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Show " ' : f ,, . u. "'.. - ' ', I - J CORNER OF ODDITIES. QUEER AND CURIOUS EVENTS OF RECENT OCCURRLNCE. has no plans park, and at present he' CORNER. Mr. Stuart said VETERANS' for its use elsewhere he was not aware of the depredations made on the relic, and that he renot OLD FOR TALES TOLD TWICE gretted the mutilations. He could an iron have would he whether SOLDIERS. say fence built around the cabin or not. He said that it would be a, good idea to 'The Little Hero'The Learned Sol- pUe a guard at the building and to the front door open, so that visdiers of Japan Sheridan Grew Tired of the of Hearing the Famous Song, "Sheri- itors could enjoy an inspection child by Its arms. Had the buffalo not been wounded he' might have cleared himself, even though the odds against him were three to one. The struggle, which owing to the cloud of dust was seen by glimpses, did not last many was killed by the minute. The buffalo Wtren he fell lions. the bullet, not by the Hons flood with their forefeet on Itn RIDING OVER AN EARTHQUAKE. litcyele Qin. She waa thrown on the. world. rr 'Merciful heaven!'.' she gasped. Novel .Train Experience Jf an American Considerable turf was knocked ' off t world where she struck it. Traveler. Before; anybody eould reach her she hs risen and was swiftly leading her bWf Riding on a train over ground novel ex- away. Town Topics. -- " j. shaken by earthquake is the perience of a Constantinople correspondent of the Cincinnati Trfbune. He tims describes it: ' "All at once the air grew still, an oppressive silence seemed to hang on vale and hill and all the "people stopped short. It seemed to me that we ran into a bad piece of track or that our train had suddenly- quickened its pace. I saw a Servian woman with 4 child in her arms stagger, stop, take the water Jug from her head, and hug her frightened baby! to her naked breast. Hundreds of yoke cattle were lowing, burros were braying and the whole flocks of sheep were crying on the distant downs. M Meantime the curves seemed to increase, and, although we were not making more than' forty miles an hour, we appeared Men stood still and to fairly fly. Tob icon Chewi ijf Dose. iSnpt. McAlvey has a little Engllah mast'T pup, eight months old and weighing v pounds, that bas developed an abnormal petite for tobacco. He acquired his us?" for it by watching Amos chew; no doubt and be Is never happier than when, he : given a "chaw." lie chews and spits likl any other man and has never yet been sick Hla tobacco habit is a very expensive cni ind he will be given a treatment of in, the hope of curing him. CrawfordsTiiu v. A Useful Pigeon The Corpse Heard the of Oath Dead Man Comes Back to Life the carcasf and roared their paeans for A Marvelous Mirage Seen In the victory. Their triumph was short, interior. dan's Ride." hunters white two the of bullets the Heavens. who had spen the fight killed two of Gen. Miles' Poker Story. them and wounded the third. "I don't play poker myself," said Mawere HE u- graves jor General Miles, "in fact I am glad ther n J Is a Hand. as Takes Woman New ge.y garden The to say that the game has rather gone c. r an' dai in herself asserted woman new out in the army; but I think I can claim plots, The off wher Duncan shook week. music .Glad : last to have been a witness of the biggest Argus News. ther bank is Redkey, Ind., minstrels were booked ever the was female air, as to Clark's stakes that game feteep, And in the breeze played." The Dnchnse d'Aosta'a Pearl. "Dashin an' splash-i- to appeal at the opera house, and upon dodgers the starry flag us about it, general," said CoL "Tell The er round fer the arrive of the troup small her h. pearls given to the' bride eva decidedly trothed are so magnificent that by thei futm Was some distributed were floating Ochiltree. good have promising "I pretty fun, Duchesse d'Aosta may hope in 'this resDeot Some time 2 stories in stock myself." erywhere. poker to rival the Queen of Italy, whose peaVi Out on ther sand sensa onal entertainment. had Wat-tersoa troupe to .s this variety been "And prevr the admiration, of exuerr! have long er run; sq have I," said Henry m to twenty-si- x And little Johnny, and others. The wedding