives of the mountains from whose for $8.50: a are cigar-casout comes his "They holding tumbling rocky steeps the river nickel or rubber Indlani?faief. not bad. I got them on the Mosquito trimmed 130 double These savages who are mosquiconcord harness wir.h "That picture reminds me-q- f one of down. Coast. I was thinking of signaling to their breeching for 20; $40 the most thrilling incidents of my life," to proof are rendered so by scales steel horn stock sadyou, but you seemed so very happy out said the with covered bodies white-hairedle for $20- $30 steel being d erentle- a venerable, there." horn stock saddle, "Mrs. Westmascott is a very clever man, Mr. R. B. Simms of South Caro- - pof that awful disease leprosy. notStrange double cincha for $15. touch Do not be deceived by pointing to the magnificent and to say, the mosquitoes will woman," said the doctor, lighting the lina, worthless imitations, much-admirFornor of the Edwin But them. neither about gauds the spoTce gold portrait way, you but send your cigar. "By order the walls of the Hotel that adorns TIT direct to us and get to labor, them of will civilization the Mosquito Coast just now. Didyou rest tempt T" IT the best genuine oak !! see much of the Hyla when you were ragt, biiya ine vv asningion jll and there is no human power, apparjrost. tanned harness for a is of the likeness examination before splendid certainly out there?" from their them will which drag ently, for game, paying"No such name on the list," answered great actor, and carries one back to a rude caves on the mountain side and catalogue free. All manv memorable va.rs certain occasion the seaman, with decision. "There's goods stamped, Fr-- d the civil war, when he was fill- - make them labor for the white men. II Mueller, the Hydra, a harbor defense turret-shi- before 5 Colo. Larimer street, Denver, an one true in old an and that is It engagement home never saying ing Charleston, playleaves the but she E. E. BUR LIN GAME'S ing nightly to large and enthusiastic might as well try to get along without waters." The doctor laughed. "We live in two audiences. I was a mere lad and was furs in the arctic regions as without with delight When the night came separate worlds," said he. "The Hyla wild Mosquito And C'liemlcal Laboratory. could go to hear him. In the mosquito nets in the tropics. I and KNOWLEDGE is the little green tree frog, and Beale of to seem been little have nets avail, LJistab.ished I86S. was audience the celebrated Indian has founded some of his views on proThe instances related. in the JEWELERS AND PHOTOGRAPHERS, chieftain Osceola, and half a dozen of however, Brings comfort and improvement and send toplasm upon the appearances of its1 his your sweeps and waste containing god unto been both have are said insects when were who to tends then braves, personal enjoyment and silver for treatment. Prompt nerve cells. It is a subject in which captives. return! and highest cash price paid for gold and silThey had been pining in confinement usually large and unusually venomous, rightly used. The many, who live bettake an interest." ver bullion. Address 1736 and 1738 Lawlife the of humane came and such motive in with In others and, that the sorts and were ter of all than prompted vermin more, ty "There enjoy myriads they rence Street. Denver. Colorado. woods. When I have been on river serv- affording them some diversion, the they had the appearance of a mist less expenditure, by more promptly ice I have heard it at night like the authorities took them to hear Forrest hanging over the waters of the river. adapting the world's best products to LIVE STOCK COMMISSION, engine-roowhen you are on the play. His grand looks and majestic fig- The intense pain and action of the the needs of physical being, will attest CLAY BOB IN SON & CO. Denv Kansas City and Chicago. Coner, Omaha, auditors at of the to measured mile. You can't sleep for the ure caught the copper-hue- d health the value pure liquid drive on stoc the them. You canrely on the hightto your sign system speedily poison and they appeared entranced from est market price. Markets furnished embraced the in laxative piping, and croaking, ar.! chirping. once, principles by wire wz ictwrrree, Lema near rrom you. Great Scott! what a woman that is! the very outset. Forrest soon observed the strongest mad. of Figs! Syrup remedy, One of the favorite tortures among She was across