present inclna Blackburn's Joe "For instance, Holdin' one 'nuther given a private performance an entire set of pearls and diamonda. all aglow, married men, In the back room of about the game played in the trenches by ther hand, the Flushed cheek exposed local The paper at the battle of Shiloh, with a table matched and a necklace consisting of pwJ. Current SO swift i saloon. and flashing eye, rows a number of family and emof . . of pearls clasped with a SDlendld made comrades of bodies of the the performance, yer kin hardly stand, rsew xots. World. m mamonas.. set eraia the Gaiety Said, "I will be a soldier, too, When result. were the rows the players." piar me try ter pull erway, And for my country die!" doors Saturday night the an opened W. Mohamtroupe said Mr. John A "Well," Mackay, heavens. stared at the Chum's Jest erbout sure ter say: female or Miles Ten Thousand twenty-fiv- e about indignant Thirty, to the for a enter claim "as stakes, I can "I'll bet yer dasen't come." medan slid down from a pack mule, It matters not which, may subject yon to church members surrounded the doors, "May God forbid!" the veteran cried; some yse of the the in good games played set his face sea sickness on the "briny deep." WhathJ. "You know not what you say; of all names out his rug, to the down prayer take rece spread old ready tree, had in Tip-to- p the talles' when days branch uv ther Nevada, boys you are a yachtsman, an ocean traveler onr Christians Mecca and Who attended. Nearly every married Far, from our dear land and you toward cert prayed. o vsu the Comstock mc to lode draw .jFi But, Leaves so thick yer kin hardly see, ixanin& upon. inu tourist in feeble suit Wltr uaj Be war's red awful day! as I to attend, or an often even as town in won man inland had and arranged health crossed themselves fast fer fear he'll drop, general, let us have your story." to be ar with you Hostetter'i provided ought the found found when I twe indignant but they "It" was in the spring of 1865 just stole a glance at the driver Hltchin' way up till he hez ter stop; Stomach Bitters, a valuable remedy for inall lost door the at of females ray flai had now I Till nausea, colic, biliousness, acidity of th Bendin' ther limb jest like er bow, "But yet be brave! to dare the wrong, thirty years ago this week, when I him looking at. me. down in terest the and, ors sitting show, nervousness stomach, rheumatism, malaria, come me Lee to think of it when Davis, berlow, his hat at And to defend the right attributed the action of these wild peo- and sick headache. Lay in an adequate bud outside, awaited developments. About And can Col. and IShakin' ther tree to scare me out the of rest you confederates, fear not, little Valiant Heart, to childish wonder at seeing the ply. ple una fifty men, however, ran the gantlet and from were Chum's jest erbout sure to shout: full Watterson, in retreat, You'll have enough to tight!" at looked From present indications the summer girl I 500 people when but while train in took sweep the by, inte fully show, Richmond toward Danville, and we "I'll bet yer dasen't come." will look much like a slice out of a rainbow. of the owr were on the outside, expecting some ex face almost the pale were pressing you night and day, hardCode. Political 11 o'clock the performance M Napoleon's The At citement. bewildered. was I high, driver Ripe yeller apples On the eve to or eat ly stopping sleep. AS as when closed without any disturbance, BIOS early Sept. 19, 1797, Bonaparte of the battle of Sailors' Creek" Can't help but see 'em walkin' by, things I beheld were all so unnatural an' pes' the manager announced that they wrote Talleyrand a letter containing "Wonder why 'tis 'at ther Glanc"I was there," said Col. Ochiltree. "It that I felt my head swimming. think what he called his complete code of was Don't seem ter grow ez low ez ther res'; would give an demeanor and ed." in that battle that I was wound- ing ahead I saw the straight track Orchard lot up behin' ther hill, lng the women outside would think the politics. His sphinx-lik- e take on curves and shake them out show was over and go home. But they the mysterious allusions already quotBoth better keep putry mum an' still; "That Gen. Miles, continued day," ed from the festival speech, taken in "we were not to be deceived, and the an' runnin' our way, Dog again, resembling a running snake. If not, it is important that you make it confeda overhauled and captured who to connection was given those with that outline, confirm erate Chum's jest erbout sure ter say: The valley had become a narrow pure at once with the great blood purifier, and train wagon found, greatly womthe notion to saw of the fit arose brave the wrath that Talleyrand, Barras, and to the "I'll bet yer dasen't come." dejight of the boys, that several gulch, and from the nearashills en. The show was of the variety kind, Sieyes were preparing for a new constifrom a the wagons were loaded with confed- great clouds of smoke, and no worse than many others. At tution, which should be ready for use of Swallow Strang Things. The off. erate bonds confederate money in quarry when the shots go midnight the show closed and the "new when the spring elections should in- transit from and the at The doctors of the London hospitals woman" the confederate treasury fireman, who had been busy crease the number of royalist delegates, went home. in to have an incredible number of patients Richmond whenrer furnace door, stood up now and gazed department and eventually bring the clash between the who have swallowed strange things. Of on now wheels, government, the executive and the legislature. He make its last stand. The soldiersmight at the driver, who pressed his left Because with Impure blood you are ia The Corpse Heard the Oath. course, children are the most frequent sim to Talleyrand in that letter ply helped themselves to the bonds and hand over his eyes, then took it off and constant danger of serious illness. News comes from Union county, Ga., expresses sufferers. The commonest objects that same the contempt for all antecedent the money, and the officers did not care tried to see, but made no attempt to they swallow are small metal whistles of a sensational whltecapping which oc- French political ur speculation felt by to deprive them of the spoils to which check the speed of the flying train. As and tin "squeakers." The most danger- curred there Saturday night, and the in Sieyes. Even arnot had Montesquieu ous of toys for very young children are vestigation which the federal author were rightly entitled. At night, a drunken cowboy dashing down a analyzed the results of his they, we the India rubber air balloons which can ities are making has revealed the exis- ranged and when off work for supper straight street sways in his saddle AWARD travels; though doubtless and a fewknocked be inflated by means of a small mouthtence of an oathbound organization reading and I of hours rest and the sleep, as reels a bird wounded he through had done nothing really had occasion to ride WORLD'S FAIR. capable, piece. These can most readily be drawn among the illicit distillers. James Philthe line, and air did this mad monster of a locoalong constructive. was near who lives in by the breath, then each succeeding lips, tak Blairsville, The English had confused the respec- found, greatly to my amusement, a motive swing and swim over the respiration inflates the India rubber en from his home Saturday night by a tive functions going on around almost of the various in poker game fire. to watch one writhing rail. Suddenly a great curve every camp bag. These have caused scores of deaths dozen men, and while half of them government. In view of theirpowers Stopping history, This time and so have thimbles. A child sees turned their Winchesters on him the it was easy to see of the games, this is what I heard: appeared in front of us. the power why taxing " 'How much is the ante?' its mother's bright thimble, and there others took turn beating him with was in the house of commons. But the stoker, who had left off firing, saw " 'A thousand dollars.' clubs. He lay apparently dead at their should it also declare war or why is no worse article to swallow. made the sign of the cross. make " 'And how much to All? Five thou- It, and the Among grown-u- p people young wom- feet. Over his body they swore secrecy peace: Great Britain, driver hid his eyes, and being a state sand. Well, here goes. I raise it ten Again en of the domestic