the lawn in three jumps. the strange group and immediately Its excellence is due to its presenting CASH FOR HORSES. to a formed interest! of them the a pardesign She would have made captain the natives of the region about the valWe ar3 the only firm west of the Missouri river most and form the in pleasacceptable ticularly, for suddenly in the midst of ley of the Volador is to strip their vicin the old days." that does a strict commission businiss. Oury ards foretop to the taste, the refreshing and truly and ' VShe.is a a stables are 200 head of horses sold, woman." remarkable stirring scene he emitted an Indian tim and bind him naked to a stake. In ant very laxGeo L. Goulding & Co. J. W. Bu jhan of beneficial a lastyar. perfect properties It fairly electrified his au- a moment his "A very cranky one." Gen. Mgr. City Stock Yards, Denver, Oolo. body will be literally ative ; effectually cleansing the system, an, . "A very sensible one In some things," dience, and the effect on Osceola and his a headaches and fevers colds, CREAMERYSUPPLIEST party was magical. Jumping to their covered with mosquitoesbe and in half dispelling remarked Mrs. Hay Denver. ana will time hour's constipation. it adpermanently curing feet enormously that-now!" cried the htate Agents for Sharpies Russian "Look at' instantaneously, they .gave back an J sold on It has given satisfaction to millions and JJljm separator, hand and power, miral, with a lunge of his forefinger at answering whoop that rent the air with swelled.; The torture is indescribable A. vv ATKINS easy payments and long time. medical the of the met with and its approval roar, mighty fairly chilling the the doctor. "Yon mark my words, MifsJS CO., 15th and Wazee Sts., Denver, Col. blood of many a nervous hearer. Two profession, because it acts on the KidWalker, if we don't look out that wom- Or Greasers Coming East. three ladies fainted. The Whole thing neys, Liver and Bowels without weak-- ; THE WYMAN IMPLEMENT an will raise a mutiny with her preachof alwas so sudden, so strange and startling The lower class Mexicans, ening them and it is perfectly free from Company, Denver, Colo. Machinery, Farm ing. Here's my wife disaffected betand Quartz Wagon s, O rderHay Wagons and Buggies: a It vivid made out and no are substance. that called be will . west, and your objectionable impresevery girls lasting ready; "greasers" they of Figs is for sale by all drug- - Write for prices. ter. We must combine, man, or there's sion on every soul in that assemblage. are immigrating east in large numbers. Syrup Cures PemaleWeakness of any ki 30 Forrest was frequently heard to recall In the past five years such inducements gists in 50c and '$1 bottles, but it is man-- 1 VlSlVI an end of all discipline." 1 Londoner Bk.1630 Id Arapahoe st.Denver was and he wont the to in a excessive episode, declare were offered them in southern Texas ufactured by the California Fig Syrup! "No doubt she is little her views," said the doctor "but in the that the action of those untutored war- as cheap farm hands that they Co. only, whose name is printed on every IIACHIN1ST Repairs of MINING, PRINTING If L Machinery, etc Pipe threading and cutting. riors was the greatest compliment ever of also main I think as she does." the name, Figs, Syrup 7 package, 18th st. brought all their friends on, and now and being well informed, you will; not Freight elevators. Nock & Garside, paid to his powers as an actor.' "Bravo, doctor!" cried the; lady. there are large "greaser" colonies all "VCcept any substitute if offered. turned traitor to your sex! EVERY GIRL WANTS A FELLOW "What, court-martiover Southwest Texas. Bit. immigrato look nice and clean. We use nothing but pure We'll you as a deserter." Women's Share of Lovemaking. soap and water ; gives a finer finish, more plia"She is quite right. The professions -- False modesty frequently peters om- tion is so great that even Texas hasn't holds to shape better and Stays Clean are not sufficiently open to wmen. They en from doing their share of love mak- room for; them, and they are now flock- A SURE CURE FOR PILEsj ble, Much Longer when we wash them. What the I His shirts, cuffs and collars. are still too much circumscribed in their ing. From fear of being considered over- ing to the North , and East. A Piles known by moisture like perspiration, cause fellow? Oh! No Itching send us 85.00 club a are feeble YoungofFellows,at