and working class and bound themselves to stick to each whose constitution was' compounded of thousand.' IS again I felt my brain growing dizzy are the most frequent patients, this other, and they left Phillips on the road. black could a hear We to (a Ci: with privileges understand. ceiling gilt " 'Good; I see you and go you ten trying being because they habitually carry Passers-b- y found him soon after, and he edge), was quite different from fall and si France, wheels rise feel and the engine small articles in their mouths, and are recovered enough to give names. Two where these had been thousand better. Twenty-fiv- e thousand all and ha abolished, a on with of the twisting rail often prone to what is called "larking." deafening the whltecaps, James Cavender and power to draw cards.' in directly from the sovand down settled she sound. At Only a week or two ago a cook in a Sam Taylor, have been caught. War ereign proceeded last "Then were cards arid presdrawn, C! people. Why, then, as to the west end mansion swallowed a small rants are out for the others. a a was bet boat glides made of fifty thousand. began to glide away as ently of constitution that should the Si time, The latest report Is that Phillips is French one went a hundred thousand dol- flown a running stream. glass vial containing flavoring essence. SOLD EVERYWHERE. 'What is it?' c legislative alone have rights Some One of the strangest cases of this kind dead. JOHN CARLE & SONS, New York. which belonged to government in its lars better, but he was ruled down. of the French fireman. 'Trem-blemeasked on record was that of a gentleman who Fifty thousand was the limit. Howhe said, shaking totality? This sovereign power, he con- ever, 'about two years ago was treated at one there was $500,000 in the pot when himself de terre,'and How She Might Know Him. magis-racie- s I two into tinued, "falls, think, fainting to the violently of the London hospitals, he having it was hauled down by the winner, who s one an Some amorous time super-isethat distinct; ago quite young swallowed a tiny live tortoise. He had had three trays and a pair of jacks. I floor, and then I understood that we not but does to a to an a sent which German letter act, what and lady, bought several of these creatures and this now call the executive power should expressed my surprise at the size of the had been riding over an earthquake, postcript was added: ."That my we lrh-lEwas amusing his children by pretendin I ondaryorTer-r"SI be compelled to submit important game, and told the boys that they had rhe driver was either too proud and no mistake, remem POISON BLOOD permanently jtiary to eat them alive and so on, darling may make or slow better would their funds be to I too to or go I 15 brave d I 35 cur ed in to measures the legislation of execution, stop, ays. You can be treate d at. frightened same I same when he actually swallowed one. ber that I awill wear a light pair of trou guaran-Jtyout. home for L price under off sterrj; I don't know dark cutaway coat. In my bo to speak. This great magistracy run If you prefer to come here we will con. " 'Never fear, general replied one of able to shut It was several days before the creature sers and rim tract to pay railroad f areand hotel bills.and the chief council of the which." was even killed. Scores of these cases rightInhand I will carry a small cane would beit truly will 'We no our them. if we fail to cure. If you have taken merwithin keep charge, would have all that part of my left a cigar. Yours ever, nation; and still have aches and come from public bars, where people and iodide cury, You to means. potash, have been here ought or of execution which is In mouth. Sore Throat, Mucous ratches pains. seem fond of attempting silly tricks Adolphe." The father replied courteous administration CARGO. AS METAL we had a jackpot of MOLTEN now. Colored Why, just our Spots, Ulcers en Copper constitution to Pimples, by entrusted tha his ly, stating that daughter had given the with coins, pencil cases, etc. of body, Hair or Eyebrows falling: any part $1,200,000. i BLOOD POISON him authority to represent her at the legislative." This body should be nuIt is this Secondary out; Furnace from Carried Iron rhe will "I with Liquid think obstimoBt cure. you solicit We to agree the me," we merous and composed only of men who guarantee appointed place at the time agreed on. cases and the world for a Gen. Miles, "that no bigger nate to Mill By Train. r A Useful Pigeon. cure. This disease has always His postcript was as follows: "Dot had already held positions of public continued we cannot challenge case ever was and for s game most plave eminent poker of kill the physit baffled trust. the Great pots of molten metal go daily cians. 8500,000 capital behind our uncondAn incident occurred recently in San mine son mav make no mishdakes, I vill am sure I "'derate tha my part This should on make and in mi right hand a glub; in mine legislative railroad from itional iruaranty. Absolute proofs sent sealed Francesco, in the family of a dealer in vear never served a purpose skimming along the Erie moey Address COOK REMEDY CO., c the I 411 vear a not two but in application. change left laws, hand You organic Mills a the Cleveland of curiosities and member Company's to amuse those un. . Rolling Japanwk. Hers in than 307 Masonic Temple, CHICAGO, IX L. or as three at for vill me after days, present; de I vay bats you by the Pacific Coast Pigeon society, which on derecognizea Cut out and send this advert! semen t. resting hour In that lftost wearing central blast furnace to the Newburg head goople times twice mid de an organic law has once been made that were as New as traffic if of York Mail. proved to him in a most impressive mills this brief campaigns." sedately it should not be changed THE COMPANY PAYS THE FREICHT manner the valuable services which glub. Vait for me at de corner, as I operative, Df long standing. The plan, put into On their common-sens- e new steel horse whim. Will or without four five months discusof to have Inform somedlrtgs important 25 tons of rock 300 feet each Bhift. Is just as safe may sometimes be rendered by the car hoist a is last sion. "This perfect Monday, aperation 'Sheridan's Ride." and reliable as an engine It can be packed anywher i rier pigeon, and probably explains some you mit. Your frent, Helnrich Muller." rank in the legislative power, without f Tt. Dio can a jack go. cog wheels of SllPOOO!! CQVO 1Q PloiTOl 3T1 d T.PftdfVr. republic, impassive, without ia 90 cent Dreak. of his enthusiasm in that direction. His clutches to per how of of sick and weary Speaking t eyes or earsfor what Is about it, would "Ben wrought iron and steel and850will bend little baby boy was taken suddenly sick s Dunn takes Just fifteen minuteS f0F thenmetal-English- , Peculiar Sect Will Meet. its author, Tin us before breaking. Over Bolt," no have and inunwould not ambition, ona ladle is ter 6 cars, some running - ause of with most alarming symptoms of diph lt Poured into the big years without had lately becoi.. The district conference of the Reor date us with more than a thousand dollar's expanse. We make horse w- to reach the mixer in the mills, some theria. The mother, watching by the a d: craze, at 'It the aoists "Trilby" B 6 prices, $zd, ou, ia jw Church of Latter Day Saints of specific statutes which, by their ab- Gen. Sheridan were ah bedside of the little one, dispatched a ganized are Bve made miles away. trips Eight English Jesus Christ is to be held at Galier, surdity destroy their own validity, and message tied on a carrier pigeon to her Mich., and a would be sure of the gv jl's sym- a day, as follows: At 6:20, 8:20, and special from that place make us, with three hundred tomes of husband at his store. In the message for if ever a mw got tired of 11:20 o'clock in the morning, at 2 :10 and i delegates are already arriv- laws, a nation without law." Is this ef- pathy, she wrote the nature of the child's says that was 'Phil' of Sheridan a the it poem, com4:10 a and to The recurrence three o'clock in the afternoon, Latter Day Saints are fusion youthful crud- 'Sheridan's Ride,' " Mrs. Sheridan was alarming illness, and made an urgent ing. r or called ities of ideal claim does are but made Mormons, at it hint monly These at trains politics, they night. trips rdicine to save its life. The to have no connection to tell the story of the appeal fo asked and on up. Bend for an illustrated circular to T H recently