one time together; folk, bold they are apt to be oyershy, and itching when warm. Ttaia form mad Blind, Bleed-- 1 worth employments. They was totally intense labor Mexican we and ago pay express or Piles laundry Protruding yield ax once to the women who have to work for their thus discourage attentions which they unknown in the Southern states. Now ine DR. 1,009 miles, and within if both ways, charges PILE REMEDY, at-- charge you only DenTer prices. Agents wanted bread poor, unorganized, timid, tak- secretly desire, says an! exchange. acts directly on parts affected, absorbs tumour, so successful which and are is it a price lists They enre. lays plentiful, itching, Prio fcocj in all outside towns. Write for 1248-5effecting ml demand permanent rht as what a as favor well are entitled as men to they Women, Curtu St , ing 0 or mail. Laundry, City xr. Queen FtL. Druggists Jrntlada particulars. uoetanito, in southern the workers as a right. That is why tieir case is express their love, only each sex has its as cheap farm not more constantly before the public, own way man with words, Svoman with states that they are steadily! coming this way, having already reached as for if their cry for redress was as great manners. The one Is quite as as their grievance it would fil the world as the other; and, in either expressive 1 case, .the far as Central Ohio. A large number to the exclusion of all otheijs. It is all more delicately expressed the better. A of them are now in Chicago, where 1 j very well for us to be courteous' to the woman who does not express her at- they Introduced Mexican dishes at the v rich, the refined, those to Tjhom life is tachment by her manner cannot expect World's Fair. Ex. t mere a 'is is be loved. to It form, made It easy. bealtogether foolish, already a trick of manner. If we are truly cause it is a hypocritical practice, that Affliction. courteous, we 'shall stoo to lift up of pretending to be indifferent to those whei she really whom she really and legitimately loves. "Affliction is a divine diet; which, struggling womanhood needs our help when it is liis and death Preference is a legitimate feeling which though it be not pleasing to mankind, rahiefl PccHrr.Garatn ana EaMt Fence not. And may be always modestly manifested by to her whether she ha3 it r Web Picket Lawn Fence, eto. OtnM'v yet Almighty God hath often, very cai PRICES LOW. Catalogue FiiftE. then to cant abo'it it beir.g jimvomanly any woman. class. first often, imposed it as good though bit; to work in the higher professions. It Is De Kalb Fea Co., 121 High St.. De Kalb, UU lut unwomThe morning after a big weddinsr. the ter physic upon those children who:;? womanly enough to starve, jsouls are dearest to' Him." Walton. anly to use the brains whUk God has j women arv nearly always cross. ,. A STORYfi , LWEiLY PORE AN A. Sierra, sea-son- sj j well-trie- d , INTERNATIONAL PRESS ASSOCIATION. i CHAPTER III. (Continued). . Admiral Hay Denver did not belong white-hairehearty to the florid, d, school of sea dogs mon in works of which is more com- fiction than In the the contrary, he was the common representative of a much more of the contype which is the antithesis a was He thin, ventional sailor. man, with an ascetic, acqui-lin- ecast of face, grizzled and hollown with the exceptcheeked, curved tiniest promontory the of ion An whisker. observer, of accustomed to classify men, might have of the church put him down as a canon with a taste for lay costume and a country life, or as the master of a large public school, who joined his scholars in their outdoor sports. His lips were rm, his chin prominent, he had a hard, ry eye and his manner was precise and formal Forty years of stern discimade him reserved and pline had when at his ease with an Yet, iilnt. could he readily assume a less equal quarter-dec- k style, and he had a fund cf little, dry stories of the world and its ways which were of interest from one who had seen so many phases of life. Dry and spare, as lean as a Jockey and as tough as whipcord, he might be seen any day swinging his silver-heade- d Malacca cane and pacing along the suburban roads with the same measured gait with which he had been wont He to tread the poop of his flagship. ore a good service stripe upon his cheek, for on one side it was pitted and scarred where a spurt of gravel knocked up by a round shot and struck him thirty years before, when