exercise the whatever with that upper magistracy by at a time when the tracks are practicalWHIM CO.. 1222 Curtis St.. Denver. Colo. bird was stavted from the home of the the Salt do not be of its unchecked powers through some famous ride as the general himself used Lake .and church, !: are Thus cleared. five miles avoided, from the store, The delays family, in the practice of polygamy. They single executive agent like himself? to tell it. Mrs. Sheridan answered: "He ly if bird flew swiftly to the store, where the lieve for be would long expensive, are very zealous in the work of their Certain it is that this very concept, wasn't in the habit of telling it. It which f father received Jt. He read the mes society, to cool DR. the and would him GUNN'S Whermetal told was ofen continued the enough. immersion and a and had direct regard sensibly lay though changed, sage, called a doctor, explained the recited that purpose of the special delivery thus be hands as necessary to soul influence on the institutions of the em- ever he went somibody IMPROVED child's symptoms as his wife had de ing on ofThe was he to en- defeated. At the rolling mills the car Whenever invited poem. are M. on services in carried of Prof. William Life Sloan's pire. saving. in tailed them her message, and re tertainments or suppers or dinners, is raised on a hoist to the mixer, the same manner as other churches. As Napoleon in the Century. LIVER PLLS i ceived the proper medicine; Then, tying the some girl or boy told him how he rode. ladle is to compensation of the ministers, so and the tipped by machinery, the little vial containing the medicine, much is allowed for each member of It went on for years, and the genera A MILD PHYSIC. i Gen. Grant's Cabin. metal Log s ' to of tail the the poured into the mixer. liquid he so let it go. the family, and at the end of the pigeon, y h that would come home disgusted one Grant's log cabin, of the sacred often declared he never would accept Relieved of their load, the cars amble The pigeon sped away through the air, month a check Is received from the gen A movement of the bowels each day is necessary tot mementos of the lamented general and another Invitation for reunions or cele- back to the furnace at their leisure, health. These pills supply what the system lacks to straight for the cliff. It'made the dis eral treasury of the church. make it regular. They a valuable relic of the war, which has brations unless promised that he In time for the next cure Headache, brighten th tance, five miles, in ten minutes a distrip. Eyes, and clear the Complexion better than cosmetics. no had was since which would haye required the tance it special protection neither nor sicken. To convince you. we shouldn't be recited at and told how About 500 tons cf hot metal is thus They Murdered Man Turns Up Alive will mail sample free, or a full box for 26c. Sold everyin Fairmount park, "will be car- he rode. The only time I know of when carried Of an hour to doctor ' placed . where. BOSANKO over Pa MED. CO.. this long railevery day One. of the strangest cases of crime in ried away piecemeal by relic hunters cover. In twenty- - minutes from the in himself told the Sheridan Gen. story i.V t Rolling me raumers message was re- Alabama has developed at Mobile. At unless some guard is detailed to shield public was one night at a dinner at road route. The Cleveland lime SEE! SEE! $1.50. to a Mills has a pay Company pretty figyear ago Hinton it from vandalism. It is now in a muti Mrs. Hale's house. Everybody saves ceived, ' the baby was taking the medi Livingston, Ala., ' Boot, Solid Button Rice was charged with drowning Wil- lated and dilapidated condition and the best for the wife of the senatoi ure for the freightage, it is said, but cine. Till ladies' celebrated from the in the in liam Burrell. He was tried, convicted needs immediate protection says Phila from tent is the Vic! there economy anywiere operation. Maine, and one night I was surU. S. I.ld, on receipt ofrepid Cannot b K1.50. to and sentenced in the The rear twenty years front and delphia Inquirer. bought at retail store less than (2.50. weIf to hear the general finishing the Marvelous Mirage at Mt. Hope,. not satisfied return and will reiund A brother of the prisoner doors remind one of a country school prised penitentiary. Very Particular. ride. But it was told of account that money or send another pair. rs early-riseof Mount Hope. N. testified that, he was an The to house in New England, where the boys so Tit-Bit-s: can lit you. Upera, bquare ui the Have about that Shopper only group you any quietly Common Sense toe, with or witnoui TT., were treated to a remarkable man the to 'The are to carve or have allowed names their tragedy. supposed was on. mirage He a child can play with on Sun-iay- ? him knew what patent leather tip widtns c u. going on Decoration .Day, which showed tun, and Halt sizei. catalogue in been murdered was located at Mobile initials with unrestrained freedom, for heard it too often ever to want to tell toys tree. niRViBTi snoE CO the clouds, even to the most minute de- - several weeks ago, but eluded the ofH both are literally covered with various it himself." 93 Bedford 8U a solhere's Salesman box of Yes; tans, a strip oi the, .New York bank of cers untuSaturday, when he- was ar letters of the alphabet and designs. Boston, Massdiers. the Hudson river nearly twenty miles rested. rWhen asked Why he. did not When the cabin was put up a printed i Japan's Learned Soldiers. he. . said. h did known i Shopper Play with soldiers on the long. TJae city or Yonkers was: so plain make himself . . not copy of the late Adam Badeau's com t PARKER'S even the largest and warn people. 10 Knowms wnereapouts, munication vouching for the genuineLondon Daily News: It appears that Sabbath! ly depicted that HAIR BALSAM and expressed no regret that his sup- ness of the cabin as the one used4 by note books are quite common In the Cleanses and beautifies the naif. Salesman But these belong to the " Promotes a luxuriant growth. ATugs and ferryboats were plying on the posed, slayer was serving a term of im- - General Grant while giving orders to Japanese army among both soldiers and Salvation Army. Never Fails to Bestore Gray ' Rice be will ,itis diaries Sherman and iiuason rjyer ananig chimneys were prisonment. Hair to its Youthful Color. released. and other officers coolies. They keep regular Sheridan, Cures scalp diseases & hair falling. -was to notes smoke, of door. each nailed one located The pouringytmt that take copious apparently everything they JWyf )j gQc,and1.00at Druggists CURRENT NOTES. the earth. It seemed at times was in the rear is gone. Whether it see. "It Is surprising," writes a wai tar above toot "Fatal Explosioi6f Powder.' of the tub whistles could as If the down by .fitorms correspondent to the Chinese Mail, Cohn Einstein is VANTED-LA- DY and Louis Beran, both was stolen or beaten AGENTS ' failing rapidly. be: heard. The most wonderful pare of ofPhilip Phillipewere is Relic known. a about know the nor, lot have "what they great gatherers town to our sell Alma, Wis., used erery from a Solomon badly Vat Medicine; death!" injured Safety Life. glorious 'the; spectacle wis the arrival of jr New a powder explosion Saturday. The men not only hacked out big pieces, but west. Several of them talk intelligentyean in physicians' private practice. Address n can who man The drktdenirU train at Ybhkers.! 'This were judge lug experience, Box 134, A. tPkNJDJKl. a. Persians, Napoleon himself is fit to governimpartially rock from the Missis- - have carried away some 6f the upright ly of- Spartans and the quarrying kk abfeVtoed' train Wrek to Topeka. Kansas. even rr-- r, the and ' the march roof and rMoscow, z i t and his miu sinm uika wnrics a hnvp fimftnn anA c t logs that support :. Journal. thei.south, plow its way n.hnlltlrm in of tbf re feudalism of structure. onrnTmro side L southern the The ths mlragei from, Q t, tmr Grain Backs, all sizes. Potato Jbnes Come, go fishing with me, old uh-- l moval of these timbers inust have re- -' England-anmtp I through, 'as If running on a Centals. We are They fully Japan. ' chap. Brown Can't do it; just signed considerable time and effort, for derstand alL that Is Implied In the con- the foundation, and then complete disap- Write for prices. headquarters. "X quiredwere XT a ttttxto pledge. Judge. THTf. T. a rci? d "securely fastened at each test between trallon keg eroded In their hands. Phil- - they ? fellow Maud That to stupid 15th COMPANY, proposed and Wazee Denver. oldfa?htoned simi Sts., mirage lasted about lipe has a wife and family living in end by long, warfare and modern long rangq panorama. spikes, last night. He ought to have known was seen by a great Wisconsin.' Beran was foreman nf th.