he served in the Lancaster gun battery. Yet he was hale and sound, and though he was fifteen years senior to 'his friend the doctor, he might have passed as the younger man. ilrr,. Hay Denver's life had been a very broken one, and her record upon land represented a greater amount of than his endurance and upon the sea. They had been together for four months after their marriage, and chen had come a hiatus of foir years, during which he was flitting about between St. Helena and the Oil Then came a Rivers in a gunboat. blessed year of peace and domesticity, to be followed by nine years, with only a three months' break, five upon the Pacff c station and four on the East Indian. After that was a respite in the shape of five years In the Channel squadron, with periodical runs home, and then again he was off to the Mediterranean for three years and to Halifax for four. Now, at last, however, this old married couple, who were still almost strangers to one another, had come together in Norwood, where, if their short day had been chequered and "troken, the evening at least promised to be sweet and mellow. In person Mrs. Hay Denver was tall and stout, with a bright, round, ruddy-cheeke- d face, itlll prutty, with a gracious, matronly comeliness. Her whole life was a round of devotion and of love, which was divided between her husband and her only son, Harold. This son it was who kept them in the neighborhood of London, for the admiral was as fond of ships and of salt water as ever, and was as happy r!avy list. On hard-featur- ed clean-shave- . ash-color- ed self-sacrifi- ce -- -- ' -- yacht as on knot monitor. Devonshire or Hampshire coast would certainly have r, ben his choice. There was Harold, were their and Harold's interests chief care. Harold was now. Three years before he had been taken In hand by an acquaintance of his father's, the head of a considerable firm of jstock brokers, and fairly launched Tjpon 'Change. His three hundred guinea entrance fe paid, his three sureties of five hundred pounds each found, his name approved by the committee, and all other formalities complied with, he "found himself whirling round, an Insignificant unit in the vortex of the money market of the world. There, un- der the guidance of his father's friend, he was instructed In the mysteries of 'bulling' and of bearing, in the strange usages ot 'Change in the intricacies of carrying nver and of transferring.' He learned to know where to place his clients', noney, which of the jobbers in the sheets of a two-to- n the bridge cf his sixteen Had he been untied the bow-eve- four-and-twen- ty -- - 'would make, a price In New Zealands,. and which vould touch nothing but i and which snunned. Allmight this, and much inore, he mastered, and to such purpose that he soon b$gan to prosper, to retain the clients who had been recommended to him, and to .tract fresh ones. But the work was never congenial. He had Inherited from his father his love of the ar of heaven, his aJSectibn for a manly and natural existence. T6 act as middleman between the pursuer of wealth and the wealth which I or to he pursued, stand as a human! barometer, registering the rise and fall of the great mammon pressure in the markets, was not ''mbs c-ir- i I - Ct n " -.- 1 ph"slcal work, with his , " Popular a hIs jm i Meanwhile he fellow brokers, by and beloved at clients h, f' ut hls BPrit was: restless within hiL aJ?, and hIs mind chafed unceasingly ainst his surrounding. rP? you know, Willy,"? said Mrs. Hay h(n7vr one evening as; she stood be- - husband's chair, with her hand . iC V I think sometimes snouiaer, at: Harold is not quite happy." tir,ae ,00ks ?aPPy- - the iyoung rascal," DST with his , ij n 'n uyT ms Tobacco-Weaken- Al-li- ed No-To-Ba- c vest-pock- No-To-B- i i Vice-Cons- ul i ! 1 1 . over-eatin- g. ?" hard-hearte- d . Vice-Cons- ul 17-2- Denver Directory. 3. 6-- 8. four-and-twen- ty, r 174-9-5- 1 . , I re-dact- sad-dlesan- ha-nes- s e. - ed A. 1 - T- A. i I p, 2 1413-141- ASSAY OFFICE m , first-clas- s. war-whoo- p. mroy& I- - I 1 1 j ; j 1415-1- j al ! few-year- s ; had those broad shoulders and strong upon his well knit frame. His open face, too, with his straight . . fjrerm ..."u& .wen Drown eyes, opened and round, black curled were all head, tCOSe L . 1 the work for which Providence . Ptaced v be trusted American rails, which , . O'S i . . j 1 !!iHi!j:S- Gabled Field and Ho Fence - d et |