- lar to those used to hold rails' ti sleep maneuvers; and they speak scornfully me thirty minutesonand ATtT the streets. in beforehand that I would refuse him. ers on railroads. of the Chinese tactics at Ping-Yanmany people Geo.J reet:ataiogue. quarries and Is not married did. he Marie Life. Perhaps Box 2146, Rochester Brooklyn One log is half way dislodged, as trying cavalry charges against massed, " Jasper Caesar and his wife are conthough the person who was attempting bodies- of riflemen without first using stantly Buffalo and Lions. On a Tombstone. JOHN w.irioiini. C. quarreling. Jumpuppe Yes, to steal it was frightened away before their- machine guns, as the French at Waililnrrtnn. as to different theories have what J5l they visited week I while Last W sni 2. ,11. African his sportsman, vandalism. the he IPfaecfi could The An Waterloo did their field pieces, to throw each should do to make the other hunting E.. cemetery at complete U.S. Pension Bureau. hap- ll JnclpeliJilminer in the bush, saw a wonderful struggle Plattsburg, New York, where l, found a other timbers supporting the building the ranks In disorder. AH this from the py. BOston Post. ' last war, 15 adjudieatins Jyrsln claims, atty since. to the memory of Cathar are apparently sound. The doors of Japanese must be surprising to Euof brute forces between a wounded buf tomb erected "Fame," said Uncle Eben, "am er falo and three Hons. The lions had me sstraigni, agea 3 months and 8 the cabin are kept locked and as yet ropeans, because we do not know them. good deal lalk any udder kin ob adverand Charles were i Straightj aged 4 the vandals have .. refrained from Their progress is greater and more real overtaken the buffalo and tearing days, ' Tain' no use ter a man onless 4 tising' and months no : and teeth.entrance. The There is days, galthan foreigners Imagine." bearing. the forcing an'i him with claws and Best Congh Syrup. Tastes Good. he de right kin ob goods to back had or bit poetry: guard 'around the. cabin and never has m hiiib. goiq py orugrgisia. lant old bull tried to hold his own following It wid." Stfi?.; up of life's bitter cup. been one. .The cabin belongs to the "Washington In vain did "They tasted Swindled. Willie Was against his assailants. butThe d Child Who is that man. .TkJ estate of the late George H. Stuart, cunning Refused to drink the potion up. he attempt to gore them. a le's mother? Mother to poor was who pensiondo little heads say ' lions escaped the thrusts by hugging his They turned their "Why, Willie, asidef youmeari presented with the relic by Grant. George II. Stuart, Jr.. you paid 25 cents apiece for these hah er, my child. Child And who Is that Vox. XI L. .No. 01 sides and thus keeping their bodies par- Disgusted witht the taste, they died." General once man. a trie is jsrxoiner cot of VVben moiner: on but cabin thought juuy to adrertisers, please &a' They're nothing placing the writing allel with his. One lion, while gnawing saw child. rich that New ton:" no mamma my you Missis agent, a but east in pension he the the in this pape has caused "O, the adrertisement war, abandoned private grounds, The comThey're a.1 the buffalo's neck, was swungYork tdea and to decided silk. let so." Weekly. said of in The auctioneer the remain it in the rise sippi a camphor. price a off great. his legs as man swings pletely kj . ! - . A-d- iv n' n. a-ta- A-see- in' No-to-b- 1 1 1 T WW " t - . rin' A-wav- in' sun-brown- ed Is Your lood er-hang- in' big-ge- s , after-performanc- e, after-performan- ce er-bark- in' Hood's SarsapanMa Hood's Pills HIGHEST best PREPARED it The nt m 1 5l v; j . 1 t ' I six-shoot- er. i ', t 1 s - i i ! I f Y ' i G .i S - 1 1 - sp-i- three-quarte- rs Philsdr-'nhia- A. - 1 1 ' eye-witne- ss - - -- i. y - j! VZKt if- , -- n . I ;w ; " " r world.-KMll-wauk- re'i . Si"n?,.la3l?el ee BAGS J old-fashion- hand-to-han- ed IPIC I - g; '.. I j - : ) s f! : j sad-eye- 9 . |